
diàn huà jiāo huàn jī
  • Telephone exchange;telephone switchboard
  1. 1696程控电话交换机微机计费系统

    Micro-computer Calculate Cost System for Program Control Telephone Switchboard of 1696 Type

  2. 技师们马上就来修理电话交换机。

    The technicians are coming to fix the telephone switchboard .

  3. 程控电话交换机用PTC过流保护器的研究

    Study of PTC over current protector for program - controlled switchboard

  4. PDS系列电力调度程控电话交换机的设计

    Design of type PDS program controlled telephone exchanger for power system dispatching

  5. 汇接用纵横制自动电话交换机汇编-FORTRAN连接

    Concourse-connection longitudinal-transverse auto-telephone exchange

  6. SSP是由SS7链路互连的电话交换机,用来发起、终止或汇接呼叫。

    SSPs are telephone switches , interconnected by SS7 links , that originate , terminate or tandem calls .

  7. 该文以C2构架风格在电话交换机呼叫控制模块中的应用为例,提出了用该风格实现通信软件动态演化的一种方法。

    In this thesis we provide a method by giving an example of applying the C2 architecture style to the call control module in the telephone exchange .

  8. 对程控电话交换机的控制方式进行了深入的讨论,并针对5ESS_2000和Linea交换机的控制系统进行了分析。

    This article discusses the control modes for digital SPC exchanges , and analyses the control systems for 5ESS_2000 and Linea exchanges .

  9. 它不应该被依赖用做提供一种无错的传送方法,传送双音频信号到另一解码器。例如:电话交换机的DTMF侦察器。

    They should not be relied upon to provide an error free method of relaying tone signalling to other decoders , such as a telephone exchange DTMF detector , for example .

  10. 介绍S1240程控电话交换机在应用程序软件升级中,对操作系统的支持和补充。

    This article introduces the complement for the operation system through application software program updating in the S1240 SPC Telephone Exchange .

  11. SSU-12型程控电话交换机自动计费系统的设计

    The Design of Automatic Message Accounting System of Program Control Telephone Exchange SSU-12

  12. 本文研究程控数字电话交换机中用户集中器时分接线器(LTSW)的多故障检测。

    In this paper , multiple fault detection of line concentrator time switch in SPC switching system is discussed .

  13. 本文还详细介绍了无线PBX系统的工作原理和功能,在原有的小型电话交换机方案基础上做了较大的改进,增加了无线接入的功能。

    This thesis also introduced the wireless PBX system principle of work and the function in detail , and make the improvement in the original telephone switching plan foundation , increased the function of wireless accessing .

  14. 我们的神经系统好比一部电话交换机。

    Our nervous system can be likened to a telephone exchange .

  15. 纵横制电话交换机常见故障处理方法

    How to handle common faults in crossbar system automatic telephone exchanges

  16. GB/T6878-1986纵横制市内电话交换机技术要求和试验方法

    Technical requirements and testing methods for local crossbar telephone switching systems

  17. 西部板式自动电话交换机共电制电话交换机局

    Western panel type automatic telephone switch board common battery exchange

  18. 漫不经心地交换意见磁石落地式电话交换机

    Tossed the idea around . floor pattern magneto telephone switchboard

  19. 那是电话交换机的电脑在向其他电脑发送信号

    Those are the telephone computers actually signaling each other ,

  20. 以程控电话交换机组成数据通信网

    A data network formed by program controlled telephone exchangers

  21. 小型智能电话交换机的设计

    Phone Call Telephone The design of intelligence telephone switchboard

  22. GB/T14716-1993程控模拟用户自动电话交换机通用技术条件

    Generic specification for stored program control analogue private automatic branch telephone exchange system

  23. 纵横制电话交换机微机控制系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Computer Control System for Vertical and Horizontal Telephone Exchanging System

  24. GB/T15542-1993数字程控自动电话交换机技术要求

    Technical requirements of digital SPC automatic telephone exchange

  25. 万门电话交换机中微型机管理系统设计

    Design of the Microcomputer Managment System in the Telephone Exchange System of 10000 Lines

  26. (纵横制交换机中的)互斥电路步进制市内用自动电话交换机

    Selecting chain step-by-step system local automatic telephone exchange

  27. 步进制市内用自动电话交换机他们急于进一步控制找。

    Step-by-step system local automatic telephone exchange So they need a better handle on me .

  28. 本文对JZHQ&4型纵横制自动电话交换机的原理与应用问题进行了研讨,具有一定的实用价值。

    The principle and application of JZHQ & 4 crossbar automatic telephone exchange are discussed .

  29. 两种程控电话交换机的控制方式

    Two Control Modes for Digital SPC Exchanges

  30. 在70年代早期,大多数电话交换机还是机电模拟转换器。

    In the early1970s , the majority of telephone exchanges were still electromechanical analog switches .