
  • 网络Aohan Banner
  1. GIS在内蒙古敖汉旗环境考古研究中的初步应用与探索

    Preliminary Application of the CIS Method in Archaeological Studies of the Environment in Aohan Banner , Inner Mongolia and Research on This Method

  2. 基于遥感、GIS的内蒙古沙漠化逆转区土地利用变化研究&以敖汉旗为例

    Study on dynamic change of land use in the reversing area of land desertification in Inner Mongolia Based on RS and GIS & a case study of Aohan banner

  3. 赤峰市敖汉旗五种林分改造模式评价

    Evaluation on Five Kinds of Forestation Models in Aohan Banner of Chifeng

  4. 宏观生态环境动态监测实践&以内蒙古敖汉旗为例

    The practice on dynamic monitoring of macroscopical ecology environment

  5. 敖汉旗小流域典型林地土壤蓄水能力研究

    Study on Water Storage Ability of Forest Soil in Watershed in Aohan County

  6. 敖汉旗小流域防护林与土壤性质格局耦合关系研究

    Research on the Relations between Shelterbelt and the Soil Properties of the Watershed in Ao'han Country

  7. 敖汉旗生态示范区调查研究对固阳县生态建设的启迪

    Enlightenment of Ao Han banner 's ecological demonstration area research on Gu Yang county 's ecological construction

  8. 内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗中小型水域养殖措施探讨

    A Discussion on Management Measures of Aquaculture for the Middle-Small Water Areas in the Aohan Qi ( County ), Chifeng City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  9. 对内蒙古敖汉旗大五家流域具有代表性的不同林地类型下以及不同立地条件下的土壤蓄水能力进行了测定和对比研究。

    In this article , soil water storage capacity and availability of different vegetations in the northern of Ziwuling secondary forest region were studied with moisture retention curve .

  10. 通过层次分析法对敖汉旗以水源涵养功能为目标的森林植被类型组成进行比较评价。

    ( 6 ) Through the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) for target water conservation function of forest vegetation types to conduct a comparative evaluation of the composition .

  11. 在内蒙古清水河县、赤峰市敖汉旗对人工栽培牧草传粉蜜蜂进行调查,经整理鉴定有35种。

    Bee & pollinators of artificial cultivated herbage were investigated in Qingshui county , chifeng city , Inner mongolia . Through diagnosis , the bees belong to 35 species .