
  • 网络Triangle inequality;Trigonometric inequality
  1. 例如,R2的平方、二维向量的长度、三角不等式等都存在勾股定理。

    For instance , it 's also the square of the Euclidean norm on R2 , the length of a two-dimensional vector , a part of the triangle inequality , and quite a bit more .

  2. 利用范数相容性原理和三角不等式,将最小化跳变向量Frobenius范数和二次型成本函数上界问题转化为一个具有线性矩阵不等式约束的凸优化问题。

    By norm consistency principle and triangle inequality , the problems of minimizing the Frobenius norm of jump vector and the upper bound of quadratic cost function are turned into a convex optimization problem containing linear matrix inequalities constraints .

  3. 关于空间n边形的一个三角不等式

    Some Triangle Inequalities for n-line in Space

  4. 提出了改进的基于投影和三角不等式的k近邻搜索法以及改进的基于向量投影的边界向量预选取方法。

    An improved k-nearest-neighbor search method based on projection and triangular inequality is presented , some inequalities are used to delete impossible data points and reduce distance computations . An improved method based on vector projection is proposed to address the problem of pre-extracting boundary vectors .

  5. 本文通过对一道IMO竞赛题的探索和研究,发现了此竞赛题可转化为三角形三边长的三角不等式,从而提出了一些新颖的不等式。

    A careful study of an IMO contest problem reveals that the problem can be transformed into a trigonometrical inequality which consists of the sides of a triangle and therefrom a few new inequalities are suggested .

  6. 子空间非相似性度量(WWF-SSD)的三角不等式

    On the Triangle Inequality of WWF-SSD

  7. 关于单形的一类三角不等式及应用

    A Class of Triangle Inequalities for an n-Simplex and Their Applications

  8. 一个三角不等式的指数推广

    A spread of the exponent of a triangle inequality

  9. 保护私有信息的三角不等式判定协议及其应用

    A Privacy-Preserving Triangle Inequality Determination Protocol and Its Applications

  10. 一类三角不等式的控制证明

    Majorized Proof of a Kind of Triangle Inequality

  11. 在〔2〕中尹景尧得出关于单纯形的一类三角不等式。

    In [ 2 ] , YIN Jing-rao gets the triangle inequality about simplex .

  12. 最近点问题的三角不等式算法

    An algorithm for the closest - point problem

  13. 研究了安全多方计算中的几何计算问题,总结了其发展和研究成果;提出了一个解决安全多方判断三角不等式地协议,并将该协议应用于安全多方几何计算方面。

    Research the problem of secure multi-party computational geometry and Summary the development and results .

  14. E~n中的一个三角不等式

    A triangle inequality in e  ̄ n

  15. 三角不等式的自动证明

    Automated Proving of Triangular Inequality

  16. 给出两个新的三角不等式,并将其应用于讨论角成等比的三角形形状。

    In this paper , two new trigonometrical inequalities are given , and applied to discuss triangle shapes .

  17. 为有效保证所生成的四边形网格的质量,在三角不等式的基础上,推导出一种新的网格质量评价因子。

    Base on the triangle inequality , a new judgment parameter for mesh quality has been advanced to guarantee the mesh quality .

  18. 新的度量解决了传统信息距离在解决实际问题时遇到的部分匹配问题,三角不等式问题和密度问题。

    This new measure solves several problems that traditional information distance metric encounters in application , including partial matching problem , triangle inequality problem and density problem .

  19. 将这两个圆心以及子集中特征累加值最大和最小的样本作为定位点,应用于基于三角不等式的搜索算法的样本排除规则,大大减少了搜索的计算量。

    Using the two centers and the samples with maximum or minimum feature accumulating values as the anchor points , the efficiency of the triangle-inequality elimination greatly increases .

  20. 在平面几何中,我们都知道,一个三角形的任意两边之和必大于第三边,这就是三角不等式。

    In plane Geometry , as we know , the sum of two sides is greater than third side in a triangle . That is called triangle inequality lities .

  21. 区间中的每一对点之间的距离都有一个非负实数与之对应且满足三角不等式。

    A set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality .

  22. 在这一章中同样把以前文献[3][57,58]中常用的关于切换费用和跳变费用的三角不等式的假设条件都予去除。

    Similar to Chapter 3 , the commonly used hypotheses in [ 3 ] [ 57 , 58 ] about a switching cost function and a jumping cost function are removed .

  23. 值得注意的是,本章的证明中去除了以往文献[57,58]中关于切换费用通常所做的三角不等式的假设,而只保留了严格大于零的假设条件。

    It is also worth noting that the commonly used hypothesis in [ 57 , 58 ] about a switching cost function is removed . And only the hypothesis , that switching cost is more than zero , is preserved .

  24. 查询时,利用三角不等式原理对候选桶向量进行剪枝过滤,减少距离计算次数,提高查询速度。第二,提出了一种基于非随机的局部敏感哈希算法。

    In the query , the triangle inequality principle is used to prune vectors in the candidate buckets , so it reduces the times of distance calculations and improves query speed . Second , a new non-random locality sensitive hashing algorithm is presented .

  25. 三角等式、不等式的几何背景

    The Geometry Background nf Triangle Equality and Triangle Inequality

  26. 应用作者建立的三正弦不等式的一个推论,得到了三角中的Kooi不等式的等价形式的推广,提出并应用计算机验证了三个尚待解决的猜想。

    Applying a corollary of the three sina inequality set up by the author , the extension of the equivalent formation of the Kooi inequality in a triangle is obtained . Three conjectures are put forward , tested and verified by the computer .

  27. 本文探讨了复数与三角、几何、不等式和二项式的关系以及它在相关问题中的应用。

    This article has dealt vrith the relationships between complex number and triangle , geometry , inequality and binomial and their applications in related exercises .