
  • 网络knowledge;mastery of knowledge
  1. CFA项目是通过一系列考试测试你对知识掌握程度的一种教育项目。

    The CFA Program is an educational program that tests your mastery of a body of knowledge through a series of exams .

  2. 目的初步探讨自我管理项目对稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者生活质量和健康知识掌握程度的影响。

    Objective To discusses the initial effect of self-management program on the quality of life and the healthy knowledge of the stabilized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  3. ACT考试旨在衡量学生在高中阶段的知识掌握情况。

    The ACT is designed to measure what a student learned in high school .

  4. ICU护士口腔护理预防VAP的知识掌握越好,态度越积极,口腔护理预防VAP的行为依从性越好。

    The better ICU nurses grasp knowledge of oral care to prevent VAP , attitude is positive , the better behavior of the oral care to prevent VAP compliance . 3 .

  5. 目的调查龙岩市娱乐场所女服务员性病艾滋病知识掌握情况及与HIV感染相关危险行为发生状况,探讨HIV/AIDS流行趋势,为制定适合本地情况的HIV/AIDS干预措施提供科学依据。

    Objective To Investigate the HIV / AIDS knowledge and high risk behavior in females working at recreational places in Longyan city , Fujian province . Discuss the tendency of HIV / AIDS , offer science basis for Intervention measure that suits local condition .

  6. 结果两组比较,在饮食知识掌握、控制总热量、食物换算、BMI、血糖监测、HbAIC、Ch、LDL、HDL差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    Results The diet control , calorie restriction , food adjustment , BMI , blood sugar monitoring , HbA1C , CH , LDL-C , and HDL-C between this two groups showed statistically significant difference ( P > 0.05 );

  7. 有关护士全面质量管理知识掌握程度的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Nurses ′ Knowledge About Overall Quality Management

  8. 8000名河北青少年预防艾滋病基本知识掌握情况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on 8000 Youngsters of knowledge of Preventing AIDS

  9. 不同层次的已婚妇女性知识掌握程度及相关因素分析

    Analysis on correlative factors of sexual knowledge of different group married woman

  10. 专家与新手在科学知识掌握上的差别分析

    The analysis of differences between experts and novices on mastering science knowledge

  11. 护士对骨科病人疼痛知识掌握的现状调查分析及对策

    Investigation on Nurses ' knowledge of Pain in Orthopedic Patients and Countermeasures

  12. 护理人员标准预防知识掌握情况调查及对策飞行人员情绪表达特征对认知绩效的影响

    Understanding of Standard Prophylaxis Knowledge in Nursing Personnel and Countermeasures

  13. 老年住院患者对药物知识掌握情况的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on the knowledge of medication in hospitalized elderly patients

  14. 摩梭人的传统医药知识掌握在年长妇女手里;

    The traditional medical knowledge is rested with older women .

  15. [结论]云南暗娼人员对艾滋病预防和传播知识掌握较少。

    Conclusion : unlicensed prostitutes AID knowledge of prevention and prevalence is less .

  16. 临床护士对心电图知识掌握情况的调查分析

    Analysis on the condition of handling the knowledge of electrocardiogram by clinical nurses

  17. 了解学生对奥运会的知识掌握情况,并快速核对关于奥运会的基本信息。

    Finish a questionnaire to check how much the students know about the Olympics .

  18. 护士对专业法律知识掌握情况调查及分析

    Investigation and analysis of the nurses ' recognition to the knowledge of specialty law

  19. 公民心肺复苏知识掌握现状与技能培训的方法及意义

    The Knowledge State of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and the Training Methods and Significance in Citizens

  20. 临床护理人员呼吸机报警相关知识掌握情况及需求调查

    A survey of grasp of ventilator-alarm-related knowledge in clinical nursing staff and their demand

  21. 体育知识掌握情况;

    The situation of mastering physical knowledge .

  22. 课堂教学质量是决定知识掌握的重要因素。

    Teaching quality in class plays a decisive role in the process of gaining knowledge .

  23. 护士化疗自我防护知识掌握情况的调查与分析

    Investigation on chemotherapeutic self-protection knowledge among nurses

  24. 目的了解脑卒中主要照顾者护理知识掌握情况。

    Objective To find out the nursing knowledge of the main caretakers of stroke patients .

  25. 新职工对医院感染知识掌握情况的调查研究

    Knowledge of new employees of hospital infection

  26. 陕西省宝鸡市公众对非典防治知识掌握程度调查

    Knowledge of Prevention and Treatment of Atypical Pneumonia among the Public in Baoji City , Shaanxi Province

  27. 青年官兵性态度与艾滋病预防知识掌握情况调查

    Investigation on the Sex Attitude and the Master of the AIDS Prevention Among Young Officers and Soldiers

  28. 我院聘用护士防范护理纠纷的知识掌握情况调查

    A survey of status quo of knowledge grasp about nursing dispute precaution among employed nurses in our hospital

  29. 学生艾滋病知识掌握越多,其对待艾滋病及艾滋病病人的态度就越积极。

    The more knowledge of AIDS the students have , the more active attitude to the AIDS patients .

  30. 旅游类大学生生涯规划知识掌握情况的调查研究&以桂林旅专为例

    A Survey on Career Planning Education for Tourism Students & A Case Study of Guilin Institute of Tourism