
  • 网络ancient ceramics;ancient porcelain
  1. 表面弯曲的古陶瓷样品X射线荧光无损定量分析

    A method of non-destructive quantitative analysis of the ancient ceramics with curved surface

  2. 粗糙集理论(RST)及其在古陶瓷分类上应用的初探

    Introduction on rough set theory and its application to ancient ceramics classification

  3. 陶瓷检测参考样应用于古陶瓷XRF分析中的探讨

    X-ray fluorescence application analysis of reference standard sample of ancient porcelain

  4. 本论文用PIXE技术结合数据处理的方法&多元统计分析,对古陶瓷、古玻璃的产地研究领域中的一些问题进行了研究,得到一些有价值、有意义的结果。

    So the two methods can make up each other in some sense . Here , we employed PIXE combined with multivariate statistical method to study some problems of provenance determination of ancient ceramics and glasses .

  5. 与其它结构分析方法相比,XAFS不要求样品具有长程有序结构,不需要破坏样品,因此,XAFS非常适合用于非晶态的古陶瓷结构分析。

    Compared with other structural analysis method , XAFS does not require long-range order structure and destruction of samples . Therefore , it is very suitable for XAFS to analysis amorphous structure of the ancient ceramics .

  6. 本文论述了一个鉴定古陶瓷的专家系统(简称ESAPP),给出了鉴定古陶瓷的方法&特征提取法,研究了各种可信度的计算公式,提出了一种新的不确定性推理方法及其相应算法。

    This paper presents an expert system for appraising ancient pottery and porcelain ( ESAPP ) . It describes an appraising method of extracting features , studies a computing formula for various certainty factors , and proposes a new uncertain reasoning method and its corresponding algorithm .

  7. 古陶瓷研究中的烧成气氛性质讨论

    Discussion on the properties of firing atmospher in ancient ceramics study

  8. 从工艺制作谈中国古陶瓷之欣赏与鉴别

    Appreciation of ancient chinese ceramics from the view of technological process

  9. 中子活化分析在古陶瓷原料产地研究中的应用

    Application of Neutron Activation Analysis in Study of Ancient Ceramics

  10. 中国古陶瓷具有极高的考古学价值和经济价值。

    Chinese ancient ceramic have greater science study value and economical value .

  11. 古陶瓷纹饰中的社会心理和人文情怀

    Social psychology and human sentiments in the decorative pattern of ancient ceramics

  12. 体视学及其在古陶瓷中的应用

    The Stereology Technology and Its Application in the Ancient Ceramics

  13. 论中国古陶瓷器物上的铭文与商标设计

    Discussion about the inscription and the trademark design on the ancient porcelain

  14. 利用模式识别方法可以推测古陶瓷出产年代。

    The period of ancient ceramic can be determined by patter recognition .

  15. 穆斯堡尔谱学在古陶瓷研究中的应用

    Application of Mossbauer spectroscopy in investigation of ancient ceramics

  16. 古陶瓷研究中的模糊聚类分析算法

    A Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Algorithm in Ancient Ceramics Study

  17. 古陶瓷热释光测定年代发展

    Development of thermoluminescence dating of ancient pottery and porcelain

  18. 鉴定古陶瓷的专家系统

    An Expert System for Appraising Ancient Pottery and Porcelain

  19. 古陶瓷的成分测定,数据处理和考古解释

    Archaeological study of ancient Chinese ceramics with the chemical composition measurement-review and comments

  20. 一套适合于古陶瓷无损测试分析的标准参考物;

    A set of standard samples suitable for non-destructive analysis of ancient ceramics ;

  21. 核分析技术在古陶瓷中的应用研究

    Application of Nuclear Analysis Techniques in Ancient Chinese Porcelain

  22. 古陶瓷修复丙烯酸羟基树脂合成研究

    Preparation of acrylic hydroxy resin for mending old pottery

  23. 热释光方法在古陶瓷鉴定中的应用

    The application of thermoluminescence in ancient porcelain dating

  24. 黑釉瓷在中国古陶瓷史上占有很重要的地位。

    Black-glazed porcelain takes an important position in the history of Chinese ancient ceramics .

  25. 景德镇古陶瓷博览区规划设计

    Planning of Ceramics Exhibition Area . Jingdezhen

  26. 民间老字号北京御生堂首次展出万件古陶瓷玩具

    Folk old and famous shop Beijing Yusheng hall first display ten thousand ancient ceramic toys

  27. 考古学家把陶瓷留在了原处。六十年来中国古陶瓷文献学研究述评

    A review of researches on Chinese ancient ceramic documentation science over the past 60 years

  28. 底足鉴定是古陶瓷鉴定的一个重要组成部分。

    The identification of bowl bottom is an important part of the ancient ceramic identification .

  29. 古陶瓷修复仿釉涂料的研究

    Glazed coating for old pottery mending

  30. 这种差异使得利用古陶瓷的元素组成来进行古陶瓷的断源断代成为可能。

    The differences make it possible to confirm the production sites and periods of ancient ceramics .