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gǔ yìn
  • ancient seal
古印[gǔ yìn]
  1. 古印中一枝奇葩&湖北省博物馆馆藏汉印

    Han Seals at Collection of Hubei Provincial Museum

  2. 我家里还保存着一把古老的银匙和一方刻有纹章的古印;

    I 've got a wold silver spoon , and a wold graven seal at home , too ;

  3. 传说这儿居住着古印加人,他们千方百计地隐藏从欧洲掠夺而来的珠宝,把所有的黄金都储存起来。

    It is said to be the location where the ancient Incas , desperate to hide their treasure from marauding Europeans , stored all of their gold .

  4. 考古学家也认为我们姓德贝维尔,而且我们还有一方古印,上面刻有一面盾牌,盾牌上面有一头扑起的狮子,狮子的上方是一座城堡。

    Antiquarians hold we are , - and-and we have an old seal , marked with a ramping lion on a shield , and a castle over him .

  5. 现在她对他们毫无敬仰的心情了;甚至她还恨他们给她带来烦恼;他们除了给她留下来一方古印和一把羹匙而外,其它的东西一件也没有给她留下来。

    She had no admiration for them now ; she almost hated them for the dance they had led her ; not a thing of all that had been theirs did she retain but the old seal and spoon .