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  • 网络WEN;wen county
  1. 三国时期,司马家族来自河内(今河南温县)封地,也是古老、有名望的大家族。

    The Sima family were a celebrated , old-established , and wide-ranging family from Henei ( now Wen County in Henan ) commandery .

  2. 曾在河南省观摩交流会上获一等奖,多次在温县国际太极拳年会中担任裁判员工作。

    In Henan Province won the first prize at the meeting to observe the exchange , the International Tai Chi Chuan Wen County in many years , as will referee the work .

  3. 太极拳太极拳自17世纪中叶发源于河南省温县以来,习练者遍布全国各地,不限年龄、不限民族。太极拳最核心的动作是“八法五步”常规招式以及“推手”(两人之间双手的徒手对抗)。

    Tai chi 's basic movements center on wubu ( five steps ) and bafa ( eight techniques ) with a series of routines , exercises and tuishou ( hand-pushing skills , performed with a counterpart ) .

  4. 温县城区首级GPS网及地籍基本控制网系统的建立与分析

    The Establishment and Analysis of the First Rank GPS-net and Cadastre Basic Control Surveying System in the City Proper of Wun County

  5. 焦作温县怀山药土壤重金属污染分析

    Analysis on heavy metal pollution of soil and Rhizome Dioscorea in Wenxian , Jiaozuo

  6. 温县气候变化对粮食安全影响及应对措施

    The Impact of Climatic Variation on Food supplies Safety in Wenxian and the Countermeasure

  7. 温县城区地籍调查技术分析与地籍管理系统的建立

    The Cadastre Investigation Technical Analysis and the Initial Establishment of Cadastre Management System in the City Proper of Wun County

  8. 陈家沟位于河南省焦作市温县城东5公里处的清风岭中段,距焦作市区35公里。

    Chenjiagou Village , located in the middle of Qingfeng Ridge , five kilometers from east of Wenxian County , Jiaozuo City and Henan Province , 35 kilometres from Jiaozuo urban area .