
  • 网络Scheme analysis;per protocol;per-protocol analysis;Scenario Analysis;AOA
  1. 模型的特点在于,通过一系列的时间结构上的约束条件,使得方案分析能够与适应性优化结合起来。

    The special temp - oral structure of the constraints in the model makes it possible to combine scenario analysis with true adaptive optimization .

  2. GPS机动车辆管理系统实现方案分析

    Scheme for Mobile Management System based on GPS

  3. 基于J2EE的企业内容管理模型和实现方案分析

    Analysis of J2EE Based Enterprise Content Management Model and Implement

  4. 基于GIS的青岛市山丘区退耕还林还草决策方案分析

    Analysis of Decision-making Scheme on Cultivated Land in Qingdao Returned to Forestland and Grassland Based on GIS

  5. 3G无线网络无缝覆盖解决方案分析

    Analysis of Seamless Coverage for 3G Wireless Network

  6. GPRS核心网网络组织优化方案分析

    Optimization Solutions for the Structure of GPRS Core Net

  7. 煤炭行业专网VOIP改造方案分析

    Analysis of VOIP End Net Reform in Coal Industry

  8. 一种ATM容错交换机研究及网络系统仿真和安全方案分析

    A Kind of Fault-tolerant ATM Switch Research and Network System Simulation and Analysis of Network System Security Scenario

  9. 无线直放站常用ALC控制方案分析

    Wireless Repeater Common ALC Control Method Analyze

  10. 国产200MW机组锅炉点火系统改造技术方案分析

    Analysis on Technical Program of Ignition System Rebuild for Domestic 200 MW Boiler

  11. 通过对XA5032铣床改造方案分析和进给传动系统的设计计算,应用WA-21M数控系统,完成铣床的数控化改造。

    Through plan analysis of XA5032 milling machine transformation and design calculation of feeding transmission system , by adopting WA-21M NC system , NC transformation of milling machines is completed ;

  12. 提出了基于神经网络和D-S证据理论相结合的分层式信息融合的负载匹配方案分析方法,详细介绍了该方法的原理和具体实施步骤,并通过实例证明了该分析方法具有较高的准确性和可靠性。

    After analyzing the merits and drawbacks of neural network and D-S Evidence theory respectively , a method of hierarchical information fusion condition evaluation based on neural network and D-S Evidential theory is introduced in this paper , the principle and steps are discussed in details .

  13. 信阳师院图书馆自动化管理系统实施方案分析

    An Analysis of the Enforcement of Automatic Management System in Libraries

  14. 变风量系统新风分配控制方案分析

    Analysis of Outdoor Air Ventilation and Distribution Control for VAV Systems

  15. 杠杆法在行星传动方案分析中的应用

    Application of the Lever Analogy to Automatic Transmission Train Schematic

  16. 柴油电站的降噪方案分析

    Program analysis on the noise reduction of diesel generating set

  17. 五轴铣床运动链构形方案分析

    Analysis on the Kinematic Chain Configuration Scheme of Five-axis Milling Machine Tool

  18. 留矿全面采矿法变形方案分析与应用实践

    Analysis and application of deformation program of shrinkage breast method

  19. 小区配水管网改造方案分析

    Analysis on Reconstruction Scheme of Water Distribution Network in Community

  20. 催化重整装置典型控制方案分析

    Analysis of Typical Control Schemes in Catalytic Reforming Unit

  21. 广电宽带网的两种接入方案分析

    Analysis of Two Access Modes of CATV Broadband Network

  22. 张家口发电厂节水方案分析

    Analysis on water-conservation plan for zhangjiakou Power Plant

  23. 光学目标模拟器总体结构方案分析及关键技术

    The Mechanical Structure Scheme Analysis and Key Technique

  24. 自动变速器机械传动方案分析与模糊评价研究

    The Analysis of Automated Transmission Mechanical Train Schematic and the study of Vague Assessment

  25. 翅膀沟铁路隧道施工变形监测网方案分析

    Analysis on Deformation Monitoring Net of Railway Tunnel

  26. 核热电联产系统与配汽方案分析优化

    Nuclear heat and electricity coproduction system and analysis & optimization of steam assignation scheme

  27. 方案分析及优选。

    Analysis of the alternative and optimum selection .

  28. 公交调度问题解决方案分析

    Analysing Project for Solving Vehicle Dispatching Problem

  29. 氧化铝泵现场更新改造方案分析

    Analyses of Schema for the Renewal and Transformation of Aluminum Oxide Pumps at the Site

  30. 高速动能导弹初始段控制系统的方案分析与设计

    Scheme Analysis and Design of Control System for Initial Trajectory of High Speed Kinetic Energy Missile