
pú wěi
  • pampasgrass;cattail and reed
蒲苇 [pú wěi]
  • (1) [cattail and reed] 香蒲和芦苇

  • 蒲苇纫如丝。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) 又

  • 妾当作蒲苇。

蒲苇[pú wěi]
  1. 观赏植物包括粗草、蒲苇、牛毛草等。

    Ornamental grass such as mondo grass , pampas grass , blue fescue , etc.

  2. 南美多年生蒲苇草,有银色的羽状花序,丛生且稠密。

    Tall perennial grass of pampas of South America having silvery plumes and growing in large dense clumps .

  3. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加观赏草类,如粗草、蒲苇或牛毛草。

    Drag onto the page to add an ornamental grass , such as mondo grass , pampas grass , or blue fescue .

  4. 为庆祝元宵节(该节日是庆祝农历新年后的第一个满月),官方故意放火烧山中的蒲苇草。

    For the Jeongwol Daeboreum festival , which celebrates the first full moon of the Lunar New Year , officials deliberately set fire to dried pampas grass on a mountainside .

  5. 湖中盛产藕、莲、蒲、苇、鹅、鸭、鱼、虾、蟹以及其他野生动物资源,野生鸟类也有七十余种,水生植物三十余种。

    The lake is abundant with lotus root , lotus , reed , goose , duck , fish , shrimp , crab and other wildlife resources , 70-plus wild birds and30-plus aquatic plants .