
  • 网络Information Crime
  1. 信息犯罪析要

    A Study of Information Crime

  2. 信息犯罪探析

    Probe into Information Crime

  3. 当前信息犯罪的新问题及其对策

    The current problems concerning Information Crimes & Countermeasures against them

  4. 编造虚假恐怖信息犯罪若干问题研究

    Study of Problems About Crime of Fabricating False Terrorist Information

  5. 因此信息犯罪作为信息法学的一项重要

    To prevent information crimes , we should use both legal and ethical

  6. 应采取技术手段、法律手段、伦理手段对信息犯罪进行防治。

    We should be on guard against them by means of technology . law and ethics .

  7. 从而将信息犯罪的基本范畴及其内在特殊属性的研究引向深入。

    In this way , it furthers the basic category and the inherent special nature of this crime .

  8. 本文将分四个部分对侵犯公民个人信息犯罪问题进行探讨。

    This paper will be divided into four parts to investigate the infringement of citizens ' personal information crime .

  9. 虚假信息犯罪作为一种社会现象,在刑法视角下有着特定的内涵和特征。

    False information crime which as a social phenomenon has specific connotation and characteristics under the perspective in criminal law .

  10. 并且信息犯罪的发展呈手段趋多、成本趋低、影响趋广和规制趋难的态势。

    And the development of information in crime means more hasten is low , influence , cost is broad and regulation is difficult situation .

  11. 从研究起步阶段的计算机犯罪到之后的网络犯罪直至近年来的信息犯罪,各种定义和论述五花八门。

    From studying the initial phase of computer crime to after the network crime until recent information crime , different definitions and discusses is multifarious .

  12. 本文就研究信息犯罪的必要性、信息犯罪的防范应该主要依靠法律,还是依靠技术手段以及刑法在防治信息犯罪中的作用、相关立法的完善等问题进行了探讨。

    How to perfect the criminal law and organically connect the legal regulations with technological prevention is a major task that must be faced in preventing and controlling information crimes .

  13. 信息犯罪是信息社会的产物,由于我国侦查技术的局限和法律规定的滞后,信息犯罪并没有得到很好的制约。

    Information crimes are the product of the information society , which have not yet been well controlled because of the limitation of the investigative technology and the lag of legal regulations .

  14. 国内自20世纪90年代起至今,关于信息犯罪的研究工作尚处于混沌状态,学界甚至对信息犯罪的定义仍无定论。

    Domestic since 90s of the 20th century , has been about information criminal research work is still in the academic circle , even chaotic state of information crime definition is still no conclusive .

  15. 信息犯罪具有隐蔽性大,持续时间长;行为人年龄小、智商高;形式多样,覆盖面广;内外勾结,跨时空实施的特点。

    Information crime latent big , lasted for a long time , Actor age small , high IQ , Diverse forms , coverage , Internal and external collusion , cross space and time implementation features .

  16. 通过运用计算机专业知识重点论述了四种信息犯罪的客观表现,尤其是对犯罪方法和犯罪对象进行了系统的研究。

    Author application computer profession knowledge the point discussed the objective aspect performance that crime of four kinds of computers , and particularly is with the crime object and crime method to proceed to system research .

  17. 随着社会的发展,侵犯公民个人信息犯罪的案例也越来越多,从刑法保护的角度去研究公民个人信息保护的相关刑法问题具有重要的现实意义。

    With the development of our society , the cases which violate personal information become more and more , to study related criminal questions about the protection of personal information from the view of criminal protection has important realistic meaning .

  18. 信息犯罪作为一种新的犯罪形式的学理研究的类型化,是以信息社会为其研究背景的。信息犯罪的信息性凸显了新的高科技犯罪与传统犯罪的内在差异。

    The typological study of information crime as a new type of crime has information society as its background of study and the informational characteristics of this type of crime show the inherent difference between highly technological crime and traditional one .

  19. 通过分析现有立法保护的规定,指出立法规定中的不足及原因,并结合侵害公民个人信息犯罪的现状,得出完善立法修改的必要性。

    Through the analysis of the existing legislation protect regulation , it point out the disadvantage and reason of the legislation , combined with violation individual citizens of the present situation of information crime , it is concluded that the necessity (?) improving legislation modification .

  20. 编造虚假恐怖信息犯罪既是《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(三)》增加的一种新型的恐怖活动犯罪,又是实践中发生率高、影响面广的恐怖活动犯罪之一。

    Crime of fabricating false terrorist information is not only a new-type crime of terrorism added in the Amendment ⅲ of the Criminal Law of the People 's Republic of China , but also one of the crimes of terrorism with high incidence and wide influence in practice .

  21. 首都信息网络犯罪特点与对策研究

    On the Characteristics of Cipher Crime and the Countermeasures for Beijing

  22. 论信息共同犯罪的片面共犯

    On One-sided Accomplice of Fellowship Crime in the Information Space

  23. 近年来,短信息诈骗犯罪呈多发势头。

    Crime of defraud by short messages is increasing in recent years .

  24. 封闭信息比犯罪更能引起父母亲们的愤怒

    Withholding information generates more anger than guilt in parents

  25. 短信息诈骗犯罪的侦查对策

    Investigation Countermeasures against Defraud by Short Messages

  26. 手机短信息诈骗犯罪的手段、成因、特点及防范

    Means , Causes , Characteristics of the Crime Fraudulent Massages on Mobile Phone and the precautions

  27. 通常,个人敏感信息和犯罪分子之间仅有一墙之隔密码。

    Often , there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminals your password .

  28. 通常,个人敏感信息和犯罪分子之间仅有一墙之隔——密码。

    Often , there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminals - your password .

  29. 犯罪现场重建是侦查主体运用与犯罪有关的现场信息再现犯罪事件和行为的过程。

    Rebuilding of the crimes scene is the process that the investigating subject using the scene information related to the crimes recur the crimes and behavior .

  30. 近年来,妨害公民个人信息的犯罪日益突出,严重影响着公民个人的日常生活以及社会正常秩序。

    In recent years , criminal obstruction of personal information of citizens have become increasingly prominent , seriously affecting the daily lives of individual citizens and the normal order of society .