
  • 网络desired value
  1. 你的薪资希望值是多少?

    What are you expecting for your salary ?

  2. 当我们的存款达到我们的希望值时,我们计划考虑用额外的存款用于投资或购买可供出租的物产和地产。

    Once we get to that level we 'll consider eventually investing our extra savings or using it to buy rental property or land .

  3. 目标是在多个竞争用户间公平分配可用链路带宽、维持瓶颈结点的队列长度在希望值。

    The goal is to share the available link capacity fairly among many competitive users to maintain queue length of a bottleneck node at a desired level .

  4. 建议采用项目收益法和资金成本法同时测算,测得的结果进行比较,选定高值作为基值,然后确定风险系数和行业希望值,最终确定石油行业财务内部收益率基准值。

    Income selecting and cost selecting are recommended to calculate and make comparison simultaneously . Higher value can be used as basic one to determine risk factor and the industry 's expected value and finally confirm the financial internal rate of return of petroleum industry .

  5. 之前已有两家风投公司拒绝了ThePoint公司,一部分原因是它希望获得高估值,但仍然缺乏能创造收入的真正战略。

    Two previous VC firms had turned The Point down , in part because it wanted a high valuation without any real strategy for generating revenue .

  6. 在最基础的级别上,在将XML值插入到表中之前,您可能希望各种元素值的数据类型是正确的。

    At a very basic level , before inserting an XML value into a table , you may want to make sure that the data type of the various element values are correct .

  7. 这是个有趣的问题,尤其是对于speed这样的属性,我们希望它的值能落在0到300的范围之内。

    Why are values in a range of2 ^ 31 so interesting , particularly if we actually want the : speed property to accept only values in a range of0 * 300 ( this ain 't your average cruise sheep * ) .

  8. 使用这些API,您可以创建Portlet以公开您希望自定义的值,并且为设置这些值提供相应的用户界面。

    Using these APIs , you can create a portlet to expose the values you want to be customizable , and you provide a user interface to set these values .

  9. 这就是希望忽略返回值时,在Vimscript中调用函数的方式。

    Which is how you call a function in Vimscript when you intend to ignore the return value .

  10. 并将过期时间设置为0,这将向memcached通知您希望将此值存储在缓存中直到删除它为止。

    The expiration time was set to0 , which tells memcached that you want this value to stay in the cache until you remove it .

  11. 无论是国家还是发展伙伴都希望物有所值。

    Both countries and development partners want value for money .

  12. 有时,您希望跟踪的值位于另一个表中。

    Sometimes , the value you want is tracked in another table .

  13. 人们希望能够切换值。

    We may want to switch the value .

  14. 希望此预测值能够对大豆进出口企业和其他相关单位的决策提供一点帮助。

    We Hope that this forecast can do some help to the soybean import and export enterprise and other related businesses .

  15. 对于报表上的每一行,您希望在其值介于100和1000之间时将总价的背景显示为黄色。

    For each line on the report , you want the extended price to appear with a yellow background if the value is between100and1000 .

  16. 所以,这些消费者不仅在寻找能够保养她们皮肤的产品,同时也要让她们感觉很好,体现自我价值。她们当然希望物有所值。

    Therefore , these customers are looking for something that not only makes their skin look good , but also makes them feel good ( self-worth ) .

  17. 如果您希望保留这些值,那么可以将其放入到/etc/tunables/nextboot文件中,这样一来,在重新启动系统之后,它们将仍然保持为经过更改的值。

    If you want to keep the values , put this into the / etc / tunables / nextboot file so that they will remain changed after a reboot .

  18. 这一点很重要,因为从跟踪的角度来说,即使不打算监视值随时间的变化,也希望知道修改值的准确位置。

    This is important because from a tracking perspective you will want to know exactly where the value changed , even if you are not monitoring the changes over time .

  19. 如果得到了随机变量的一组样本值后,希望利用样本值来估计变量分布中的参数值,这在工程中是一个比较重要的问题。

    If a set of sample value has been obtained , we wish use it to estimate parameter value of the distributing variable . It is a very important problem on engineering .

  20. 在基于列表和树的控件中,开始输入您希望选择的值的名称:一个经筛选的弹出对话框允许快速导航到所需的值。

    In list and tree based controls , start typing the name of the value that you want to select : A filtered pop-up dialog allows to quickly navigate to the desired value .

  21. 您不仅想要更长的哈希值(这会减少哈希碰撞的机会,也就是说,减少两个短语生成相同的哈希值的机会),您还希望生成哈希值所花的时间尽可能长。

    Not only do you want a longer hash ( which reduces the chance of hash collisions & two phrases generating the same hash ), but you also want it to take as long as possible for the hash to be generated .

  22. 该用例更加具体:它假定用户希望更改CompanyInformation值,因此选择对应的标题栏。

    This use case is more specific in that it is assumed that the user wanted to change the Company Information values specifically and , therefore , selects the respective title bar .

  23. 要简化这一代码编写过程,请尝试DominoEnumerationCodeGenerator页面,它允许您输入枚举名称、数据类型和希望使用的所有值。

    To make this code-writing process easier , try the Domino Enumeration Code Generator page , which allows you to enter an enumeration name , a data type , and all the values you want to use .

  24. 但这可能引发沃比根湖(LakeWobegon)效应——因为在盖瑞森•凯勒(GarrisonKeillor)的虚构小镇里,每个人都希望拿到高于平均值的薪酬。

    But this can trigger the Lake Wobegon effect , where , as in Garrison Keillor 's fictional town , everyone wants to be paid above average .

  25. 最终的目标是希望在提交表单值后切换到结果显示。

    What you ultimately want is to switch to the results case after you submit the form .

  26. 它提高了你对整个健康养生,精神上和身体上都是值得为之做出努力的希望,和期望值。

    It increases your hope and expectation that your whole health-and-fitness regimen , mental and physical , will be worth the effort .

  27. 如果您希望仅将这些值应用到某组特定的队列,则应该只在这些值生效时定义这些队列。

    If you want to apply the DefaultQBufferSize value only to a specific set of queues , then only define those queues whilst the values are in effect .

  28. 通常,您希望监视某些属性(例如可用性)在一段时间内的情况,或者希望监视特定值的变化情况。

    Often you want to monitor something over time ( for example , availability ), or you want to monitor for changes in particular values .