
nèi zài jià zhí
  • intrinsic value
  1. 这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。

    The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities

  2. 以IPO新股的内在价值为基础,分别从一级市场和二级市场两层次对创业板IPO高初始收益率进行分解。

    Based on the intrinsic value of new shares , then this chapter respectively decomposes IPO initial yield from the primary and secondary market .

  3. xfy应用程序平台:提取XML中的内在价值

    The xfy application platform : Extracting the value inherent in XML

  4. 用Kalman滤波方法对股票内在价值进行信息滤波与预测。

    The method of Kalman filter to filter and forecast the information of stocks value from the stock prices was first introduced .

  5. 然后,采用可比公司乘数法确定IPO公司的内在价值且剔除二级市场影响后得到291价企业的样本,并再次进行多元回归分析。

    Then , using comparable companies multiplier method to excluding the secondary market impact , and again multiple regression analysis .

  6. 中国物流上市公司内在价值评价与分析&基于DEA的实证研究

    Appraisal and Analysis of Internal Value in 10 Listed Logistics Companies & An Empirical Study Based on DEA Model

  7. 中国股市IPO抑价与上市公司内在价值关系&基于分位数回归的实证研究

    The Relationship between IPO Underpricing in China 's Stock Market and the Intrinsic Value of the Listed Companies & An Empirical Study based on Quantile Regression Techniques

  8. 从理论上讲,业绩较好的上市公司其股票的IPO价格应该高于业绩较差的上市公司,IPO股票上市后的交易价格也应该反映公司的内在价值。

    Theoretically speaking , the IPO prices of well-performed firms should be higher than those of bad-performed firms , and the trade prices after going public should reflect intrinsic value of the companies as well .

  9. 文中以上市公司的历年年报,财务数据及其他相关的信息为分析基础,运用价值分析法,结合MBA学习的相关理论知识和方法,对其内在价值进行研究和分析。

    We use value analysis methods to analyze the listed company annual report , financial data and other related information , and combined with the MBA knowledge for the intrinsic value for research and analysis .

  10. 正如约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)曾伤感地说道,因为货币具有其天生的内在价值,所以政府就可以通过使其货币贬值以欺骗他的民众们。

    As John Maynard Keynes once lamented , when " it appears that value is inherent in money as such " governments are able to con their citizens by debauching the currency .

  11. 可转债的内在价值可以近似为max(内嵌债券价值,转股价值),可转债的时间价值等于可转债价值减去其内在价值。

    The intrinsic value of convertible bonds is approximate to max ( bond value , conversion value ), and the time value of convertible bonds is the difference of convertible bonds ' value minus their intrinsic value .

  12. 尽管知情交易者的信息优势只体现在每个交易年度中的B时期,而且也只是关于未来股票内在价值的一个概率性信息,但这仍足以让其获得超过其他投资者的收益。

    Although the information advantage of informed traders is only revealed in the B period in every trade year , and it only includes a probable estimation of the future inherent value of stocks , this information advantage is enough to let those investors get higher proceeds than others .

  13. 理性卖者是出于对继续持有的风险规避和对股票内在价值的判断而做出决策的交易者,他们会在IPO上市后选择获利离场。

    Reason to continue to hold to sell out of stock of risk aversion and the intrinsic value judgments and traders to make a choice , they will choose the first day of the IPO market profit taking .

  14. 通常人们使用的现金流贴现模型是用离散形式,而且只计算当前时刻(t-0)资产的内在价值。

    In general , people use the discounted cash flow model in discrete form , and they usually only calculate the intrinsic value at present ( t-0 ) .

  15. 环境物的内在价值&第三种思路

    The Third Train of Thought to The Value of Environmental Things

  16. 自然观和价值观的转折与互动&内在价值范畴的实质和启示

    Transition and Interaction of the Concept of Nature and Value

  17. 第二部分主要分析新股的定价原则及定价模型,对公司内在价值的估值方法进行了简单介绍。

    The second part analyse the IPO principles and models in pricing .

  18. 这主要是由孝德的内在价值决定的。

    It was decided by the intrinsic value of the filial piety .

  19. 本文试图从四个方面围绕自然内在价值问题进行了全面的分析、论证、阐发和评价。

    The thesis tries to make a whole analyses and demonstration about it .

  20. 股票价格对内在价值的偏离度分析

    An Analysis of the Deviation of Stock Market Price from Its Intrinsic Value

  21. 那么,以公司内在价值为基础估算出的换股比率应相应较高。

    Then the exchange rate should be higher too .

  22. 自然内在价值新论

    A New Discuss on the Intrinsic Value of Nature

  23. 表面的审美膨胀掩饰着内在价值的迷失和乏力。

    The superficial esthetic inflation conceals its intrinsic lose of value and weakness .

  24. 要对自己的内在价值有绝对的信念。

    You must have faith in your intrinsic worth .

  25. 生态环境的内在价值研究

    The Study on the Inherent Value of Ecological Environment

  26. 健康价值是内在价值与工具价值的统一。

    Vaule of health is the unity of inhere vaule and tool vaule .

  27. 上市公司股票内在价值估算模型的构建

    Research on Construction of Intrinsic Value of Stock Valuation Model of Listed Companies

  28. 有效证券市场的理性泡沫与股票内在价值的信息滤波

    Rational Bubble in Efficient Stock Markets and the Information Filter of Stock Value

  29. 行政听证制度的内在价值就是公正和公开。

    The inside values of the administrative hearing system are justice and publicity .

  30. 刑事程序性权利的价值可区分为程序性权利的工具价值和内在价值。

    The value of criminal procedure rights consists of instrumental value and intrinsic value .