
  • 网络Human resource management system;hrms
  1. 案例正文真实地记录了埃美公司的人力资源管理体系和合并过程中出现的问题

    The body text veraciously recorded EM company ? s HR management systemand problems raised from the merger .

  2. 第三部分介绍了GE的概况、GE价值观的内容,并对GE人力资源管理体系各个环节的主要特点进行了详尽的剖析。

    The third part introduced general situation , values of GE and analyzed it 's human resource management system deeply .

  3. 通过对人力资源管理体系各个方面包括职位管理、薪酬管理、培训管理、绩效管理和企业文化等方面的分析,提出H省电信分公司人力资源管理体系的提升和融合策略。

    Of human resources management system , including all aspects of job management , salary management , training management , performance management and corporate cultural analysis , H Telecom Co. human resources management system upgrade and integration strategy .

  4. 许多世界著名的公司,如AT&T和IBM,还有国内企业,如华为(1999年)都建立了胜任特征模型体系,并贯彻到了组织的人力资源管理体系。

    Many global famous big companies , such as AT & T , IBM and native enterprises , for example , Huawei Technologies Co. , Ltd have developed competency model system , and introduced it to their HRM system .

  5. 以XX市国税局为例,目前国税部门的薪酬体系、人事管理制度、人员绩效评估制度和人员激励措施等,都对建立完善的人力资源管理体系提出了挑战。

    For example , the current national tax departments pay systems , personnel management system , personnel performance evaluation system and personnel incentives , etc. , are the establishment of sound human resources management system challenges .

  6. 针对DADL检修维护工程公司TD维护项目部的人力资源管理体系的实际情况,进行设计优化。

    Design optimization should be directed against the actual condition of TD maintenance section of the human resource management system , which belongs to DADL for maintenance engineering company .

  7. 第四,卫生机构推进人力资源管理体系建设。

    Fourthly , health institutions promote human resource management system establishment .

  8. 加快建立市场化的人力资源管理体系

    Expediting the Establishment of the Market-oriented Managerial System of Human Resources

  9. 系统化实用型的人力资源管理体系,已经势在必行。

    Systematic practical human resource management system , already imperative .

  10. 石家庄石油公司人力资源管理体系优化研究

    The Optimization Research of Human Resource Management System of Shijiazhuang Petroleum Company

  11. 现代企业战略性人力资源管理体系构建初探

    Construction of Modern Enterprises ' Strategic Human Resource Management System

  12. 创建有效的企业人力资源管理体系

    How to Establish Effective Enterprise Human Resource Management Systems

  13. 应用平衡计分卡构建高等院校人力资源管理体系

    The Application of Balance Score Card to the College Human Resources Management Building

  14. 医院人力资源管理体系标准化建设

    Standardization building of hospital human resource management system

  15. 薪酬体系则是现代人力资源管理体系的前提和重要组成部分。

    Compensation system is a modern human resources management system premise and important part .

  16. 基于知识创新的科研组织人力资源管理体系研究

    Study on Human Resource Management System of Scientific Research Organization based on Knowledge Innovation

  17. 光华物资协作开发公司人力资源管理体系再造

    The Reengineering of the System of Human Resource Management of Guanghua Material Cooperating Development Company

  18. 因此,建立什么样的人力资源管理体系才能提升餐饮企业员工的组织承诺成为企业管理者关注的问题。

    Entrepreneurs are focus at establishing suitable HR management system that could improve employee organizational commitment .

  19. 中小企业建立完备的人力资源管理体系势在必行。

    It is necessary to build the human resource management system of the small and medium enterprise .

  20. 以人力资源管理体系建设促进企业执行力的提升

    Analysis on the Improving of Enterprise Executive Ability Promoted by the Construction of Human Resources Management System

  21. 越来越多的中国企业开始认识到塑造核心竞争力的重要性,但因其人力资源管理体系的不完善,导致了企业核心竞争力的降低。

    More and more Chinese enterprises begin to understand the importance of forming core competence of the corporation .

  22. 建立人力资源管理体系,对人员的招聘、培养、使用、考核规范化、制度化。

    Establishment of human resource management system , recruitment , training , assessment of the standardization and institutionalization .

  23. 有了能反映管理本质并能建立人力资源管理体系的核心原理作为基础我们就可以重建人力资源管理理论框架。

    Based on the Core Principle reflecting management essence , the human resources management theory frame can be reconstructed .

  24. 人力资源管理体系的规范和完善是解决后劲不足的重要环节之一,而在人力资源管理体系中,高层管理人员的长期激励机制显得尤为重要。

    To regulate and improve the HR management system is one of the important points to solve this problem .

  25. 日本企业在以人为本的经营指导原则下,已经形成比较系统的人力资源管理体系。

    Under " humanist " management guiding principle , Japanese enterprise already formed a systematic human resource management system .

  26. 第一,要确定人力资源管理体系优化的基本原则必须具有战略性、系统性、可操作性和动态性。

    Firstly , basic optimization principles of human resource management system should be strategic , systematic , operable and dynamic .

  27. 因此,工作分析是任何想建立一套科学完整人力资源管理体系的企业必须首要完成的工作。

    Hence , constructing a good job analysis sub-system will be the first important task in a HR management architecture .

  28. 改革现行人事管理制度,建立起现代卫生人力资源管理体系,从市场角度科学预测各级各类卫生人力资源需要量,合理配置卫生人力资源。

    Reform the old personnel system , build modern human resource management system after forecasting the HHR used developed method .

  29. 在市场经济和知识经济背景下,中国的企业大都面临着重构人力资源管理体系的迫切问题,其中最为核心的就是建立科学的薪酬管理体系。

    Under open economy and knowledge economic setting , Chinese enterprises are confronted with urgently restructuring human resources administrative system mostly .

  30. 在企业中建立起科学完整的人力资源管理体系,对企业的人力资源实施科学有效的管理,是许多国营企业亟须完成的一项工作。

    An urgent task for these enterprises is to establish a comprehensive , rational and efficient system for human resource management .