
  • 网络ancient china
  1. 古中国的契约概念与契约观

    The Definition and Concept of the Contract in Ancient China

  2. 古中国与古罗马买卖双方义务的比较研究

    The Comparative Research of the Duty of the Purchasers and Bargainors between the Ancient China and the Ancient Roman

  3. 这是十六世纪古中国的士兵头盔。

    It 's a soldier 's helmet from 16th century China .

  4. 教授从事于古中国历史的研究。

    The professor has employed himself in researching ancient Chinese history .

  5. 中国西部古中国洋的形成演化与古生代盆地

    Generation and Evolution of the Paleo-China Ocean and the Paleozoic Basins in the West China

  6. 古代日本文化也很大程度上是在古中国文化上建立起来的。

    Ancient Japanese culture is created pretty much on the basis of ancient Chinese culture .

  7. 古中国的服饰常常使用带补片的刺绣,多为动物花纹。

    The ancient Chinese clothing often used patches of embroidery , which were mainly animal prints .

  8. 殉难是古中国的黑武士!

    Martyrdom is Cathayan black warrior .

  9. 古中国人传说这是孕育成人的盘古开天辟地的结果。

    In Chinese mythology , Pangu was the first living being who separated the heaven and the earth .

  10. 对你而言,你所生长的古中国是非常的重要,什么东西是你比较在乎的?

    VON BOEHM : Your roots in ancient China are very important to you – what do you about those roots ?

  11. 中国盆地的形成经历了古中国陆、古亚洲陆和新亚洲大陆形成3个阶段。

    Basins in China have been formed in 3 stages , including the formation of Paleo-China , Pal - Asia and Neo-Asia .

  12. 古中国的统治者通常对其韩人盟友提供军事保护,并且有时也会以武力惩罚韩人中的破坏分子和挑战者。

    The Chinese rulers often provided military protection to their Korean allies and occasionally punished Korean provocateurs and challengers by force of arms .

  13. 传说,古时候中国北方的原野上有一种鸟,它的名字叫“鹏”。

    As the legend goes , during ancient times , in the expansive open country of North China , there was a kind of birds called " rocs " .

  14. 我相信古时候中国对于月牙看法,因为健康状况的晴雨表与现代医学中对于特殊状况的观点一致。

    I believe in the ancient Chinese view of the lunula as the barometer of one 's health and the modern medicine ideas with regard to specific conditions .

  15. 在古时候,中国有许多寺院。

    In ancient China , there were lots of monasteries .

  16. 古希腊与中国古代的美德比较

    Comparison between Ancient Greece 's Merits and Those of Ancient China

  17. 古牌坊是中国古代社会特有的一种建筑形式。

    Memorial arch is an peculiar architectural form in Chinese ancient society .

  18. 古墨在中国文化中有着特殊的地位。

    Ancient ink in Chinese culture has a special status .

  19. 论古汉语与中国传统的内向型文化心理特征的关系

    On the Relationship Between Ancient Chinese and Psychological Characteristics of Introversion Culture

  20. 浅论古罗马与中国汉代的学校教育

    On School Education of Ancient Rome and the Han Dynasty of China

  21. 这条古老的丝绸之路在古时候把中国和西方连接了起来。

    This old Silk Road linked China with the west in ancient times .

  22. 孔子与古鲁:中国与印度学术职业的变革

    Confucius and the Guru : the changing status of the academic profession in China and India

  23. 在古时候,中国的各个地区都会举行祭拜天地和祖先的仪式。

    In ancient times , every districts of China held sacrificial rites to heaven and ancestors .

  24. 全新世以来苏南地区的古地理演变中国西部山区全新世冰碛地层的划分及地层年表

    The Division of the Holocene Moraine Strata and Their Chronology in Western Mountainous Area of China

  25. 古希腊与中国先秦哲学中神的观念之比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Divinity Idea of Philosophy in Ancient Greece and Before Qin Dynasty of China

  26. 从岩相古地理论中国南方二叠系油气潜景

    Potential of oil and gas of the Permian of South China from the viewpoint of lithofacies paleogeography

  27. 古希腊与中国春秋战国科技发展的比较研究

    Comparison of Science and Technique Development Between Ancient Greece and Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods of China

  28. 中国古陶瓷是中国古代文明的瑰宝,对世界文化和现代文明都具有重要的影响。

    Chinese ancient ceramic is the treasure in Chinese ancient civilization , which influences the world culture and modern civilization .

  29. 珠江口古湖是中国东部最大的早第三纪裂谷湖之一。

    The Pearl River Mouth Lake is one of the biggest Palaeogene rift lakes in the east and offshore of China .

  30. 古希腊和中国先秦哲学中唯物主义和唯心主义哲学家在神的观念上有相同之处,也有差异。

    There are some differences and similarities of the divinity idea of philosophy in Greece and the pre Qin Dynasty period of China .