
  • 网络Motor speed;rpm;Max. rpm
  1. ISG启动发动机的实验表明电动机转速的模糊逻辑控制的稳定性好于PI控制。

    The experiments of engine starting by ISG show that the stability of motor speed with fuzzy logic control is better than that of PI control .

  2. 该同步控制器通过RS-232串行接接口连接上位PC机,通过RS-485总线控制变频器的输出电压频率,调节电动机转速,实现对系统的同步控制。

    The synchronous controller has connected PC , and through the interface RS-five 485 bus connections , output voltage inverter frequency inverter control motor speed , communication , realizing the synchronization control .

  3. 基于DSP的三相感应电动机转速闭环控制

    Rotational Speed Closed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor with DSP

  4. DSP控制的电动机转速测量方法的实现

    Realization of Speed-Measure Method of Electromotor based on DSP Control

  5. 用PLC控制数字变频器改变异步电动机转速的实现

    The Realization of PLC Digital Control Frequency Governor & Revolution Control of the Asynchronous Motor

  6. ND5型机车牵引电动机转速传感器故障探讨

    A study of failures of speed sensors of ND_5 locomotive traction motors

  7. 并通过软件编程实现速度的PID调节,构成电动机转速闭环控制系统。

    The software realizes the speed PID modulation . The PID realizes the close-loop control of the speed .

  8. 基于端口哈密顿系统与PI控制原理的异步电动机转速调节

    Speed Regulation of Induction Motors Based on Port-Controlled Hamiltonian Systems and PI Control Principle

  9. 叙述了一种采用555定时器和单片机进行电动机转速测量的方法,详细介绍了系统各部分的组成、原理及用C语言进行测量控制的编程方法。

    A method for electromotor rotate speed measurement was introduced in this paper , it was based on 555 timer and SCM . The system 's structure , operational principle and C language for measure control with software were explained detailed .

  10. 并给出利用ITU实现对直流电动机转速控制的硬件原理图和软件设计。

    The hardware schematic diagram and software design for DC speed control based on H8 / 3048F is given out .

  11. 基于EKF的感应电动机转速及负载转矩辨识一种考虑负载转矩的异步电机弱磁控制策略

    Speed and Load Torque Identification of the Induction Motor by Using EKF Induction machine flux weakening control strategy based on the load torque

  12. 本文提出了采用微处理机实现PWM(脉宽调制)调制逆变器的控制方案,并讨论如何实现感应电动机转速的闭环控制,PWM模式的形成及GTO(可关断可控硅)逆变器的调制。

    This paper describes ths control scheme of PWM inverter with microprocessor , and discusses the speed control of close loop , the formation of PWM model and modulation of GTO inverter .

  13. 分析了由MCU和双向晶闸管开关来控制通用电动机转速的原理,提出了一种提高电动机效率的设计方案,给出了该实现方案的硬件电路和软件程序框图,同时给出了实验仿真的结果。

    The principle of using MCU and duplex SCR to adjust velocity of general electric machine is analysed , and a scheme of enhancing efficiency of electric machine is also given and some experiment to simulate the design is done .

  14. 通过分析EHPS系统的转阀的工作特性曲线,确定了电动机转速与车速、转向盘角速度的关系。

    By the analysis of working characteristic curve about the steering valve in EHPS system , the relationship between the motor speed , steering angular velocity and vehicle speed is explored .

  15. 东南大学机械系现有的转子实验台ZT-3是一个手动调节调压器来控制直流电动机转速的开环控制系统,配以相关设施可以完成学生测控、振动方面的实验。

    ZT-3 rotor test bed in Department of Mechanical Engineering in Southeast University is a DC motor centered open-loop control system , which speed is controlled by regulating the regulator manually .

  16. 在实验室XY-4立轴钻机的基础上重新设计了液压系统及变速方案,根据控制精度等需求选择了液压系统的电磁阀和控制电动机转速的变频器。

    Based on the XY-4 spindle type drill rig the hydraulic system and transmission program has been re-designed . According to the motors and hydraulic system the appropriate hydraulic valves and transducers are selected .

  17. 该系统以西门子公司的直流调速器(6RA70)为主要调速控制器件,主拖动直流电机采用反电动势反馈的控制方法,根据主电机实际转速自动调节电枢电压和电流,平滑改变电动机转速。

    The direct current speed regulator ( 6RA70 ) is in this system as the main speed governing device , it uses the opposing electromotance feedback control , can smoothly change the rotational speed of the main electromotor , automatically regulate the armature current according to the real rotation speed .

  18. 自适应神经网络在异步电动机转速辨识中的应用

    Application of Adaptive Neural Network in Speed Identification for Induction Motor

  19. 矢量控制感应电动机转速辨识方法研究

    Speed Estimation Method of Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor

  20. 磁饱和效应对感应电动机转速辨识影响的研究

    Study of Main Flux Saturation Influence in Speed Estimating of Induction Machine

  21. 基于模糊神经网络的感应电动机转速估计方法

    Speed Estimation of Induction Motor Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  22. 利用该控制系统,可以实现电动机转速检测和控制。

    This control system can detect and control the rate of the electromotor .

  23. 电动机转速模糊控制系统设计

    Design of fuzzy control system on motor rotating speed

  24. 基于模糊逻辑控制的异步电动机转速控制

    Asynchronous motor speed control based on fuzzy logic control

  25. 电动机转速的微机测量系统

    Microcomputer Measurement System to Test Motor Rotation Rate

  26. 8051单片机在小功率直流电动机转速控制系统中的应用

    Application of Model 8051 SCM in Rotation Control System of Low - power DC Motors

  27. 状态反馈精确线性化永磁同步电动机转速控制

    Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on exact linearization via state variable feedback

  28. 电动机转速的数字检测

    Digital Detecting of Motor 's Rotation Speed

  29. 提出了一种无速度传感器测量三相异步电动机转速的方法。

    A novel method is suggested for measuring the speed of a machine without speed sensor .

  30. 提出了用改变异步电动机转速的方法,自动调节空气压力的单片微机控制系统设计方案。

    A microcomputer control system for air pressure regulating by automatic motor speed governing was designed .