
  • 网络intrinsic motivation;intrinsic motives;internal motivation
  1. 此外,在动机的划分方面,还有心理学教育家提出的内在动机(intrinsicmotivation)和外在动机(ExtrinsicMotivation)。

    Motivation can also be classified into Intrinsic motivation and Extrinsic motivation according to some educational psychologists .

  2. 研究主要包括:(1)分析OTC公司信息披露的内在动机。

    Research includes : ( 1 ) Analyzing the intrinsic motivation of the OTC companies to disclose accounting information .

  3. 而Deci和Ryan将动机分为内在动机和外在动机。

    Deci and Ryan divided motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .

  4. DeciRyan着重于学习动机的分类,从认知心理学的角度将动机分为内在动机及外在动机(IntrinsicExtrinsicMotivation),进而说明了学习者自主性的重要性。

    Deci & Ryan classified motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from cognitive psychology point of view , by which the autonomy learning was emphasized .

  5. 好奇心(curiosity)作为内在动机的主要内容和创造性人才的重要特征早已成为心理学研究中十分引人注目的研究领域。

    Curiosity , as the main content of motivation and the key feature of the creative talents , has attracted many eyeball sights into its researching field .

  6. 外部奖励可能挤走内在动机的理念被称为过度合理化(overjustification)。

    The idea that external rewards might crowd out intrinsic motivation is called overjustification .

  7. 如Gardner和Lambert将动机分为融入型动机和工具型动机。Deci和Ryan也将动机分为内在动机和外在动机。

    For example , Gardner and Lambert ( 1972 ) divide motivation into two types : instrumental motivation and integrative motivation , while Deci and Ryan ( 1985 ) divide motivation into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation .

  8. Deci&Ryan将认知心理学的内在动机和外在动机理论(Intrinsic-Extrinsic)与外语学习相结合,强调学习者在学习过程中的自主性。

    Deci and Ryan introduced intrinsic-extrinsic motivation theory from cognitive psychology to the field of foreign or second language learning , which is in particular favor of learners ' autonomy .

  9. 本论文以ODA为研究对象,分析了ODA的主要特征和援助国ODA行为的内在动机,并研究了影响ODA效率的因素,进而对援助国ODA政策的改进提出了相关的建议。

    This dissertation firstly analyzes the major characteristics of ODA and the motives of donor countries , and then investigates into the factors that influence the efficiency of ODA , in the end , provides some suggestions on improving the ODA allocation policy for donor countries .

  10. 培养幼儿创造的人格和内在动机;

    Developing preschool children 's creative personality and inner motivation ;

  11. 一次英语学习内在动机调查的分析与启示

    Analysis and Revelations of an Investigation of Intrinsic Motivation of English Learning

  12. 自决理论提出了内在动机和外在动机说。

    Self-determination theory mainly deals with intrinsic and extrinsic motivations .

  13. 动机还可以分为内在动机和外在动机;

    Motivation may too be classified into internal motivation and external motivation ;

  14. 他的真正内在动机在哪里,现在已经是清清楚楚了。

    It was all so plain about his true , underlying motive .

  15. 雇主应该更加注重内在动机。

    Employers should pay greater attention to intrinsic motivation .

  16. 内在动机是你自己拥有的,是一种想把事情做到尽善尽美的天性。

    Intrinsic motivation is your own , natural desire to do things well .

  17. 目标定向对大学生体育锻炼内在动机的影响

    The Effects of Goal Orientations on Intrinsic Motivation of Exercises of College Students

  18. 一个大的问题是:这方法会导致内在动机被外在动机取代掉。

    One big problem is that it replaces intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation .

  19. 内在动机是想胁迫配偶爱他们、支持他们。

    Their inner motive is to intimidate their partner into loving and supporting them .

  20. 内在动机与体育参与频率之间是显著的正向关系。但研究发现,内在动机同时还受到结构约束的影响;

    The research result showed that intrapersonal and structural constrains affected the extrinsic motivation .

  21. 本文也提出了增强二语学习者内在动机的策略。

    This paper also proposes several strategies to enhance intrinsic motivation of L2 learners .

  22. 内在动机涉及到个人兴趣。

    Internal motivation is concerning personal interests .

  23. 儿童参与摩尔庄园网络游戏的内在动机研究

    An Empirical Study on the Intrinsic Motivation of Children 's Participation in Mole Online Game

  24. 充分利用学生的需要和内在动机;

    Utilizing students ' needs and motivation ;

  25. 孔子的学习动机理论关注学习的内在动机。

    The theory of Confuciuss study motive is concerned with the internal motives of learning .

  26. 第二部分:分析了企业建立战略联盟的外在环境和内在动机。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the external environment and internal motivation of forming a strategic alliance .

  27. 当员工感觉受到挑战时,其内在动机会很强烈而不是被工作压垮。

    Intrinsic motivation is high when employees feel challenged but not overwhelmed by their work .

  28. 结果表明,独立与内在动机有关,而且是成功的一个主要因素。

    Results indicated that independencewas associated with intrinsic motivation , one major factor for success .

  29. 对这个实验的理解很好地解释了我们内在动机的阴暗世界。

    Understanding this experiment sheds a brilliant light on the dark world of our inner motivations .

  30. 目标来源与目标难度对大学生游泳表现及内在动机的影响

    The effect of Goal source and goal difficulty to university student swimming performance and intrinsic motivation