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xìnɡ wén huà
  • sex culture
  1. 破解西部性文化之谜

    Cracking the Mystery of Sex Culture in West China

  2. 先进的性文化在哪里?

    Where is the advanced sex culture ?

  3. 完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。

    We will improve the public cultural service system , carry out public-interest cultural programs , and launch more popular cultural activities .

  4. 39.继续推进国有经营性文化单位转企改制。

    39 . Further transform State-owned , for-profit cultural institutions into enterprises .

  5. 虚拟企业战略支持性文化融合模式研究

    On the Mode of Strategy - supportive Intercultural Fusion in Virtual Enterprise

  6. 这些文本是以极具现代性文化特征与审美特征的面目出现的。

    These texts appeared with modern cultural and aesthetic features .

  7. 呼唤从父性文化向母性文化传统的回归;

    A call to return to the maternal culture ;

  8. 大众文化与多样性文化的和谐共存

    The Harmonious Coexistence of Popular Culture and Cultural Variety

  9. 这一文化系统主要由标识性文化要素、制度规范文化要素以及意识形态文化要素组成。

    It contain the factor of identifier , system and criterion , ideology .

  10. 犹太文化是一种以犹太教为核心的内敛性文化。

    Jewish culture is a culture with introverted character with core of Judaism .

  11. 解读多元性文化与消费文化

    An Explanation of Diversified Culture and Consuming Culture

  12. 摘要后现代文化包括两个部分:后现代性文化和后现代主义文化。

    Post modern culture consists of two parts , postmodernity culture and postmodernism culture .

  13. 儒学是包含着中国人生命气质的一种世界性文化资源。

    Confucianism has been a worlds cultural resources which contains Chinese peoples life disposition .

  14. 中国当代性文化的转型

    Transformation of sexual culture in contemporary China

  15. 作为经济活动的国际商务随时随地都要与多样性文化交融;

    The international business , a kind of economic activity interacts with cultural diversity at any time .

  16. 重视隐性教育,建设良好的校园性文化;

    Paying attention to recessive sexual education and establishing good atmosphere of sexual culture on the campus ;

  17. 但是,学习创新机制还处于相对较低的层次,尚未形成一种以精诚合作为主要内涵的创新性文化。

    While Learning-innovation is at a relatively low level , an innovative culture has not yet formed .

  18. 我们对地域特征的辨识度越来越低,对地域性文化的认同出现危机。

    We become less insensitive to regional characteristics and our identity for the regional cultural presents a crisis .

  19. 异质性文化之间频繁的对话交流,逐渐消解了所谓的西方中心主义的神话。

    The frequent communications among the heterogeneous cultures have made the so-called " western centralism " myth collapsed gradually .

  20. 体现一种东方的文化韵味和气质,一种独特的中国地方性文化特征。

    Incarnate a kind of oriental charm and temperament , a unique kind of character of Chinese local culture .

  21. 浙江文化艺术节是省政府主办的全省性文化艺术节,每两年举办一届。

    Zhejiang Culture and Art Festival is a provincial culture and art festival hosted by provincial government every two years .

  22. 南夷地区与周边土著性文化的这种关系的实质,是相似背景下的同质文化之间长期平等的接触与融合。

    The essence of this cultural relation was long-term equal contact fusion-style development between homogeneous cultures under similar background . 2 .

  23. 古代徐州地处齐鲁、楚、宋文化的接触地带,多元地域文化在此交汇、融合与涵化,形成具有自身特色的边际性文化区域。

    Ancient Xuzhou is located on the area which the Qilu and Chu and Song 's culture get in touch with .

  24. 增强国有公益性文化单位活力,完善经营性文化单位法人治理结构,繁荣文化市场。

    We should invigorate state-owned non-profit cultural institutions , improve corporate governance of profit-oriented cultural entities , and create a thriving cultural market .

  25. 中西旅游文化类型不同的原因在于区域性文化特征、民族性格和旅游文化审美观等方面存在差别。

    The different tourism cultures between China and the Occident came from the different territorial cultural characteristics , national characters and aesthetic point of view .

  26. 为此,需要增加电子政府建设的制度供给,完善电子政府的运行机制,扩大电子政府服务对象的覆盖面,以及培育电子政府的支持性文化。

    Therefore , it is necessary to increase institutional supply , improve operational mechanisms , expand the service targets and cultivate supportive culture of e-government .

  27. 本文通过对公益性文化事业历史发展脉络的回顾,充分肯定了其在我国各个历史发展阶段所取得的成就。

    The paper firmly affirms the achievements that the cultural commonweal undertaking brings to the development of our country , and research it 's basic theory .

  28. 据此,本文大体上得出三个方面的结论:1、儿童抚育方式是地方性文化的再生产和传承的重要途径。

    Accordingly , the dissertation generally comes to three conclusions : 1 , Child rearing methods is an important means of local culture reproduction and inheritance .

  29. 法国是世界性文化大国,它向世人展示的形象,既是世界第四经济强国,又是独具魅力、散发着文化气息的国度。

    It is true that France , the fourth economic power in the world , is a country featuring a unique charm and flavor of culture .

  30. 胡国亨认为,当今人类面临的生存困境,主要是由西方智性文化及其衍生的现代化造成的。

    Henry Woo believes that the predicaments facing the modern world are largely caused by the intellect oriented culture of the West and its subsequent Modernism .