
  1. 黑彩陶器持续流行到出现红彩陶器(约公元前530年)为止。

    It continued to be popular until the advent of red-figure pottery ( c.530 BC ) .

  2. 黑彩陶器:约公元前700年起源于科林斯的希腊陶器的一种类型。

    Black-figure pottery ( 700B . C. ): Type of Greek pottery that originated in Corinth c. 700 BC .

  3. 罐子腹上一个布满密网的大圆圈里,有一个粗放的黑彩勾画的怪人。

    In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar , there was grotesque human figure outlined in black .

  4. 彩陶十分出色,红地黑彩,花纹简练朴素,绘人面、鱼、鹿、植物枝叶及几何形纹样。

    Painted pottery is very good , red and black color , pattern concise and simple , painted people face , fish , deer , plant foliage and geometric-shaped patterns .

  5. 有一次我爸跟我说了句“打得漂亮”。我的防光黑彩就顺着脸颊往下流,这一次我居然只得到一句“那好吧”?

    One time my dad said , " Nice game , kid . " I had eye black streaming down my cheeks , but all I get is , " Okay , then " ?

  6. 姊妹俩一路走着,经过一块空地,地上布满了无数很大的圆石头。罐子腹上一个布满密网的大圆圈里,有一个粗放的黑彩勾画的怪人。

    Their road led them across a bare stretch of land strewn with boulders of rock . In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar , there was grotesque human figure outlined in black .