
  • Towns;ancient town;Old Town
  1. 这个古镇有大城市找不到的魅力。

    This old town has a charm you couldn 't find in a big city .

  2. 从市场角度看古镇保护与开发

    The protection and development of the old town in view of market

  3. 我们开车经由洛维奇到达了多瑙河畔的古镇鲁塞。

    We drove via Lovech to the old Danube town of Ruse

  4. GIS技术在古镇保护管理中的应用

    Study on Application of GIS in Ancient Town 's

  5. 基于AHP技术的巴蜀古镇保护评估模型研究

    Protection Assessment Model of Historical Sichuan Towns Based on AHP

  6. 在游览莫斯科郊外金环地区(GoldenRing)的古镇时,弗里德曼感染了一种疾病,在他到圣彼得堡时病情开始恶化。

    While poking around historic towns in the Golden Ring area outside Moscow , Mr. Freedman picked up a bug that worsened by the time he got to St. Petersburg .

  7. 中国四川成都洛带古镇电子导游软件,独具风格的手绘地图,精细透彻的语音讲解,GPS导游,温馨的旅游提示。

    Chengdu , Sichuan , China Luodai Town electronic guide software , unique style of hand-drawn map , detailed and thorough explanation of voice , GPS guides , travel tips warm .

  8. 本文通过对朱家角旅游发展的SWOT分析,着重讨论了古镇旅游功能定位及开发决策问题。

    This paper analyzes the SWOT of the tourism development of Zhu Jiajiao town and dis-cusses the tourism function orientation and development problems of this ancient town .

  9. 本文通过AHP方法(层次分析法)对古镇的指标体系进行分层解构,并计算出每一个评价指标所占的比重,从而构建适合陕南古镇的评价系统。

    This article carried on the lamination deconstruction to the ancient town indicator system through the AHP ( analytic hierarchy process ) method to calculate the proportion each evaluating indicator occupied , thus to construct suitable for the Southern Shanxi ancient towns ' evaluation system .

  10. Craco位于巴斯利卡塔大区(Basilicata),马泰拉省内(Matera)。距离塔兰托海湾大约25英里,处在靴子状意大利的脚面部分。这座中世纪的古镇是这一带村镇的典型代表,其周围是绵延起伏的山岭,适合中麦子和其他农作物。

    Craco is located at the Buss Likata district ( Basilicata ) , Matera . About 25 miles away from the Taranto bay , occupying the instep part of the boots-shape Italy .

  11. 古镇聚居文化是历史的积淀。

    Ancient town settlement culture is the accumulation of the history .

  12. 我国航天微电子技术古镇青铜兵器

    Space Microelectronics Technology of China Bronze wares in ancient Yunnan province

  13. 龙潭古镇人居环境的保护与发展

    Protection and Development of Dwelling Environment of Traditional Town in Longtan

  14. 上海水乡古镇旅游目的地研究

    A Research on the Old Water Town Tourist Destination in Shanghai

  15. 巴渝古镇旅游开发与保护探讨

    Discussion on Tourism Development and Protection for Old Towns in Chongqing

  16. 寓古镇风貌保护于城镇发展之中&朱家角历史文化名镇总体规划简介

    General Plan of Famous Historical Cultural Town & Zhu Jia Jiao

  17. 中山市古镇小学生龋病的防治效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of Dental Caries in Pupils of Guzhen Town Zhongshan City

  18. 周庄古镇旅游感知及旅游地生命周期研究

    Research on Perceptions of Zhouzhuang Town 's Tourism and the Resort Lifecycle

  19. 浙江古镇聚落空间类型分析

    Analysis of the Living Space in the Old Towns of Zhejiang Province

  20. 重庆市中山古镇旅游开发探讨

    Exploration and Discussion about the Traveling Exploitation in Zhongshan County of Chongqing

  21. 江南古镇空间的多重阅读与思考

    Multiple Reading and Thinking on Historic Towns in the South

  22. 这就是古镇流传几百年的“车幺妹”表演。

    The performance has been popular for several hundred years in Ciqikou .

  23. 安徽三河古镇旅游形象与地域脉络研究

    A Study of Tourism Image of an Ancient Town and Regional Environment

  24. 古镇旅游是一种新兴的文化旅游方式。

    Old towns ' tourism is a new type of culture tourism .

  25. 四川古镇空间结构特征及区域旅游合作分析

    Analysis on Spatial Structure and Regional Cooperation of Ancient Towns in Sichuan

  26. 三河古镇旅游环境规划设计理念探究

    Planning and Designing Concepts on the Tourism Environment of Sanhe Ancient Town

  27. 试论江南六大古镇的文化成因

    Culture Formation Cause in Six Biggest Ancient Towns in Jiangnan

  28. 青岩古镇文化保护与开发研究

    Research on the Protection and Development of the Ancient Town of QingYan

  29. 古镇旅游开发及其商业化现象初探

    Preliminary Study on Tourism Development and Commercialization in Ancient Towns

  30. 我们参观了两座古镇&甪直和木渎。

    We visited the old towns & Luzhi and Mudu .