
  • 网络Mu-Ming Poo;Mu ming Poo;Muming Poo;Mu-ming Pooh
  1. 中国的经济正在振兴而科学产出却不足,蒲慕明解释原因。

    China 's economy is booming and yet its scientific output isn ' t.Mu-ming Poo explains why .

  2. 蒲慕明透露,中国“脑计划”已经酝酿了三年,目前已被列入“十三五”规划重大科技项目。

    The China Brain Project has been in planning for three years and is now included as a key science and technology project of the 13th Five Year Plan , Poo revealed .

  3. 中国科学院神经科学研究所所长蒲慕明近日表示,中国计划在今年年底之前推出自己的“脑计划”,即“通过推动创新性神经技术进行脑研究”的计划。

    China plans to launch its own version of BRAIN , or Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies , by the end of this year , said Muming Poo , director of the Institute of Neuroscience at the Chinese Academy of Sciences .