
  • 网络good customer;good client
  1. 我们正竭尽全力照顾好客户。

    We are doing everything possible to accommodate our customers .

  2. 我刚起步时,她把我推荐给几个好客户

    When I was starting out , she sent me a couple good ones .

  3. 您信奉客户都是上帝,好客户却越来越少?

    You believe your customers are god , but the number of good customers is shrinking .

  4. 企业有太多理由要服务好客户,那么,为什么优秀的服务依然不多见?

    There are powerful incentives to serve customers well , so why is service excellence still so rare ?

  5. 如何处理好客户的定制与产品的模块化之间的关系也就是如何配置问题。

    How to deal with the relationship of customization and modularity type is that how to configure them .

  6. 要是她能再多带几个那样的好客户来,她在这个公司的前途会十分看好。

    If she can bring in a few more good customers like that , her prospects with this company look excellent .

  7. 饶先生说,比起从前,中国现在有更多的好客户。但他仍认为中国的建筑设计行业缺乏人才与品位。

    Jao says there are more sophisticated clients in China now than before , but he still thinks the architectural design industry in China is short on talent and taste .

  8. 生财证券长沙营业部作为金融服务业,拥有良好的客户关系是公司生存和发展的根本,如何实施好客户关系管理对于生财证券长沙营业部来说十分重要。

    SCS as a financial services company with good customer relationship is fundamental for the survival and development , how to implement good customer relationship management for SCS is important .

  9. 品牌好客户&和名牌在一起。目标客户采购特征分析揭示了不同客户关注的焦点、采购决策的关键环节、关键环节的关键人物。

    The purchase characteristic analysis of target customer open out the focus of different customer 's attention , the key link of purchase decision , the key link of key person .

  10. 雅顿那边给出的价格非常合理,但是我们还未与他们签订合约,你能不能马上处理一下这个事情,让我们留在他们的好客户名单中?

    Arden give us very favourable prices , but we haven 't got a contract with them - Can you deal with it straight away so we stay in their good books ?

  11. 该模型利用聚类分析-Logistic回归分析方法具有较高的预测准确率,且坏客户错判成好客户的比率和好客户错判成坏客户的比率均较低。

    Using cluster analysis-Logistic regression analysis method has higher prediction accuracy , and bad customers into good customers of the rate of wrongful convictions and miscarriage of justice as well customers are bad customers lower rates .

  12. 主要策略为建立产品、客户需求与公司品牌的关联;提高公司和营销代理人对客户和市场的反应速度;处好客户、代理人和公司内部之间的关系。

    The newly designed strategy aims at building relationships between products , clients and corporate brand , accelerating company and agents ' response to clients and market , managing inner relations between clients , agents and corporation .

  13. 最后根据计算好的客户价值,采用时间序列分析方法来对客户生命周期价值进行曲线建模,得到了分类CDMA客户生命周期价值曲线模型并对模型进行了评估。

    Finally , according to the calculated customer value , using time series analysis to the value of customer life cycle curve modeling , has been classified CDMA customer lifetime value curve model and the model was assessed .

  14. 珍惜、保护好宝贵客户资源是建立和发展战略伙伴的桥梁

    To Treasure and Protect Customer Resources & The Bridge to Strategic Companionship

  15. 这是一个不太规范的产业,是好的客户服务将我们与其他公司区分开来。

    It 's a mean business and customer service is what sets us apart .

  16. 你好,客户服务吗?请马上给320房送份菜单。

    Hello , Room Service ? Please send a menu to 320 right away .

  17. 我们共同负责处理好与客户的关系。

    We share responsibility for customer relations .

  18. 他只见约好的客户。

    He sees clients by appointment only .

  19. 下面的步骤处理信誉状态不好的客户,并修复错误标记。

    The next set of steps deal with customers in bad standing and remedy the error marker .

  20. 一些高质量的、信誉好的客户,特别是沿海地区客户将选择外国银行。

    Some high-quality credit-worthy clients , particularly those in coastal areas , are likely to choose foreign banks .

  21. 18:我们已经接到好几个客户取消的订单了,他们表示收到了次品。

    We 've been getting cancellations of orders from clients , saying they 've been receiving faulty goods .

  22. 确保成品货源供给销售及时,保证好的客户服务。

    To ensure continuous replenishment of finished goods to MO 's on time in order to guarantee good customer service .

  23. 因为你是这么好的客户,我才愿意提供你这个价格。

    It 's only because you 're such a good customer that I 'm willing to offer you this price .

  24. 好的客户服务在任何行业中都是取得成功的必要因素,尤其是在服务和招待部门更加重要。

    Good customer service is essential to success in any industry , but it is particularly important in the service and hospitality sector .

  25. 任志刚:你金融经验丰富,英语也这么好,客户对你一定有信心!

    Joseph yam : with your substantial experience in financial markets and excellent english , your clients must have great confidence in you .

  26. 同时,为公司,甄选好的客户,好的订单,为公司和买手获取长期的共赢利益。

    Meanwhile , the good customer good order , to make both saler buyer get mutual benefit in long term , that is my first working goal .

  27. 水泥、机焦、墙材在本地就近销售,生铁远销上海、江苏、浙江、江西、广东、广西、四川、贵州等地,有一批长期稳定、合作很好的客户。

    Its products sell well not only in Yunnan Province but also in many other provinces , which always attract a great number of regular consumers and clients .

  28. 使用已经安装好的客户机要小心;对于某些人而言,将客户机替换成经过修改的、能捕获击键信息(或更糟的情况)的客户机实在是太容易了。

    Be skeptical of clients that are already installed ; it would be too easy for someone to have substituted a modified one that captures your keystrokes , or worse .

  29. 我们将机械的、照本宣科的模式转变为真正的交流,充满性格色彩并进行一对一的沟通,最终建立并维护好与客户之间的关系。

    We converted from a robotic , scripted environment to a conversational environment that brings the personality to life and brings one-to-one connections , which is what ultimately builds and sustains relationships .

  30. 你必须对此深明熟悉,你才能处理好同客户、上级、同事及下属之间的人际关系、行为礼仪。

    And you must understand this special way of thinking about relationships and behavior and how it applies to your dealings with your clients , superiors , your colleagues and your subordinates .