
  • 网络intellectual property infringement
  1. 知识产权侵权民事救济。

    Study on civil remedies for intellectual property infringement ii .

  2. 论知识产权侵权的归责原则

    On the Criterion of Liability of Intellectual Property Infringement

  3. 浅析TRIPS中的知识产权侵权法理论

    Theory of Tort Law Concerning Intellectual Properties in TRIPS

  4. 中国加入WTO以后,TRIPS协议中有关知识产权侵权的规则将对我国知识产权侵权法律制度产生重要的影响。

    China affiliation WTO hereafter , TRIPS agreement inside rule concerning intellectual property right infringement will to our country the intellectual property right infringement law system produces the important influence .

  5. 美国参议院要求itc出具两份报告,以衡量中国的知识产权侵权和创新政策对美国经济的影响,这份报告是其中的第一份。

    The ITC report is the first of two which , on the request from the US Senate , will attempt to measure the impact of intellectual property rights infringement in China and Chinese innovation policies on the US economy .

  6. 支持者不仅有电影工作室、唱片公司,还有制药企业等制造商,虽然SOPA对后者没有直接影响,但只要是对抗知识产权侵权,他们都很关心。

    Supporting the bill are not only film studios and music labels , but also drug firms and other manufacturers . Though SOPA itself does not affect them , they have a big interest in fighting any kind of intellectual-property infringement .

  7. 知识产权侵权与维权的博弈分析

    Game-theoretic analysis of the invading and protecting of intellectual property rights

  8. 试论网络环境下的知识产权侵权行为

    Tentative Remarks on the Tort against Intellectual Property at Network Setting

  9. 在这样的情况下,就很可能出现知识产权侵权情况。

    In this case , intellectual property infringements may occur frequently .

  10. 跨国知识产权侵权管辖原则的新发展&对传统地域管辖原则的突破

    New Orientation in Jurisdictional Principle for International Infringement of Intellectual Property

  11. 知识产权侵权归责原则的探索与比较研究

    Studies on Principles of Assumed Liability for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights

  12. 三,顺利出台了知识产权侵权刑事犯罪司法解释。

    Thirdly , Judicial Interpretation on IPR Infringement Crimes was smoothly promulgated .

  13. 红色旅游资源开发中的知识产权侵权损害救济研究

    Research on Intellectual Property Infringement-damage-remedy in Red Tourism Resources Exploitation

  14. 唯一明确的是,人们正在进行一场艰难的反知识产权侵权斗争。

    But the fight against intellectual-property theft is waged hard .

  15. 论图书馆数字资源服务的知识产权侵权风险

    On Infringement Risk of Intellectual Property in the Library Digital Resource Service

  16. 域名系统运行中的知识产权侵权问题分析

    Analysis about Some Problems of Intelligent Property in Domain Name System Running

  17. 科技发展速度迅猛,使收集到的知识产权侵权数据变得并不准确。

    Constantly changing technology makes data on piracy unreliable .

  18. 知识产权侵权认定及损害赔偿研究试论环境侵权因果关系的认定

    Research on Identification of Infringement of Intellectual Property Right and Compensation for Damages

  19. 论知识产权侵权损害的法定赔偿

    Statutory Indemnity Set for the Intellectual Property of PRC

  20. 知识产权侵权案件推定赔偿的正当性探析

    Analysis about the Justness of Inferential Compensation in Infringement Lawsuits of Intellectual Property Rights

  21. 我国在知识产权侵权民事责任制度方面的立法还不完善。

    The law of civil responsibility of infringement upon intellectual property is not perfect .

  22. 互联网知识产权侵权案之管辖权

    < title > On Jurisdiction of Infringing Case of Knowledge Property Right of Internet

  23. 知识产权侵权案件归责原则问题研究

    A Study on the Doctrine of Liability Fixation in Infringement of Intellectual Property Right

  24. 知识产权侵权损害赔偿研究

    Research on Damages for Infringement of Intellectual Property

  25. 以上规定了供应方就知识产权侵权行为承担的全部责任。

    The foregoing states the Contractor 's entire liability for intellectual property right infringement .

  26. 美国议会提出反盗版议案,打击跨国知识产权侵权。

    An American anti-piracy bill tries to stem the global theft of intellectual property .

  27. 今年6月,富士康在香港向比亚迪提起知识产权侵权诉讼。

    In June , FIH filed an intellectual-property infringement suit against BYD in Hong Kong .

  28. 我国知识产权侵权归责原则探析

    Research on Principles of Assumed Liability for Against the Violation of Intellectual Property in Our Country

  29. 无过错责任原则应当是知识产权侵权行为的归责原则。

    Principle of no-fault liability should be principle of assumed liability in intellectual property right infringement .

  30. 在知识产权侵权诉讼中,审判籍与取证问题往往具有牵连性。

    In intellectual property right infringe lawsuits , the judicial records often have a bearing on evidence-gathering .