
  • 网络information superiority;informational advantage;information predominance
  1. GIG的目标是在以网络为中心的环境中获得信息优势,使各种系统和基于消息传递的Web服务能够以并行方式进行互操作。

    The GIG aims to achieve information superiority in a network-centric environment by enabling various systems and messaging-based Web services to interoperate with each other in parallel .

  2. 但是,从获取信息优势的角度对C4ISR系统的研究,国外尚未见到比较系统的成果,国内的研究更是寥寥无几。

    It has not been some systemic results from the point of view of information superiority , even very few evolvement in domestic research .

  3. 尽管知情交易者的信息优势只体现在每个交易年度中的B时期,而且也只是关于未来股票内在价值的一个概率性信息,但这仍足以让其获得超过其他投资者的收益。

    Although the information advantage of informed traders is only revealed in the B period in every trade year , and it only includes a probable estimation of the future inherent value of stocks , this information advantage is enough to let those investors get higher proceeds than others .

  4. 在此基础上,搭建了HLA数据耕种与数据挖掘原型系统,同时通过原型系统有效地完成了XXX工程中关于信息优势的效能评估。

    Accordingly , the HLA data farming and data mining prototype system is established and applied to project XXX . Besides , the evaluation of information superiority in project XXX is effectively accomplished with the help of the prototype system .

  5. 武器装备效能分析中的信息优势评估建模方法研究

    Research on Information Superiority Modeling Methods in Weapon System Effectiveness Analysis

  6. 构建科技信息优势的有效途径-用户教育

    User education : an effective way of forming scientific information competence

  7. C~4ISR体系对抗仿真中的信息优势度量

    Measure of information superiority in simulation of C ~ 4ISR gaming

  8. 充分利用矿产资源信息优势发展多种经营

    Develop diversified operation by taking full advantage of mineral resources information

  9. 一是中央银行拥有信息优势。

    The other is that central bank has information superiority .

  10. 信息优势含义的变迁及其意义

    Change of the Connotation of Information Superiority and Its Significance

  11. 四是机构投资者利用资金和信息优势操纵股价。

    Institutional investors control share price with advantage in capital and information .

  12. 信息优势评估是武器装备效能评估的难点之一。

    It is difficult to evaluate information superiority in weapon system effectiveness analysis .

  13. 信息优势与制信息权的定量评估是一个非常重要的研究课题。

    Quantify evaluation of information superiority and dominance is a very important subject .

  14. 北京发展工业具有丰富的人才优势、信息优势和市场区位优势。

    Beijing has elitist , information and market location predominance in the industry development .

  15. 今天的信息优势如同过去的空中优势一样重要。

    It is as important today as air superiority has been in past wars .

  16. 因特网的普及更是为高校大学生创业提供了信息优势。

    The popularity of the Internet provides the advantage of information for college students .

  17. 最后提出信息优势能力与制信息权之间定量的数学描述。

    At last , the relationship between information superiority and information dominance is suggested .

  18. 发挥信息优势服务地区经济

    Developing Information Advantages and Serving Local Economy

  19. C~4ISR通信分系统信息优势评估指标研究

    Research on the Evaluation Index of Information Superiority for Communication Sub-System of C ~ 4ISR

  20. 网络中心战增强了战场空间态势感知能力,将信息优势转换成作战优势。

    NCW enhances the battlespace situational awareness ability and enables Information Superiority in military operations .

  21. 这一局面使投行不必实行非中介化,并且相对其他市场参与者享有一种信息优势。

    This gives them protection from disintermediation and an information edge over other market participants .

  22. 一种信息优势的比较和拍卖机制研究

    Research on information superiority and auction mechanism

  23. 信息优势正在成为综合国力竞争的制高点。

    Information superiority has become the chief point of the competition in overall national strength .

  24. 信息优势是敌对双方在获取和使用信息方面的一种优越性。

    Information superiority is an advantage in achievement and application of information of two hostile sides .

  25. 金融控股公司与专业银行相比,具有几方面的优势,如信息优势,规模经济,范围经济,风险递减以及通过合并报表合理避税等优势。

    The financial holding company has some theoretical and practical advantages and disadvantages versus specialized financial intermediaries .

  26. 网络中心战中,合适的知识基础设施是将信息优势转化为知识优势的前提。

    In NCW , suitable knowledge infrastructure is the premise for transforming information superiority to knowledge superiority .

  27. 前言:目的:利用网络信息优势,促进医院药学信息服务工作发展。

    Objective : Using the advantages of the internet to improve the message relay service from Hospital Pharmacy .

  28. 在相当程度上削弱了商业银行等金融中介机构的信息优势。

    It has also greatly weakened the information advantages of financial intermediaries such as commercial banks and the like .

  29. 指出电子商务环境下的企业竞争优势具体体现为一种信息优势。

    The paper points out that the enterprise competitive advantage under thee-commerce environment is concretely expressed as an information advantage .

  30. 现代战争中,要保持信息优势,必须建立适合新环境的指挥控制信息系统。

    In order to keep information superiority , command & control information system must be developed in complex warfare context .