
  1. 三洋电机(SanyoElectric)也表示正考虑提价。

    Sanyo Electric also said it was considering price rises .

  2. 收购三洋也将有助于提高松下在更为稳定的B2B产品领域所占的份额。

    The purchase of Sanyo will also help the share of Panasonic 's business from more stable business-to-business products to grow .

  3. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)已向大型私人股本集团和半导体企业发函,邀请它们竞购三洋的半导体业务。预计这项业务的售价将高达数十亿美元。

    Goldman Sachs has sent letters to large private equity groups and semiconductor companies , inviting them to bid for Sanyo 's business , which could fetch billion dollars .

  4. 日本电子集团三洋电机(sanyoelectric)昨日取消了出售境况不佳的芯片业务的计划,并将交易的失败归咎于全球信贷紧缩。

    Sanyo Electric , the Japanese electronics group , yesterday scrapped plans to sell its struggling chip business , blaming the collapse of the deal on the global credit squeeze .

  5. 在培训中,公司高管给员工做励志演讲,“提醒他们最好的时光还在将来,”三洋的人力资源负责人JunNakamura说。

    At the retreats , executives give pep talks'to remind them their best years are still ahead , 'says Jun Nakamura , Sanyo 's head of human resources .

  6. 三洋公司发布了两款支持iFrame的视频格式的数字摄像机VPC-HD2000A和VPC-FH1A。

    Sanyo has released the first pair of its Dual digital camcorders that support the iFrame video format with the VPC-HD2000A and VPC-FH1A .

  7. 三洋(Sanyo)已启动出售其半导体业务的程序,预计在本月底日本黄金周假期开始之前,竞购者将提交收购意向书。

    Sanyo has started the process of selling its semiconductor operations , with bidders expected to submit expressions of interest before Japan 's Golden Week holidays start at the end of the month .

  8. 铭辉光电同时国外知名品牌半导体激光二极管,包括日本三洋、三菱、夏普、索尼、韩国QSI等;

    Meanwhile , our copmpany produces semiconductor laser diode for famouse brand home and abroad , including Japanese Sanyo , Mitsubishi , Sharp , Sony and South Korea QSI and so on .

  9. 2002年,斯普林特公司和三洋公司发布了美国第一台内置摄像头的手机(SCP-5300)&公众为它而疯狂。

    In2002 , Sprint and Sanyo released the first American cell phone with a built-in camera , the SCP-5300 & and the public went crazy for it .

  10. 公寓位于一家美发沙龙楼上,家具不多,但看上去十分完美:白色的地砖,时髦的绿色沙发,玻璃茶几,一张办公桌上放着一台大电视,是三洋(sanyo)牌的。

    They shared a two-bedroom apartment above a hair salon . The flat was sparsely furnished but immaculate , with a white tile floor , a modern green couch , a glass coffee table and a giant Sanyo television placed on top of an office desk .

  11. 采用文献资料、对比分析和数据统计等方法,对2006年WCBA联赛辽宁衡业队与沈阳三洋电梯队决赛临场技术运用指标进行分析与研究。

    This article uses literature method contrast analytic method and data statistics . WCBA league tournament Liaoning weighs industry the team and the Shenyang three ocean elevator team finals being on site technology to 2006 carries n the analysis and the research using the target .

  12. 海尔青睐三洋的节能制冷技术。

    Haier is keen on Sanyo 's energy-efficient refrigeration technology .

  13. 日本三洋电器贸易株式会社

    Sanyo Electric Trading Co , Ltd , Japan

  14. 武钢三烧区域改建了二台大连三洋蒸汽型双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机。

    Two lithium bromide absorption refrigerator is rubuilded in No.3 Sintering Plant of WISCO .

  15. 三洋A3机芯彩电蓝背景电路的设计改进

    Improvement in Designing on Blue Background Circuit of Sanyo A_3 Machine Center Color TV

  16. 三洋新力电子照相机简介

    Brief Introduction to Sanyo / Sony Still Camera

  17. 三洋公司表示,正在权衡各种选择,但尚未做出决定。

    The company said it was considering various options but nothing had been decided .

  18. 大连三洋冷链采购管理研究

    Dalian Sanyo Cold Chain Ltd Purchasing Management Disquisition

  19. 大连三洋压缩机公司质量成本管理研究

    Research on the Quality Cost Management of DSA

  20. 三洋MCO-175CO2培养箱故障排除

    Troubleshooting the fault of SANYO-175 CO_2 Incubator

  21. 三洋电机表示:半导体部门不稳定,需要大量投资。

    The semiconductor unit is volatile and needs a lot of investment , Sanyo said .

  22. 船井电机株式会社已经制造家用录像系统盒式磁带录像机三十三年。最近在中国为三洋制造录像机。

    Funai Electric has been producing VHS-playing VCRs for 33 years , most recently in China for Sanyo .

  23. 索尼、三洋、松下占锂离子电池供应的很大一部分。

    Sony , Sanyo , and Panasonic make up a very large part of the Li-ion cell supply .

  24. 实验控制对象为三洋电机的交流永磁伺服电机,主要对新系统的控制精度和速度进行了初步测试。

    The PMAC motor made by Sanyo Denki is controlled . The control precision and response speed are tested .

  25. 日本电子制造商表示,这次的出售与他们重组三洋电机重叠业务的策略相符合。

    The Japanese electronic maker says the sale fits their strategy to restructure business overlapping with those of Sanyo Electric .

  26. 无论以什么标准来衡量,像这样的技术甚至对于像三洋这样的大公司来说都需要付出极大的努力。

    By any measure , technology like this is a sizable commitment , even for a large company like Sanyo .

  27. 父亲解释说,这三洋东西面临着同样的逆境煮沸的水。但它们的反应却各不相同。

    He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity , boiling water , but each reacted differently .

  28. 第四节分析日本的两家公司松下公司和三洋公司集中时附加的限制性条件。

    The fourth quarter of the two companies analysis Japan Panasonic and Sanyo when the company is amalgamative take restrictive conditions .

  29. 中国家用电器巨头海尔将收购松下旗下的三洋电机在日本和东南亚的洗衣机、冰箱企业。

    Chinese appliance giant Haier will buy Panasonic 's Sanyo Electric washing machine and refrigerator units in Japan and Southeast Asia .

  30. 在去年12月的关键时刻,高盛退出了谈判,并威胁称,自己将以更高的报价来收购三洋。

    At the crucial point last December , Goldman walked out of the negotiations and threatened to make its own , higher bid .