
hēi xiàn xuě
  • haddock
  1. 黑线鳕通常烘焙,但有时涂大量黄油烧烤。

    Haddock usually baked but sometimes broiled with lots of butter .

  2. 亲爱的,你想吃黑线鳕还是鲽鱼?

    Do you want haddock or plaice , dear ?

  3. 大西洋小鳕鱼或黑线鳕,尤指已去骨切片以备烹调的。

    Young Atlantic cod or haddock esp. one split and boned for cooking .

  4. 大西洋幼小鳕鱼的肉,重量可达磅;也指幼小的黑线鳕和青鳕;通常烧烤。

    Flesh of young Atlantic cod weighing up to 2 pounds ; also young haddock and pollock ; often broiled .

  5. 生活于海底的鱼,特别指商业价值高的鳕科鱼如鳕鱼以及黑线鳕或者类似比目鱼的鲆鱼。

    Fish that live on the sea bottom especially commercially important gadoid fishes like cod and haddock or flatfish like flounder .

  6. 其他汞含量较低的品种有:黑线鳕、青鳕、比目鱼和鳎、细须石首鱼、小龙虾、鲶鱼、鳟鱼、大西洋鲭鱼、蟹和鲻鱼。

    Also low are haddock , pollock , flounder and sole , Atlantic croaker , crawfish , catfish , trout , Atlantic mackerel , crab and mullet .

  7. 西弗先生曾是一名厨师,他鼓励食客们避开熟悉的食物物种,去选择更具有可持续性且更有益健康的物种,如青鳕鱼、裸盖鱼、鲅鱼、黑线鳕以及农场养殖的澳洲肺鱼和虾等。

    Mr. Seaver , a former chef , encourages diners to stray from the familiar to more sustainable - and wholesome - species like pollock , sablefish , Spanish mackerel , haddock , and farm-raised barramundi and shrimp .

  8. 网底部设计成大开口,因为黑线鳕撞到渔网第一反应是向上游动以逃生;而其他底栖鱼,如鳕鱼,向下游动逃生。

    It has large openings at the bottom of the net . Because when haddock face a net , they swim up to escape and get caught . But other groundfish , like cod , swim down to try to break out .