
sān lián yì miáo
  • triple vaccine
  1. 狐貉犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑(肝)炎三联疫苗研制

    Studies on fox & raccoon dog distemper , parvovirus enteritis and encephalitis ( hepatitis ) triple vaccine

  2. 结论:百白破三联疫苗用于白喉预防接种有很高的成功率。

    Conclusion : Pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus triple vaccine is used to diphtheria vaccination will bring more higher success rate .

  3. 将该三联疫苗按每只1ml的剂量免疫家兔,21d后效力试验结果表明,对兔病毒性出血症的保护率为100%;

    Each rabbit was immunized with 1 ml tri combined vaccine .

  4. 阳离子脂质体包裹CpG对猪瘟猪肺疫猪丹毒三联疫苗免疫效应的影响

    Immune effect analysis of the mice mediated by cationic liposome entrapped CpG motif and the tri-vaccine of swine fever , lung pestilence and porcine erysipelas

  5. 用猪瘟、猪肺疫、猪丹毒三联疫苗和猪丹毒1a、2型氢氧化铝吸附甲醛灭活疫苗分别免疫断奶仔猪,采用DotPPAELISA监测免疫猪血清抗体变化。

    Levels of antibodies in sera of weanling pigs immunized with triple vaccine against classical swine fever , pasteurellosis of swine and swine erysipelas and bacterins against swine erysipelas serotype 1a or 2 were detected by Dot-PPA-ELISA from first to sixth week after being immunized .

  6. 水貂犬瘟热、病毒性肠炎和肉毒梭菌中毒三联疫苗的研究

    Studies on mink distemper , virus enteritis and botulism combination vaccine

  7. 无证据表明麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联疫苗与步态不稳相关

    No evidence of an association between MMR vaccine and gait disturbance

  8. 从单价风疹疫苗到改用流行性腮腺炎、麻疹和风疹三联疫苗

    Switch from rubella vaccine to mumps , measles and rubella vaccine

  9. 猪病毒性腹泻三联疫苗的免疫研究

    Study on Immunity of Triplet vaccine of Porcine Virus Diarrhea

  10. 深圳市儿童麻腮风三联疫苗免疫的成本-效益分析

    Cost-benefit Analysis of Measles-mumps-rubella Vaccine Immunity Among Children in Shenzhen

  11. 三联疫苗对大黄鱼常见细菌性疾病免疫保护的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Immune Protection of Trivalent Vaccine to Common Bacterial Diseases of Pseudosciaena crocea

  12. 研究者宣称:“结果显示连续六次接种破伤风、白喉和非细胞性百日咳三联疫苗是安全可耐受的。”

    " These results ," say the investigators ," suggest that Tdap is well tolerated as a sixth consecutive dose of acellular pertussis-containing vaccine . "

  13. 有一个臭名远扬的例子:去年《柳叶刀》撤销了一篇论文,该论文声称自闭症与麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联疫苗有内在关联。

    In a notorious case , the Lancet last year retracted a study claiming a link between autism and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine & 12 years after it was published .

  14. 第3组按0、1、6月龄接种乙肝疫苗,3、4、5月龄接种三联疫苗,118人。

    However , the 118 newborns in group 3 were inoculated with HB vaccine at ages of 0,1 and 6 months and DTP vaccine at 3,4 and 5 months .

  15. 新城疫传染性支气管炎传染性法氏囊病三联弱毒疫苗的研制中雏和大雏感染传染性法氏囊病后对新城疫疫苗免疫效应的影响

    The influence of young chickens after infecting with infectious bursal disease on immune effect of Newcastle disease vaccine

  16. 兔病毒性出血症、多杀性巴氏杆菌病、产气荚膜梭菌病(A)型三联灭活疫苗的研制

    Research on the Tri-Combined Inactived Vaccine Against Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease , Multocida Pasteurellosis and Clostridium Perfringens Type A Infection

  17. 儿童三联灭活流感疫苗的安全性:一项基于人群的研究

    Safety of the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine among children : A population - based study