
  • 网络talent demand;talents;recruitment;demand
  1. 加入WTO对人才需求的影响及学校教育对策研究

    Impact of China 's entry into WTO on the talent demand and education policies

  2. 加入WTO,推动了我国经济国际化、劳动力市场化和社会现代化的进程,对我国的人才需求在总量上、结构上以及人才培养模式上都将发生重大变化。

    The joining of WTO speeds up the internationalization of economy of our country , the market orientation of labour forces and the modernization of society , and consequently the talent demand in our country will undergo great change in total number , structure and culture mode .

  3. 为满足企业的人才需求,ERP在高校的教学孕育而生。

    To satisfy the enterprises demands , ERP teaching was born in universities .

  4. Delphi法在护理岗位任务分析及人才需求预测研究中的应用

    Application of Delphi method in the analysis of nursing duties and the requirement forecast for human resource

  5. 文章就WTO市场新格局人才需求,针对建筑工程管理学科建设,提出了教学改革方面的若干建议。

    This article puts forward some suggestions on the teaching reform of architectural engineering management talents so as to meet the need of WTO market .

  6. 温州建筑施工企业未来人才需求探讨

    A Study on the Demand of Talents in Wenzhou Construction Enterprises

  7. 我国旅游企业人才需求状况调研分析及对策

    China tourism enterprise talent requirement situation investigation analysis and Countermeasure

  8. 人才需求特征与高新技术产业增长的相关性研究

    Talent requirement characteristicss and new hi-tech industry growth relative research

  9. 所有制结构的变动与人才需求及教育对策

    Ownership Reform , Human Resources Demand , and Educational Strategy

  10. 中国物流人才需求量预测研究

    The Forecasting Research on the Needs of Chinese Logistics Personnel

  11. 江西省信息资源管理人才需求预测分析

    A Forecast of the IRM Talent Demand in Jiangxi Province

  12. 铁路专业人才需求预测研究

    The Study of Forecasting the Demand for Professional Railway Talents

  13. 世界航运人才需求与中国外派海员预测

    Demand for Global Shipping Talent and Prediction of Chinese Seafarers ' Export

  14. 职业岗位;人才需求分析;培养现状。

    Occupation post ; Talented person need analysis ; Train current situation .

  15. 证券投资管理专业人才需求分析与人才规格设计

    Demand Analysis and Personel Specification Design on Security Investment Managerial Special Staff

  16. 论上海汽车工业人才需求预测及人才建设

    Suggestions to the HR Demand of Auto Industry in Shanghai

  17. 小康社会体育人才需求趋势与培养对策研究

    Demand trend and cultivation of sports talents in well-off society of China

  18. 我国物流人才需求与物流人才教育

    Demand for Logistics Talents and Logistics Education in China

  19. 山西省高级人才需求预测数学模型

    The Forecast of Senior Talent Requirement in Shanxi Province

  20. 微观集成法在卫技人才需求预测中的应用

    The Application of Method with the Microassembly in Need Prediction of Health Professionals

  21. 浅谈图书馆人才需求问题

    An Elementary Introduction About Library Talented Person Demand Question

  22. 2010年湖北省交通专门人才需求预测与开发

    The Demand Forecasting in 2010 and Development of Communications Talents of Hubei Province

  23. 就业岗位、专业人才需求量加大,针对这种供不应求的现象,高尔夫专业的教育也掀起了一股热潮。

    Aiming at this phenomenon , golf professional education is lifted a climax .

  24. 服装专业人才需求的分析与思考

    Analysis and Consideration for the Demand of Apparel Talents

  25. 社会的发展和变革,引起人才需求的变化。

    Social changes and developments lead to new standards of a talented person .

  26. 我国体育人才需求预测及发展战略研究

    Prediction of needs for sports talents and development countermeasures

  27. 国际劳务市场高技能人才需求状况探析

    Analysis on Talents Demand Status in International Labor Market

  28. 南阳市旅游业发展与人才需求对策

    Tourism development and talent needing in Nanyang City

  29. 贵州省山地农机发展现状及人才需求分析

    The development of montane agricultural mechanization and the requirement analysis of talent in Guizhou province

  30. 江苏省装饰行业人才需求分析

    Demands in Decoration Talents in Jiangsu Province