
  • 网络Sexuality;sexual being
  1. 人的存在是一种性存在。

    The existence of Human being is exactly the existence of sexuality .

  2. 可是,大体上,人类的性存在是人类之所在、所知、所思和之所做而获得的或所表达的有关性的所有方面的总和。

    However , in sum , our sexuality is experienced and expressed in all that we are , what we feel , think and do .

  3. GCS对脊髓不同亚群的神经元的兴奋性存在不同影响

    GCS had different effect of excitability on subpopulations of spinal neurons

  4. 不同性别感知易用性存在显著差异。

    The perceived ease of use of different gender is significant different .

  5. 复杂适应系统的主体性存在与实现

    Subjective Existence and Accomplishment in a Complex Adaptive System

  6. 第三章主要讲了我国地方教育行政合法性存在的主要问题,最后论述了我国地方教育行政存在问题的有关对策。

    Finally I discuss the related measures and advice on our local educational problems .

  7. 第二,企业知识型员工激励因素的各因子在不同职业生涯阶段的有效性存在显著性差异。

    Second , knowledge workers ' motivation has different effect in different career stages .

  8. 不同林龄柠条林地上植被物种多样性存在显著差异。

    There were significant differences in ground vegetation species diversity of forest age caragana forest .

  9. 人是物质性存在与精神性存在的统一体。

    The other aspect , human is unity of the material existence and spirit existence .

  10. 信仰与人的历史性存在

    Belief and the Historical Existence of Man

  11. 种群变异性存在空间分量,在相对大的距离内,种群的波动常同步发生。

    Population variability also has a spatial component because fluctuations are synchronized over relatively large distances .

  12. 这些问题的追问反映了人的矛盾性存在与文化的魅力,也体现了哲学永恒的追问&认识自我。

    Questioning reflects people 's contradiction and glamour of culture and philosophy eternal questioning too & Know oneself .

  13. 由于经济公正的这种本质规定性存在于经济的内容之中,使得经济公正不可避免地具有阶级性、历史性、共同性和价值性特征。

    Owing to this , economic justice bears the characteristics of class , history , commonness and value .

  14. 20岁及以下、21-30岁、41-50岁各年龄段的游客归属性存在显著差异。

    The person which age is under 20 , age among 21-30,41-50-year-old one has significant differences of belonging .

  15. 它不但具有极高的宗教凝聚力,更是城市空间中的引领性存在。

    They not only have a high religious cohesion , but also the leading exists in urban space .

  16. 从系统论观点研究社会道德的运行机制,就需要把社会道德理解为一种系统性存在物。

    To study operational mechanism of social morality one needs to regard social morality as a systemic existence .

  17. 针对目前有机硅改性存在问题,提出合理的改进工艺。

    In accordance with the problems in modified synthesizing technology of organo-silicone , a proper modified technology was proposed .

  18. 处所介词短语的时空突显性存在于描述性及回顾性语类的生成、识别和展开过程之中。

    The spatiotemporal profiling of locative prepositional phrases exists in their generation , recognition and development of description and recount genres .

  19. 本研究主要结果如下:(1)供试的11个桉树种系的抗病性存在明显差异。

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) There was significant difference between the resistant abilities of the 11 eucalyptus cultivars .

  20. 前者坚持史学实践的客观性前提并由此承认历史实体和其意义的真实性存在,后者则在否证了历史认知的客观性可能的同时意图消除作为客体的历史真实存在。

    The former insists on the objective premise of history practice . Hence it admits historical entity and the true existence of its meaning .

  21. 基因组相似性存在两个方面的含义:相同基因块的数量、所有等同基因相似度的平均值。

    The similarity between two genomes is related with the number of the equal gene blocks and the average similarity of the equal genes .

  22. 网络学习环境不仅是一种实体性存在,也是一种功能性存在,是促进学生学习的各种因素的组合。

    Internet-based learning atmosphere is not only an entitative being , but also is a functional being , which is a combination of varieties of elements .

  23. 文中指出,当前社会主义基本经济制度层级化的特点是道德规范层次性存在的深层根据;

    The text finger out : characteristic that basic economic system layer class of current socialism is a deep layer that the exist of the morals norm level .

  24. 跟国内研究不同的一点是,国外学者多将模糊性存在是否违背法治的理想作为研究目的之一。

    But what makes research abroad different from domestic study is that foreign scholars usually consider whether the existence of vagueness threatens the ideal of the rule of law .

  25. 裂纹缺陷是对构件机械性能影响最大的一种缺陷,裂纹缺陷对构件的安全性存在着重大隐患。

    Crack defect is a biggest kind of the machine function of the influence defect , the crack defect to the safety of the accessory existing important hidden trouble .

  26. 人伦和人伦之理的历史性存在是一种价值存在,这种价值存在集中体现于人伦之理的本质变化上。

    The historical existence of Ren-lun and the reason of Ren-lun is a kind of value-existing , which is embodied in the change of essence of the reason of Ren-lun .

  27. 从人性的个性看,由于每个人所禀之气存在厚薄之分,不同人的仁性存在多少之别。

    However , looking from the human personality , there is the intrinsic thickness of Qi divided for each person resulting in benevolence is of how much of difference there .

  28. 在体育立法的基本结构中,规范性存在着许多的不足,但直辖市的体育立法在文本的规范性做得好一些。

    At the basic structure of Sports legislation , there are many deficiencies the normative , but the municipalities in the normative of the text of the Sports legislation do better .

  29. 研究了一阶中立型多滞后微分方程的振动性存在性问题,得到了这类中立型多滞后微分方程的所有解振动的充分条件。

    A class of first order neutral delay differential equation with multi delay is studied , the conditions of all its solutions and criterions of oscillation for this sort of equation are obtained .

  30. 大一新生英语学习自主性存在显著差异,来自大城市、中小城市与来自农村的大一新生在英语学习自主性总分及学习环境维度和意志努力维度上差异显著。

    An Investigation of Learner Autonomy in English Study of Middle School Students 4 . Significant differences among freshmen from different areas , especially their general learning autonomy , dimension of learning environment and willpower .