
  • 网络information weapon
  1. 新概念电子信息武器将是重点发展领域;

    Electronic / information weapons of new concept will become a major development area ;

  2. 信息武器及计算机病毒技术研究

    Research on Information Weapons and Computer Virus

  3. 美国研制和发展的各种信息武器装备均处于世界领先水平;

    Various kinds of information weaponry which the United States develops are in the leading level in the world ;

  4. 直升飞机组员可能装备一个头盔显示器(HMS)用于信息和武器控制平视。

    The helicopter crew may also be equipped with a helmet-mounted sight ( HMS ) for head-up display of information and weapon control .

  5. 利用信息作为武器有着悠久的历史。

    The use of information as a weapon has a long history .

  6. 未来战争中的电磁环境将异常复杂,无论是陆战、海战、空战还是它们之间相结合的协同立体战争,利用探测器及时、准确、隐蔽的获取目标信息在武器制导系统中发挥着重要的作用。

    Electromagnetic environment will be very complex in the wars of future , Whether marine , naval , air combat , or a combination of them , three-dimensional war , to obtain objective information timely , accurate , hidden using sensors will play an important role in weapon guidance systems .

  7. 基于信息流的武器装备体系效能模型

    An Operational Effectiveness Model for Armament System based on Information Flow

  8. 如果将主惯导系统的姿态信息直接供武器系统使用,武器精度将无法得到保证。

    Should the information of MINS be applied to the weapon system directly , the accuracy of weapons could not be guaranteed .

  9. 基于空间目标特征信息的空间武器决策支持系统设计

    Theoretically Exploring How to Design Decision Support System ( DSS ) Based on Information about Space Target Characteristics for Supporting Effective Utilization of Space Weapons

  10. 在网络化作战模式下,只有依靠不断发展的数据链技术,才能实现信息源、武器平台和指控中心三者之间的链接。

    Under the pattern of future network-centric engagement , only relied on the developing technology of tactical data link , can we achieve the goal of connecting information resource , weapon platform with CC center .

  11. 特别是在变总体、小样本情况下,如何正确地使用各种来源的有用信息,对武器装备性能和质量作出准确评价,是工程实践中亟待解决的问题。

    Especially for dynamic population and small sample conditions , it is a problem emergent to be handled with in engineering practice that how to use helpful multi-source information correctly and offer accurate evaluation for weapons ' performance and quality .

  12. 进而在研究未来战争的特点和发展趋势时提出在关注信息技术、武器技术的新发展同时,效率技术和管理集成技术在战役行动中的作用有待得到重视和研究;

    In researching the features and developing trend of the future wars , the paper points out that in taking care of the development of information technology and weapon technology , efficiency and management integrated technology must be paid attention to and studied .

  13. 军事心理战,是以特定的信息媒介为武器,通过有效的信息刺激,改变对方的心理状态,导致其意志衰退、思维混乱、决策失误、战斗力下降的作战。

    Military psychological operations ( PSYOPS ) was defined as the means in which some effective information stimulus could pass to enemy personnel by some specifically information medium to cause their decaying will , confused thinking , unadvisable decision-making and degressive battle effectives .

  14. 根据实际调研与需求,将武器装备管理系统划分为人员信息管理、武器管理、弹药管理、装备管理四个功能模块,实现了人员、武器装备的统一管理。

    According to actual research and demand , the weapon and equipment management system is divided into four function modules as personnel information management , weapons management , ammunition management , and equipment management , which realizes the centralized management of personnel , weapons and equipment .

  15. 这一点对于采用全球定位系统(GPS)制导的导弹来说,就更尤为明显了。GPS导弹是一种从卫星群接收制导信号和目标信息的远程攻击武器。

    This is particularly true for missiles guided by the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) the long-range-strike weapons that receive guidance signals and targeting cues from a constellation of satellites .

  16. 信息环境下航空武器系统一体化联合攻击技术探讨

    Incorporated joint attacking technology of aviation weapon system under information environment

  17. 信息战条件下武器装备供应链动员初探

    Supply chain mobilization of weaponry and equipment under informationalized war

  18. 信息优势评估是武器装备效能评估的难点之一。

    It is difficult to evaluate information superiority in weapon system effectiveness analysis .

  19. 信息伞与核武器伞有什么不同?

    What is the difference between the information umbrella and the nuclear umbrella ?

  20. 计算机恶意代码技术与恶意代码防御技术作为信息战的主要武器都在快速发展着。

    Both malicious code technology and anti-malicious code technology acting as the necessary weapons of Information Warfare are rapidly developing .

  21. 该系统既可用作网络信息战的攻击武器,又可用于平时网络攻防演练。

    This system cannot only be the weapon in network battlefield , but the drill tools in the network attack and defending .

  22. 导向器一种电子装置,连续计算和显示的信息,用来使武器向移动目标开火,如导弹或飞行器。

    An electronic device that continually calculates and displays information used for firing weapons at moving targets , such as missiles or aircraft .

  23. 这种惩罚性回应会传递出一个信息:使用化学武器是不能容忍的,会给政权带来巨大代价。

    Such a punitive response sends the message that chemical weapons use will not be tolerated and will be costly for the regime .

  24. 全息技术以其不同于传统照相的成像原理和独特的成像特点,在工业检测、医学疾病的诊断与分析、电影、电视、展览、信息存储和军事武器等方面都获得了广泛的应用。

    Holographic technology differs from traditional photography and has unique imaging features , have been widely used in industrial inspection , medical diagnosis analysis , film , television , exhibitions , information storage and military weapons and so on .

  25. 而在复杂的战争环境中,若过多地依赖外界信息,势必对武器平台的生存带来致命的威胁,因此,精密制导武器的重大改进就是向自主式制导武器发展。

    In the complicated war environment , if we rely on too much external information , it will bring the deadly threat to the existence of the weapon platform certainly . So , the great improvement of the accurate guidance weapon is the independent guidance weapon .

  26. 而嵌入式实时数据库系统,为各类武器装备提供及时、准确、持续、集成的数据信息服务平台,正在成为信息密集型武器装备的重要选择。

    The embedded real-time database system providing timely , accurate , continuous , integrated data service platform for all types of weapons and equipment , is becoming an important options for information-intensive weapons and equipment .

  27. 信息战的核心是在大量使用信息技术和信息武器的基础上,争夺对战场的信息控制权。

    The point of information warfare is to master the battlefield information based on a large number use of weapons and information technology .

  28. 舰船方位序列是一种带有灰色信息的时间序列,灰色系统理论是处理灰色信息的有力武器。

    The naval vessel bearing series is a kind of time series , which contains grey information . The Grey Model Theory is a strong weapon of dealing with grey information .

  29. 综合了侦察卫星、预警卫星、通信卫星和导航卫星的卫星网络具有自主运行和独立的信息获取、信息融合、存储和分发能力,是夺取信息优势的重要武器。

    Satellite network embodies scout satellites , guarding satellites , communication satellites and navigation satellites , which is running autonomously and with the capability of obtaining , fusing , storing and distributing the information independently . So it has become an important armament for capturing the information predominance .