
diàn lù jiāo huàn
  • circuit switching
  1. 基于TCP交换的电路交换与分组交换融合方法

    Integration of Circuit Switching and Packet Switching Based on TCP Switching

  2. 从电路交换到ATM交换&交换技术发展100年纵览

    From Circuit Switching to ATM Switching & A Retrospect to the 100-Year Development of Switching Technologies

  3. 未来的网络将综合为一个,从目前的趋势来看将会是IP网,这向电路交换电话网提出了商业挑战。

    This is commercial challenge to circuit - switched telephone networks .

  4. 电路交换网与IP网络发展趋势

    The Developing Trend of Circuit Switched Networks and IP Networks

  5. 基于FPGA的大容量星上电路交换模块设计

    Designing of Onboard Circuit Switch Module of Great Capacity Based on FPGA

  6. VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol,IP电话)技术的发展促使语音业务从物理电路交换到数据报分组交换的转变。

    VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) techniques prompt the transfer of audio service from circuit switch to package-based switch .

  7. WAN连接类型包括专线、电路交换和分封交换。

    WAN connection types include leased line , circuit-switched , and packet-switched .

  8. 随着IP技术的迅猛发展和宽带网络的逐步建成,以电路交换为主的传统电信网络逐渐萎缩。

    With the development of IP technology and broadband networks , the traditional telecommunications network which is based circuit-switch is gradually shrinking .

  9. 回顾了QoS路由技术在电路交换网络,ATM网络和IP网络中的演进与应用。

    Then the evolution of QoS routing technologies in circuit switched network , ATM network and IP network is reviewed .

  10. 文章研究了一种基于超宽带(UWB)和电路交换技术的无线adhoc网络的结构和算法。

    This paper investigates the structure and algorithms of Ad Hoc wireless network based on UWB and circuit switching technologies .

  11. 无线通信网络的发展正处于3G的前夜,基于电路交换的无线通信系统将最终演变成以IP有线网为核心,无线网作为接入方式的全IP网络。

    The mobile communication system based on circuit exchange will become an all-IP network consisting of IP core cable network and radio access network .

  12. 电路交换域与IMS互通研究

    Interworking of Circuit - switched and IMS

  13. VOIP网关设计成把话音从包方式转换成电路交换方式。

    VOIP gateways are designed to convert voice from the packet domain to the circuit switched domain .

  14. 目前在通信网中所采用的交换方式有代表性的主要有:电路交换、分组交换、ATM交换及IP交换。

    At present , adoptive representative switching mode in communication network ways includes circuit switch , packet switch , ATM switch and IP switch .

  15. 在软交换网络体系中,IP中继媒体网关主要用来完成电路交换网侧与IP分组网侧媒体流的转换,该网关同信令网关一起完成电路交换网与IP网络的互通。

    Trunking Media Gateway transmits media stream between IP and circuit switching networks , implements interworking of IP and circuit switching networks with signaling gateway in softswitch network .

  16. 分析了现有基于电路交换技术的传输方式实现多连接传输时存在的不足,提出一种基于IP分组技术的实现方案。

    After analyzed the problems during transporting the original radar intelligence by the current switched-circuit technique , the paper proposes to use the IP technique based on switched-packet instead .

  17. 当大型企业网络由封闭的、基于电路交换的系统向基于开放、IP数据业务转型中,安全及管理问题更加暴露。

    When the closed , based on circuit-switched network changes to an open , based on IP-data-services network in a large-scale enterprise , security and management problems become even more exposed .

  18. WAP协议可以运行于不同的承载服务上,包括短消息、基于电路交换的数据业务、分组交换数据业务等。

    WAP protocol could run on different transportation services , including SMS , CSD , GPRS and so forth .

  19. 该系统不仅可用于PSTN,也可用于其它和PSTN类似的基于电路交换和网络本身没有保密的系统。

    This system is applied in not only PSTN but also non-security system based on circuit switched networks .

  20. 由于技术和成本问题,传统电路交换网络与基于IMS的分组交换网络还将会在很长时间内并存。

    Traditional circuit-switched network will coexist with packet-switched network based On IMS for a long period because of technology and cost .

  21. 从发展的角度来看,NGN是在传统的以电路交换为主的PSTN网络中逐渐迈出了向以分组交换为主的IP网络的步伐。

    From a development perspective , NGN is a traditional circuit-switched PSTN-based networks in order to gradually step to IP-based packet switching networks pace .

  22. 在这里概述的题目包括点对点链路,电路交换,分组包交换,虚电路,拨号服务,和WAN设备。

    Topics summarized here include point-to-point links , circuit switching , packet switching , virtual circuits , dialup services , and WAN devices .

  23. 随着互联网的迅速发展、以网络为中心的计算时代的到来,通信网正在完成从电路交换技术转向分组交换技术,特别是无连接IP技术的战略性转型。

    Along with the fast development of the Internet , the main technology used in the communication network is changing from circuit-switched technology to the packet-switched technology , especially to the connectionless IP technology .

  24. 用PSL验证宽带电路交换芯片

    Verifying Broadband Digital Cross Connection Chip By PSL

  25. 未来WCDMA无线网上承载的是包括电路交换域(CS)和分组交换域(PS)的混合业务,因此WCDMA无线网规划的质量高低与混合业务测算的方法直接相关。

    The WCDMA wireless network will carry hybrid services of CS and PS. The calculation method of hybrid services capacity directly relates to the network planning result .

  26. ISDN是一种电路交换技术,使它比包交换的XDSL更适合于电视会议。

    ISDN is circuit-switched technology , making it better for video conferencing than XDSL , which is packet-switched .

  27. 将电路交换与分组交换的话源特性和流量模型进行了对比.对常见的VoIP话务模型进行了分类与综述。

    Then it compared the traffic source and traffic model between circuit switch and packet switch , and survey the usually VoIP traffic models by its classification .

  28. 对于中国移动,原有的以电路交换为基础的、以承载语音业务为主的传输网络已经不能满足新形势下的需求,传输网络的IP化和容量的扩大迫在眉睫。

    For China Mobile , original voice business on circuit-switched transmission network can not satisfy the requirements under the new situation . It is necessary to change the transmission network to IP network and increase the capacity .

  29. 以往的多媒体通信业务主要基于电路交换网络,随着基础数据业务的快速稳定增长和网络规模的持续增长,多媒体通信业务的发展趋势将基于包交换网络,如IP网络。

    The communication of multimedia is mostly based on the Circuit Switching in the past , and with the improvement of the foundation of data operation , the tendency is based on the packet switched data network .

  30. 语音网上基于原电路交换的业务将逐渐转移到以分组交换和数据通信为基础的结构上,而在这种基础结构上,IP将占主要地位。

    Based on the original circuit-switched voice line business will gradually shift to packet switching and data communications to the basis of the structure , the structure in this basis , IP will account for a major position .