
qǐ ménɡ jiào yù
  • elementary education
  1. 幼儿教育是一个人接受教育的起始阶段,作为最基础的启蒙教育,越来越受到广泛的关注。

    Infant education is a start-up phase for people . As the most basic elementary education , it is paid more and more attention .

  2. 综合教育本质和文盲问题的分析可以发现,发展性扫盲教育是基础性教育、是启蒙教育、是维护社会公正的教育和发展的教育。

    Based on the analysis of nature of educational and illiteracy , the adult literacy education can be found that it is the basic education , elementary education , education maintaining social justice and developing education .

  3. 面对加入WTO的挑战,中国保险业目前最需要的是扎扎实实地开展一场全社会范围内的保险学启蒙教育运动。

    Confronting with challenge of the entrance into WTO , an urgent matter for China is to carry out an insurance enlightenment campaign thoroughly .

  4. 武汉市儿童足球运动启蒙教育的现状调查研究

    Investigation and Research on Formative Education for Children Soccer in Wuhan

  5. 论古代诗歌启蒙教育方式

    On the Mode of Elementary Education of the Ancient Poetry

  6. 红领巾创业启蒙教育的探索

    An Exploration of ⅲ uminative Education on Red Scarf Undertaking

  7. 女巫学校教授魔法来启蒙教育世界各地的女巫。

    Witch School teaches about witchcraft to budding witches worldwide .

  8. 她会给他们提供更好的启蒙教育。

    she educates them in a more enlightened fashion .

  9. 文学启蒙教育的思考与实施

    Reflection on literary elementary education and its implementation

  10. 幼儿英语学习是一种启蒙教育。

    Young children ′ s learning of English is a kind of early education .

  11. 一个人接受启蒙教育的方向将会确定他今后的一生。

    The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life .

  12. 信息启蒙教育&高校本科生信息素质教育的重要环节

    Information Initiation Education & The Important Link of the Information Quality Education for Undergraduates

  13. 从礼仪实训课程浅谈如何做好酒店管理专业学生的启蒙教育

    On Enlightenment Education of the Students Major in Hotel management Based on Etiquette Training courses

  14. 中国古代启蒙教育中的背诵之功

    Recitation in Initiative Education of Ancient China

  15. 幼儿教师素质的高低关系到儿童启蒙教育的成败。

    The quality of kindergarten teachers has an important bearing on the enlightenment of children .

  16. 启蒙教育的方向将决定一个人的未来生活。——

    The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life . -

  17. 在新时期,应泣重教育的整体性,注重对幼儿的审美启蒙教育。

    In the new period we must stress the integrity of education and the enlightening of esthetics .

  18. 我的华文启蒙教育是从成保路的这所房子开始的,秘密给我们上课的是一对夫妇。

    So my first schooling was in mandarin , in a clandestine class run by a married couple .

  19. 科学认读是指阅读与识字相互协调、相互渗透的语文启蒙教育。

    Scientific reading refers to the coordination and infiltration between reading and knowing Chinese characters in initiative Chinese education .

  20. 是人最重要的启蒙教育,奠定了人成长的基础;

    For another , it is the most important enlightening education , which establishes the foundation of a person 's development .

  21. 小学科学学科是对学生进行科学启蒙教育的一门重要基础学科。

    The science subject in primary school is a most important foundation subject which could provide scientific illuminative education to the students .

  22. 小学科学是对学生进行科学启蒙教育与初步培养科学素养的重要课程。

    The elementary school science is carries on the scientific initiation education and the preliminary raise scientific accomplishment important curriculum to the student .

  23. 作为基层教育的形式之一,唐代的乡里村学担负着教化和启蒙教育两方面的主要职责。

    As one form of the local education , country schools in Tang Dynasty had two main responsibilities as cultivators and threshold level educators .

  24. 对公众进行新生物技术的启蒙教育可能同技术本身一样重要,同时它可能使积极的态度最大限度的得到提升。

    Educating the public about new biotechnology may be as critical as the technology and may have the greatest impact in promoting positive attitudes .

  25. 在人的一生中,启蒙教育有着十分重要的作用,因此教育学家对于蒙学教育都很重视。

    In human 's life , the initiation education plays extremely vital role , therefore all the educationists give a lot of regarding initiation education .

  26. 虽然计算机日益普及,信息化程度高速发展,但是利用算盘进行数的启蒙教育,能增强数的概念,打好数学基础;

    With the deepening of informationization , computers are widely used . However , an abacus still plays an important role in the enlightenment education .

  27. 在钢琴启蒙教育过程中,必须掌握一些符合客观规律的教学原则与方法,从而指导我们的钢琴启蒙教学。

    Piano enlightenment education process , must grasp some conform to objective laws of teaching principle and method , thus guiding our enlightenment teaching piano .

  28. 抓周的习俗会影响家长和亲友将来怎样鼓励孩子,怎样对孩子进行启蒙教育。

    The custom of Zhuazhou influences how the parents , grandparents and other relatives will encourage the child , and how they will conduct enlightenment education .

  29. 幼儿期是数学能力发展的敏感期,是进行数学启蒙教育的关键期。

    Preschool period is the sensitive stage for the development of mathematical ability , it is also the key stage of conducting enlightening education of maths .

  30. 小学阶段是启蒙教育,小学口语交际教学是小学语文教学的基本环节。

    The stage of primary school is the formative education , the spoken communication teaching of primary school is the basic links of Chinese teaching of primary school .