
tuì suō
  • shrink back;flinch;cower;holdback;wilt;backtrack;backpedal;recoil;wince;shrink;boggle;cringe
退缩 [tuì suō]
  • (1) [cower;flinch;shrink back]∶后退,回缩

  • 退缩不前

  • (2) [wilt]∶畏缩

  • 他那种先是咆哮、吼吓,后又退缩的样子几乎令人可笑

退缩[tuì suō]
  1. 在风雨最猛烈的当儿,也许你会退缩

    You may shrink back from the ordeal of a fierce storm of trial

  2. 我喜欢挑战,我在困难面前决不退缩。

    I likes challenges , and I will never shrink back before difficulties .

  3. 他敢于面对困难,从不退缩。

    He never flinched from facing up to trouble .

  4. 穆拉特毫不退缩地直视着执行枪决的行刑队员们的眼睛。

    Murat had looked into the eyes of the firing squad without flinching

  5. 在艰难的财政决策面前他从没有退缩过。

    He has never flinched from harsh financial decisions .

  6. 艾伦退缩了,说他无意冒犯他们。

    Allen back-pedalled , saying that he had had no intention of offending them

  7. 听到有人走近,她只好强迫自己鼓起勇气,绝不退缩。

    She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching .

  8. 他们在危险面前没有退缩。

    They didn 't shrink from danger .

  9. 他们心怀恐惧地退缩了。

    They backed off in horror .

  10. 那以前我从没骑过摩托车。不过,想退缩已经来不及了。

    I had never ridden on a motorcycle before . But it was too late to chicken out .

  11. 有些地方你能带残疾儿童去,那里的工作人员不会一看到轮椅就退缩。

    There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don 't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair .

  12. 由于分开了太长时间,当妈妈想拥抱他时,小男孩退缩着躲开了。

    Separated from his mother for such a long time , the boy flinched away from her when she tried to give him a hug .

  13. 他打算参加示威,但后来临阵退缩了。

    He planned to participate in the demonstration , but then he got cold feet .

  14. 当危险到来的时候,他们每一个人都退缩了。

    When danger appeared , every one of them held back .

  15. 一看到蛇,那女孩就往后退缩。

    At the sight of the snake , the girl drew back .

  16. 10.getcoldfeet突然退缩,裹足不前莎莉让我试试跳伞,但我不敢。

    Sally said I should try skydiving , but I had cold feet .

  17. 只要有一点冲突的迹象,他在感情上就退缩。

    He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict .

  18. 许多人看见蛇都会向后退缩。

    Most people would recoil at the sight of the snake .

  19. 在想到拾起动物尸体时她退缩了。

    She blenched at the thought of picking up the dead animal .

  20. 亚14:6那日、必没有光.三光必退缩

    In that day there will be no light ; the luminaries will dwindle .

  21. 我们面对困难决不退缩。

    We will never flinch from difficulties .

  22. 我羞愧地忏悔了——冷冰冰地退缩,像个蜗牛。

    I confess it with shame -- shrunk icily into myself , like a snail .

  23. 恶性肝肿瘤邻近肝包膜退缩征的CT表现及其评价

    The CT Manifestation and Diagnostic Value of Capsular Retraction in Malignant Hepatic Tumors

  24. 多因素分析发现肿瘤退缩速度、T分期、N分期对预后有明显影响,而性别与年龄不是预后相关因素。

    Tumor regression rate and T , N Stage were the significant prognostic factors of survival in multivariate analysis , but age and gender were not .

  25. 二阶拟线性退缩抛物方程的Cauchy问题

    Cauchy problem for Quasilinear Degenerate Parabolic Equations of second order

  26. 异体巩膜植入联合Z形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩角膜上皮移植术治疗陈旧性眼部烧伤的临床应用

    Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction Keratoepithelioplasty for old ocular burns

  27. 拟线性退缩抛物方程Cauchy问题广义解的稳定性和唯一性

    Stability and Uniqueness of Generalized Solutions of Cauchy Problem for Quasilinear Degenerate Parabolic Equations

  28. 目的观察小梁切除术术中联合应用丝裂霉素C(mitomycinC,MMC)治疗外伤性房角退缩性青光眼的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of trabeculectomy with intraoperative application of mitomycin C in patients with post-traumatic angle-recession glaucoma .

  29. 目的探讨甲状腺相关性眼病(TAO)静止期上睑退缩的手术治疗方法。

    Objective To study the surgical therapy of upper lid retraction with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy ( TAO ) in stable stage .

  30. 非线性退缩椭圆型方程Neumann问题多重解的存在性

    The existence of multiple solutions of nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations with Neumann bounday condition