
  • 网络human resource structure
  1. 第二,确定合理的人力资源结构;

    Secondly , building up the reasonable human resources structure ;

  2. 优化人力资源结构,实施专业管理;

    Second , to better the human resources structure .

  3. 第三章系统地分析了G公司主要内部环境因素。包括财务状况、组织结构、创新能力、服务能力、人力资源结构、企业文化。

    Section three analyze the key internal element of company G includes the status of finance , organization structure , ability of research and develop , service ability , and manpower and company culture .

  4. 目前,GD银行仍存在业务规模与人员总量控制的矛盾、业务发展与人力资源结构不对称的矛盾,等等。

    At present , GD Bank still has some problems and conflicts between business scale and staff , and between business development and the structure of human resources .

  5. 然后深入分析大连X公司的人力资源结构及薪酬现状,充分结合企业人力资源战略,按照薪酬设计的流程,对软件开发人员的薪酬方案进行了再设计,形成了新的薪酬方案。

    Secondly intensively analyses the human resource structure and compensation actuality of the company , author integrates the human resource strategy with the process of compensation design , redesigns the compensation of software developer , and make it systemic .

  6. 东北地区人力资源结构及省际差异比较研究

    Comparative Research on Human Resource Structure and Difference among Northeast Provinces

  7. 基于模糊能量函数的人力资源结构优化配置

    Structural optimal configuration of human resource based on fuzzy energy function

  8. 教师人力资源结构优化的个案研究

    A Case Study on the Optimization of Teacher Human Resource Structure

  9. 改进模糊熵在人力资源结构研究中的应用

    Improving Fuzzy Entropy Applied To Research Man Resource of Post and Telecommunication

  10. 电力企业人力资源结构优化可控性研究

    The Systematic Controllability of Manpower Resources Framework of Power Plant

  11. 铁路运输人力资源结构与需求预测

    Forecasting Demand and Structure for Manpower in Railway Transportation

  12. 企业战略与人力资源结构关联性研究

    The Relationship between Business Strategy and Human Resource Configuration

  13. 人力资源结构上的合理配置是经济结构优化升级的重要保证。

    The rational allocation of human resources structure guarantees the intension of economic structure .

  14. 中国海洋渔业人力资源结构的灰色分析及其预测

    Analysis and Forecast of Manpower Resources in Chinese Marine Fisheries by Using Grey Theory

  15. 基于科技层面的人力资源结构分析

    The Structural Analysis about Human Resource Based on Layer Surface of Science and Technology

  16. 企业人力资源结构的神经网络预测

    Neural Network Forecasting of Enterprise Human Resources Structure

  17. 武汉市远城区卫生人力资源结构分析

    Analysis on the structure of health human resources in the suburbs of Wuhan city

  18. 企业人力资源结构的模糊综合评定

    Fuzzy comprehensive measurement for enterprise human resource structure

  19. 政府系统人力资源结构的分析模型方法研究

    Research of government human resources model analysis method

  20. 中国城乡人力资源结构大调整的特点、成因及趋势

    The Characteristics , Contributing Factors and Trends of Adjusting the Structures of Human Recourses in Urban and Rural Areas in China

  21. 优化人力资源结构,建立学习型、进取型和创新型的强势教练团队;

    Optimizing the structure of human resources and establishing a coach group with study type , enterprising type and innovative type ;

  22. 并促进旅游业人力资源结构的合理化,推动行业的发展。

    At the same time , accelerates the rationalization of configuration of tourism human resource , and promotes the development of tourism industry .

  23. 根据软件人才技能特点的要求,软件企业人力资源结构的核心在于软件设计开发人员结构的合理比例。

    According to the requirement of software talent , the core of software HR structure is the proper ratio of software designer and developer .

  24. 优化人力资源结构提高公民技能水平&英国继续教育白皮书述评

    A Remark on the White Paper of Further Education of UK & Improving the Structure of Human Resources , Raising the Skill Level of Citizens

  25. 调整经济结构是我国经济持续健康发展的要求,而优化人力资源结构则是调整经济结构的关键。

    The requirement of China 's sustainable and healthy development is to adjust the economic structures and the key to the adjusting is optimizing human resources .

  26. 讨论我市社区卫生服务资源较为丰富,但卫生人力资源结构不甚合理,必须加强社区卫生服务人员队伍的建设。

    Some community health services did not give wide publicity . Conclusion The health resources in our city are abundance but human resources structure in unreasonable .

  27. 重点介绍了集团的组织结构、人力资源结构及人力资源家族化管理特征。

    It put stress on stating the organization structure of the firm , the structure of the Human Resource and the features of Family Management of Human Resource .

  28. 企业知识管理的战略是对企业所需要开发、应用的知识以及人力资源结构建立一个概念化的视景。

    Knowledge management strategy of the enterprises should establish a conceptual vision for human resource structure and knowledge that needs to be exploited and applied by the enterprises .

  29. 建议调整定点社区健康服务机构人力资源结构,适度扩大人力规模,加强社区健康服务机构人力资源培训,完善社区健康服务机构人事配套政策。

    Conclusion To adjust the human resource structure of ordered medical institutions , scale-up the human resource , strengthen the training , and perfect the human suited policy .

  30. 然后着重分析了天河区公务员队伍存在的人才流失、人力资源结构不合理等人力资源管理方面存在的问题,在此基础上说明天河区导入职业生涯管理的重要性和必要性。

    Thus , Based on the analysis of the problems in talent loss and unreasonable structure of HR , illustrate the importance and necessary of employee career management in .