
  • 网络History and Class Consciousness;History and Class-Consciousness
  1. 论卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》中的辩证法特点

    On the Dialectical Characteristics in Lukas ' History and Class Consciousness

  2. 物化是《历史与阶级意识》中的一个重要概念。

    " Reification " is an important concept in History and Class Consciousness .

  3. 卢卡奇的存在论视域及其批判&《历史与阶级意识》的黑格尔主义定向

    On Luk á cs ' History and Class Consciousness

  4. 卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》中赋予总体性范畴三种内涵:首先是作为认识方法的辩证的总体;

    Lukach'cs gave general category three connotations in History and Class Consciousness : totality of dialectics as a method of knowledge ;

  5. 自《历史与阶级意识》诞生以来,卢卡奇被誉为开西方马克思主义先河的一代巨匠。

    Lukacs Gyorgy has been called a great master of Western Marxism for his great works " History and Class Consciousness " .

  6. 一种是梅劳-庞蒂的用法,即用它指称一种以卢卡奇的《历史与阶级意识》为代表的主要与列宁主义相对立的理论;

    One is Merleau-Ponty 's usage , which refers to the theory represented by Lukacs'History and Class Consciousness and principally against Leninism .

  7. 同时,《历史与阶级意识》作为一部哲学著作,他也揭示了哲学的双重社会功能&建构功能和批判功能。

    As a philosophy book , < History and Class Consciousness reveals dual social function-building a new society with romantic character and criticizing the capitalist reification .

  8. 总体性思想不仅在他的《历史与阶级意识》一书中占有十分重要的地位,是他所要表现的主要思想理论,而且在他一生的思想理论中,都具有极其重要的地位。

    The totality ideology enjoyed an important state not only in his History and Class Consciousness but also in his ideological theory , and it was his major ideological theory .

  9. 摘要:卢卡奇被誉为二十世纪西方最主要的马克思主义学者之一,他以《历史与阶级意识》蜚声学术界,并在他身后引起了声势浩大的西方马克思主义思潮。

    Abstract : Lukacs is well-known as one of the most important Western Marxist scholars in the twentieth century . History and Class Consciousness makes him renowned in academia and causes a massive western Marxist thoughts .