
  • 网络Syllogism
  1. 在三段论法中既是结论的前提又排斥结论的术语。

    The term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion .

  2. 中耳炎三段论分类法的理论和临床研究

    Theory and clinical study on Three-stage Scheme of classification of otitis media

  3. 目前判定著作权侵权的两种最主要的方法是三段论侵权判定法和接触+实质相似性两步法,但这两种方法存在一些不同之处,导致判决结果可能不一。

    At present , " the syllogistic criterion " and " the access + substantiality similarity two-step approach " are principally employed in judging copyright infringement acts . The problem is that the divergence between the two approaches could lead to diverse verdicts .