
  • 网络microcosmic;cosmological
  1. 然而爱是一种宇宙性的力量,它绝不可以被控制。

    Yet love is a universal force that can never be controlled .

  2. 画家在美的联想中来领悟抽象美的情感是普遍的、宇宙性的。

    The sensibility of a painter who in beauty mental association comprehends abstract aesthetic is general and universal .

  3. 佛教具备了这种宇宙性宗教的特征:佛教超越了一个人格化的神的概念,远离一切教条和神化。

    Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future : it transcends a personal God , avoids dogmas and theology ;

  4. 在这个例子里,你们的神秘故事与终极实相还相差不太远――因为以一种宇宙性的说法而言,组成我之整体的无穷尽的灵魂,是我的子女。

    In this instance , your mythical tales and stories are not so far from ultimate reality & for the endless spirits comprising the totality of Me are , in a cosmic sense , My offspring .

  5. 格式塔理论的心物同形论的基础是情感推动力与宇宙普遍性的力的同一,而人类文化的积淀和个体的生活经验则是心物同一的人文基础。

    Isomorphism bases on the identity of the emotion motive force and the power of universe , and the accumulation of cultures and individual experience are its humane foundation .

  6. 宇宙及其无限性规律的元哲学思考

    The Hypostatic Philosophy Thinking of Cosmos and Its Infinite Regulation

  7. 你不得不停止做很多事情,直截了当地对宇宙做出象征性的宣战。

    You have to stop doing many things cold turkey as a symbolic declaration to the Universe .

  8. 生活是具体的经验场域,同时每一种具体的经验场域又总是具有整个宇宙的全息性;

    The third , life is concrete field of experience , and each particular element in our experience is holographic .

  9. 第三,宇宙的有限性和无限性。张衡把天比作一个鸡蛋壳,把地比作蛋壳中的鸡蛋黄,但他并不认为硬壳是宇宙的边界。

    Third , in relation of the finity and infinity of the cosmos , Zhang Heng com-pared the heaven to an eggshell , and the earth to the egg yolk.Zhang Heng , however ,

  10. 根据广义生态学关于宇宙生物统一性的原理,借助动物神经学和生物遗传学的有关理论,探讨了区域经济因素复合性条件反射的一般运动规律。区域经济生态系统机能系统有序运动的规律;

    Based on the principle of universe biological unification in generalized ecology and some other related theories on animal neurology and bio genetics , the general regularity of the complex conditioned reflex in regional economic factors were discussed .

  11. 《梨俱吠陀》中关于宇宙、事物自生性的过程论思想

    Thought of the process theory of the self-arising of the universe and things in Rg-Veda

  12. 霍金还因为自己对于被称为黑洞的奇怪宇宙现象的开创性工作而闻名遐迩。

    Hawking is also celebrated for his seminal work on the strange cosmic phenomena known as black holes .

  13. 又,如果没有人心的创造性活动即人类精神的整合作用,宇宙世界的历史性特征无以呈现。

    Furthermore , the historicity of the universe cannot be embodied without creative activities of Xin , human spirits .

  14. 人类依靠技术确立起了对自然和宇宙的绝对主体性的地位。

    Relying on the technology , human have established the absolute position of subjectivity in the nature and the universe .

  15. 我们还毫无证据足以肯定或否定热力学在整个宇宙中的适用性。

    We have no evidence at all to confirm or contradict the applicability of thermodynamics to the universe as a whole .

  16. 作为五行学说的衍生物,五色观念具有视觉的经验性、宇宙图式的神秘性和作为礼制的权威性。

    As a derivative of the five elements of theory , five color idea had vision experience , universe diagrammatic mystery and etiquette authoritativeness .

  17. 微波背景辐射显示的宇宙高度的均匀性和各向同性说明,宇宙已经存在了约150亿年左右。

    The high homogeneity and isotropy shown in the cosmic microwave background ( CMB ) prove that the universe has been in existence for around 15 billion years .

  18. 然而时间之初是宇宙诞生的关键性时期,因为纯能量也产生了一种宇宙中最危险的事物反物质。

    But the dawn of time was a critical moment in the birth of the universe because pure energy also produced one of the most dangerous things in the universe , anti-matter .

  19. 宇宙的基本统一性是现代物理学最重要的发现之一,宇宙并不是物体的集合,而是统一体中各部分问相互关系的复杂网络。

    One of the main discoveries of the Modern Physics is the basic unity of the universe . The universe is not an assembling of all bodies but is a complicated network of the interrelated various parts in the unity .

  20. 如果不仅仅将无名氏的创作看做知识分子的精神追求的产物,而是作家以个体姿态对宇宙苍生进行超越性的思索,那么这种思索更具有象征性的意义。

    If the creation of Wu Mingshi not only to be said as the product of intellectuals ' spiritual pursuit , but a the individual writer made a transcend thought of the universe , then this thought would have more symbolic meaning .