
  1. 然而随着信道传输速率的提高和掺铒光纤放大器的应用,偏振模色散(PMD)成为了制约光纤通信技术发展的瓶颈。

    However , the high-speed transmission rate make Polarization Mode Dispersion ( PMD ) as the bottleneck of optical fiber technology development .

  2. 特别是当光纤通信系统单信道传输速率达到40Gbit/s或以上时,二阶PMD效应已不可忽略,它严重影响了信号传输质量,造成数字通信的码间干扰。

    Further more , as the bit-rate of a single channel in optical fiber transmission approaches 40Gbit / s or beyond , the effect of the second order PMD can 't be neglected .

  3. 随着光通信系统单信道传输速率的增加,色散效应越来越成为40Gb/s及以上光通信系统的限制因素。

    With the data transmission rate of single channel in optical communication system increases , dispersion effect is becoming the main factor affecting the transmission rate and bandwidth .

  4. 随着单信道传输速率的提升,系统的色散、非线性效应等问题对信号的影响也更加严重。

    However , with the increase of transmission rate in a single channel , the quality of the signal would be more affected by dispersion , non-linear and so on .

  5. 这样不仅对计算机的存储和处理能力提出了很高的要求,而且也使得图像通信的信道传输速率受到限制。

    But the data quantity of image is huge , which not only requires high storing and operating capacity for computers , but also restricts the channel transfer rate of image communication .

  6. 实验结果表明,相对于采用固定信道传输速率的可伸缩视频码流传输方案,该方案在达到相同平均视频质量时平均可节省44.95%~52.86%的能量,显著提高了无线信道上可伸缩视频传输的能量利用效率。

    Simulation results show that , compared with fixed channel transmission rate streaming , the system reduces the energy consumption by 44.9 % - 52.8 % while achieving the same video distortion , which means significantly improved energy efficiency for wireless scalable video streaming .

  7. 大数据量的视频信息传输与网络信道低传输速率的矛盾,使得视频通信成为多媒体通信的关键。

    A key of multimedia communication is the video communication due to the contradictory between the enormous data of video information transmitted and low transmitted rate in channel of network .

  8. UWB由于采用超宽带信道技术,传输速率可高达500Mb/s,是其他短距离无线通信系统无法比拟的。

    Because of its ultra wideband channel , the transmission data rate of UWB can be as high as 500 Mb / s , which is much faster than other short range communication systems .

  9. MIMO-OFDM系统能够大幅度地提高无线通信系统的信道容量和传输速率,并能有效地抵抗多径衰落,因而已成为4G移动通信系统中极具前景的核心技术。

    MIMO-OFDM system can enhance the channel capacity and transmission rate highly , and can also deal with the multi-path fading efficiently , so it has become a promising candidate for 4G mobile communication system .

  10. MIMO-OFDM技术将OFDM与空时编码技术有机的结合在一起,能够大幅度的提高无线通信系统的信道容量和传输速率,并能有效的抵抗多径衰落、抑制干扰和噪声。

    As a combination of OFDM with space-time coding technique , MIMO-OFDM has recently attracted considerable attentions , which can not only effectively enhance the transmission rate and capacity of the wireless communication system but also effectively combat multi-path fading and interfere .

  11. 虽然语音保密通信在近几年来有了很大的发展,但是由于语音速率不够低使得加密后的语音信号数据量大、占用信道宽和传输速率低。

    Although this technology has a great development in recent years , but the coding rate is not too low .

  12. 多载波调制技术是一种并行数据处理方式,有效地对抗多径衰落,可以提高无线带限信道的数据传输速率。

    Multicarrier modulation is a form of parallel data transmission , which is efficient to reduce the detrimental effects of multipath fading . It can improve the data rate in the wireless band-limited channel .

  13. 它不但具有MIMO-OFDM技术的优点:能大幅提升系统的信道容量和数据传输速率,抗频率选择性衰落和多径衰落。

    It has the advantages of MIMO-OFDM technology : increase system channel capacity and data transfer rates significantly , against frequency selectivity fading and multi path fading .

  14. MIMO技术在不增加系统带宽和发射信号功率的前提下大幅度提高了系统的信道容量和数据传输速率,在无线频带资源紧张、信息传输量巨大的通信系统中具有很大的优势。

    MIMO technology became popular because MIMO system significantly enhances spectrum utilization without increasing the system bandwidth and because transmit signal power under the premise of the system greatly increased channel capacity and data transfer rates .

  15. 由其带来的信息爆炸,使信道带宽和信道传输速率成为多媒体技术发展的瓶颈问题。

    The information explosion has made the transmission rate and channel bandwidth become bottlenecks in the development of multimedia technology .

  16. 同时,根据信道特点和数据传输速率的要求给出了深空通信的调制方式。

    Meanwhile , modulation schemes for deep space communication are provided based on channel features and requirements on data transmission rates .

  17. 由于其能够同时具备信道容量大,传输速率高,抗多径干扰能力强,频谱利用率高等特点,成为无线通信技术研究的热点之一。

    Owing to its large channel capacity , high transfer rate , strong resistance to multipath interference , and high spectral efficiency , MIMO MC-CDMA has become one of the most researched fields in mobile communication technology .

  18. 介绍了一种高性能的利用无线话音信道(25kHz信道带宽)传输数据速率为9600/19200bit/s的无线数传机的研制。

    This paper introduces the implementation of the high performance wireless data transmitter . The transmitter works in the wireless voice channel ( 25 kHz bandwidth ), and the transmission data rate is 9 600 / 19 200 bit / s.

  19. 联合信源信道编码技术在变信道下的传输速率可接近理论极限,因此在未来多媒体通信中有很好的应用前景。

    Joint source-channel coding ( JSCC ), which can approach the theoretical limit of transmission rates with varying channels , has a splendid application future in multimedia services .

  20. HFC网络中上行信道的漏斗噪声是制约上行信道提高传输速率的主要原因。

    In the HFC network , the funnelling effect of noise is the main restrict matter of raising the rate in the up stream channel .

  21. Polar码的构造将使信息仅通过无噪比特信道进行传输,这样可达到信道传输的最高传输速率。

    Information bits are designed to be transmitted only in the noiseless bit-channels by the construction of polar code , which will lead to the the highest information transmission rate .

  22. 该算法能够收敛到全局最佳结果,是网络效用达到最优。然后,针对多信道无线自组织网络数据传输和时延分配调整问题,本文提出了时延受限的多信道传输速率控制的分布式算法。

    By solving the problem , we get a distributed algorithm , which can get a global convergence for network . Secondly , this thesis proposed a model of end-to-end delay-constrained data transmission rate control for multi-channel wireless ad hoc network .