
  • 网络information resource sharing;information sharing
  1. 基于WebServices技术实现电子政务信息资源共享的思考

    Several Considerations of e-government Information Sharing Based on Web Services

  2. GIS与WWW技术的结合促进了分布式地理信息资源共享。

    The combination of GIS and WWW technologies has made distributed geographical information sharing possible .

  3. 谈Web服务在数字图书馆信息资源共享中的应用

    Application of Web Service in Sharing Information Resources of Digital Library

  4. 基于Web服务的数字城市信息资源共享平台

    Digital city information resource share platform based on Web services

  5. 基于Web空间信息资源共享研究

    Study of Information Resource Sharing of Web Space

  6. BOSS是网络运营商的一体化、信息资源共享的支持系统。

    BOSS is support system of the integration , information resource sharing for the network carriers .

  7. 充分利用加入WTO的有利因素,健全和完善我国的有关法律,尽力把实施知识产权保护的负面影响减小到最低程度,使文献信息资源共享得以真正实现。

    The author points out that we should perfect the related laws and reduce the negative influence of implementing intellectual property right protection to make the resource sharing become true .

  8. Internet网络在世界范围内的迅速普及与发展,使全球信息资源共享的观念日益变为现实,也给传统的图书馆服务和建设带来了巨大冲击。

    The worldwide development and fast popularization of the Internet has made the global information resources sharing come true day by day . It also has caused enormous impact on the traditional service and development of libraries .

  9. 随着Internet在诸多领域的广泛应用,许多原本独立的设备和系统开始与Internet互联,使越来越多的信息资源共享成为可能。

    Along with the wide application of Internet in many fields , a lot of whilom isolated equipments and systems have been joining up with it , which makes it possible that more and more information and resources can be shared .

  10. 为了将分布在不同地理位置上的羊毛衫设计、生产、销售等环节,通过Internet实现信息资源共享,提出了羊毛衫网上定制系统的设计方案。

    In order to bind Knitted Sweater design , manufacture and sale systems which are located at different places all together to share the data information through the Internet , this article brings forward a scheme of designing a Knitted Sweater online custom system .

  11. 如今,人们已将P2P计算技术应用到很多领域,主要应用包括:信息资源共享、协同工作、分布式计算、实时通信技术、信息检索技术、广域网络存储系统等。

    Nowadays , people apply the P2P technology to many fields , and the main appliances include information sharing , cooperating , distributed computing , realtime communicating , information searching , WAN storing system , and so on .

  12. 随着计算机系统的互联,特别是通过Internet将各种计算机进行互联,大大拓展了信息资源共享空间和时间,提高了其利用率,同时也给计算机网络系统的安全性带来了前所未有的挑战。

    With the interconnecting of computer systems , especially connecting various computers together by Internet , it expands greatly shared space and time of information resource and raises its utilization ratio . At the same time , it brings challenge never existed before to safety of computer network system .

  13. 基于元数据和XML的信息资源共享平台,采用J2EE较为先进和成熟的技术,进一步对J2EE的特点进行综合论证,提出了基于J2EE和XML的电子政务元数据管理系统的技术框架。

    The data shared platform that is based on metadata and XML , use comparative mature and advanced technology such as J2EE , further more the paper brings forward the technical construction based on the J2EE and XML by introduce the characteristics of the J2EE .

  14. 政府信息资源共享环境中的电子协作支持模式

    E - Collaboration Mode in Sharing Environment of Government Information Resources

  15. 大力推进信息化进程,实现信息资源共享;

    Develop the information and make the information resources be shared .

  16. 高校合并后图书馆的文献信息资源共享

    Literature resource sharing of libraries after mergence of colleges and universities

  17. 文献信息资源共享从传统型向现代型的转化

    Transformation of the traditional Document Information Resource Sharing into the Modernization

  18. 关于21世纪文献信息资源共享的思考

    On the Shared Recourses of Library Information in the 21st Century

  19. 信息资源共享制度环境的缺憾与创构

    Defects Analysis and Reconstruction on System Environment of Information Resources Sharing

  20. 信息资源共享趋势与公共图书馆转型

    The Trends of Information Resources Sharing and Public Libraries in Transition

  21. 县级图书馆文化信息资源共享的组织与实施

    Organization and Implementation of Culture Information Resource Sharing at County-level Libraries

  22. 开放存取与数字图书馆信息资源共享

    Reinforce open access to accelerate information resources sharing of Digital Library

  23. 一种多级架构的政务信息资源共享平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a Multi-level E-Government Information Sharing Platform

  24. 农业数字图书馆合作与信息资源共享

    Agricultural Multimedia and Digital Library Cooperation and Information Resource Sharing

  25. 图书馆信息资源共享区的结构与功能研究&以江苏省高校图书馆文献信息保障体系为例

    A Study on the Stuctures and Functions of Library Information Resources Community

  26. 网络环境下的信息资源共享整合技术

    Integrating Technology of Information Resources Co-sharing under the Networked Environment

  27. 加强横向联合,实现信息资源共享;

    Strengthen the crosswise connection to share the informational resources ;

  28. 教育城域网信息资源共享网络模式研究

    Research on the Information Resources Sharing Mode of Educational Metropolitan Area Network

  29. 信息资源共享系统绩效评估指标体系的构建

    Constructing Performance Evaluation Index System of Information Resource Sharing System

  30. 供应链中信息资源共享的行为学分析

    Organizational Behavior Approach to The Analysis of Information Sharing in Supply Chain