
  • 网络Return Order;Return Note;RMA;MRB;credit note
  1. 具有权限管理、采购合同、退货单及查询等功能。

    It has the functions of the authorization management , buying contracts and products return processing , and order tracking .

  2. 退货策略在单周期产品供应链管理中的作用

    The Role of the Returns Policies in the Supply Chain of the Single-Period Products

  3. 研究电子商务模式中含有自治复原退货物流的单周期库存控制问题。

    This paper explored a single-period inventory problem with autonomous recovery return logistics faced by online retailing enterprises .

  4. 退货方法为将「退货及退换联络单」与退货产品一起寄送至退货地址。

    Methods for the return : Customer sends return and Refund Contact Invoice and the return products to a return address .