
xī wàng gōng chéng
  • Project Hope;the Hope Project
希望工程[xī wàng gōng chéng]
  1. 今天我们的老师告诉我们关于希望工程的事。

    Today our teacher told us something about the Hope Project .

  2. 你为希望工程捐助了多少钱?

    How much did you subscribe to the Hope Project ?

  3. 因此,希望工程是由CYDF提供财政援助,帮助这些贫困地区。

    Therefore , the Project Hope is initiated by CYDF to offer financial assistance for these young stets .

  4. 让我们一起去了解一下“外国的希望工程”吧!

    Let 's go to know " Project Hope in foreign "!

  5. 我们应该为希望工程做些有用的事。

    We should do something helpful for the Project of Hope .

  6. 现在所有的会员正在为希望工程筹集东西。

    Now all the members are collecting things for Project Hope .

  7. 她加入希望工程一年了。

    She has been in Project Hope for a year .

  8. 我们正为希望工程募集资金而举行时装表演。

    We are giving the show to raise money for project hope .

  9. 我们决定为希望工程建立一项基金。

    We decided to set up a fund for the Hope project .

  10. 因为希望工程,数以千计的孩子有了更好的生活。

    Because of Project Hope , thousands of children have better lives .

  11. 学生们想为希望工程筹钱。

    The students want to raise money for Project Hope .

  12. 希望工程的使命还远远没有完成。

    Project Hope 's mission is far from over .

  13. 很多钱已被捐到了绿色希望工程。

    Much money has been donated to Project Hope .

  14. 这项事业被称为希望工程。

    This endeavor is generally called the Hope Project .

  15. 让我们为希望工程多做点事吧。

    Let 's contribute more to the Hope Project .

  16. 在希望工程的帮助下,他们能上学了。

    Project Hope , they can go to school .

  17. 许多人为绿色希望工程捐了款。

    Many people donated money to Project Green Hope .

  18. 希望工程展览搬进人民大会堂。

    The exhibition of Hope Engineering is held in The People 's Hall .

  19. 他们要在希望工程上投资一亿元。

    They will spend almost100million yuan on Hope Project .

  20. 希望工程是我国最具影响力的公众福利项目。

    The country 's most influential public benefit project .

  21. 希望工程旨在帮助贫困儿童上学。

    The Hope Project is meant to help poor children go to school .

  22. 王芳是希望工程资助的。讲事实。

    Wang Fang is sponsored by the Project Hope .

  23. 东兰县希望工程影响的社会学分析

    A Sociological Analysis of the Influence of the Hope Project in Donglan County

  24. 义务教育法与“希望工程”仍是一项未竟的事业;

    The compulsory education and the hope project still to be an unfinished career .

  25. 阐述这种爱一个好例子就是“希望工程”。

    One good example to illustrate this love is the " Hope Project " .

  26. 他们可以求助于希望工程呀。

    They can go to the Hope Project .

  27. 希望工程自创建以来已经帮助了无数的贫困学生。

    The hope project has helped numerous poo .

  28. 谢谢你的仁爱之心,向我们希望工程基金捐献。

    Thanks a lot for your kindness in contributing to our Hope Project Fund .

  29. 希望工程的发展方向及其滚动发展模式

    Direction and Pattern of Development for Hope Project

  30. 大多数中国人都听说过希望工程并为希望工程捐过款。

    Most people in China have heard of Project Hope and have given money .