
  • 网络yihe river
  1. 山东沂河流域鸟类的生态调查

    Ecological survey of birds in drainage area of Yihe river

  2. 在临沂城东段建有一座世界上最长的橡胶坝,使沂河形成8.24平方公里的湖泊,成为临沂一大景观。

    On the east of Linyi City , the longest rubber dam is built across the Yihe River , which forms a scenic lake of8.24 sq km in Linyi .

  3. 用浅层折射和反射联合勘探方法在京&沪高速公路沂河桥址区进行隐伏断层和岩性垂直分带探测试验,试验是在宽约400m的水面上进行的。

    Prospecting test of hidden fault and vertical lithological analysis was carried out by using joint exploration method of shallow seismic refract and reflect waves at Yihe river bridge seat along Beijing-Shanghai expressway . The prospecting test was conducted on water , which is about 400 meter wide .

  4. 采用水生植物、人工填料和固定化氮循环细菌技术(INCB),在秋冬季节对新沂河进行原位污染治理和生态修复实验。

    A technique consisting of aquatic plants , artificial fillers and immobilized nitrogen cycling bacteria ( INCB ) was adopted in situ purifying contaminated Xinyi River in fall and winter seasons .

  5. 介绍沂河大桥主孔60m+90m+60m三孔一联下承式钢管混凝土系扦拱及其主要构成部分&哑铃形钢管混凝土拱肋、预应力混凝土系梁、吊杆和梁面系。

    Introduced in this paper is Xinhe Bridge , a through bridge mainly of three spans ( 60m + 90m + 60m ), in the structure of the steel pipe tied-arch and the dumb-bell shaped steel pipe concrete arch ribs , prestressed concrete tie beams , suspenders and deck system .

  6. 沂河流域地理特性及人文特点分析

    Analysis of geographical and human features of the Yi River Basin

  7. 沂河大通道沂水段路面机械化施工方法研究

    Research on the pavement mechanized construction method of Yishui section of Yi-He thoroughfare

  8. 利用地表漫流系统处理新沂河污水的试验研究

    Experimental study on treatment of wastewater from Xinyi River by overland flow system

  9. 临沂市沂河大桥设计

    Design of Yi He Bridge , Lin Yi City

  10. 新沂河海口控制工程闸下河道冲刷试验研究

    Experiment Study on River Scour Downstream of Tidal Barrage at Xin Yi He River Mouth

  11. 沂河4条支流浮游植物多样性季节动态与水质评价

    Seasonal Changes of Phytoplankton Diversity and Assessment of Water Quality in Four Tributaries of Yi River

  12. 城市尾水输移河流&新沂河生态修复技术研究

    Urban Waste Water Transporting to the River : Biologic Recovery Technologies Research on the Xinyi River

  13. 沂河流域地处降雨高值区,水系呈不对称特征。

    Yi River Basin is located in high precipitation area and the river system is asymmetric .

  14. 在低温的条件下,INCB-微生物技术,可以有效稳定的净化受污的新沂河河水。

    In the conditions of lower temperature , it is stable and effective that purifying contaminated Xinyi River with INCB-microorganism .

  15. 郯城县河砂资源丰富,砂质优良,主要集中分布于沂河和沭河内。

    Sand resource with good quality is very rich in Tancheng county , which mainly concentrates in Yihe and Shuhe river .

  16. 结合工程实践对沂河多跨橡胶坝总体设计形式优化形态进行分析;

    General layout of multi-span flushing rubble dam are proposed for optimizing design in the Yi River combined with practice of projects .

  17. 商务俱乐部位于大厦21层,在此可俯视沂河风光及市区全貌。

    The business club is lie in the21th floor , where you can overlook the view of Yi River and the city complete picture .

  18. 结合临沂市沂河小埠东橡胶坝工程实例,对目前国内充水式橡胶坝螺栓压板锚固方面存在的主要技术问题进行全面分析。

    In combination with the rubber dam project at Xiaobudong on the Yihe River at Linyi City , the major technical problems in bolt clip anchoring of water filling rubber dams are fully analyzed .

  19. 通过试验,确定了一定条件下的系统较优运行参数,为新沂河污染河水生态处理的实际应用提供了技术支持。

    Through experiments , several system parameters under special conditions were recommended , which will provide important reference for the further application of overland flow systems in the control of water environment of Xinyi River .

  20. 结合新沂河河道工程规划设计实践,对设计过程中如何应用现代科学管理理论和投资决策方法,科学地进行水利工程规划设计进行初步探讨。

    Based on the project layout for the Xinyi River Watercourse , this paper makes an elementary investigation on the scientific design of water conservancy projects according to the modem theories of scientific management and methods of investment decision - making .