
qǐ míng xīng
  • Venus;morning star;Phospherus
启明星 [qǐ míng xīng]
  • [morning star] 肉眼能看到的在日出前升起的金星

启明星[qǐ míng xīng]
  1. ADS“启明星”次临界实验平台物理方案初步设计

    Preliminary Design of Physics Project for the Sub-critical Experiment Facility " Venus " of Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System

  2. 启明星,是代表爱与美。

    Venus , representing love and beauty .

  3. 磷的拉丁文名称Phosphorum就是“冷光”之意,它的化学符号是P,它的英文名称是Phosphorus。phospho-磷的,含磷的phosphor启明星

    Phosphate was borrowed from French phosphat , a derivative of phosphore ' phosphorus "

  4. ADS次临界实验装置&启明星1

    ADS Sub - critical Experimental Assembly - Venus 1 #

  5. 本文分析并概述了上世纪从贵铝70年代初到80年代、平果铝90年代以及四川启明星铝业2002年引进的法国ECL公司电解天车的多功能配置。

    Several multifunctional arrangement Patters of electrolytic crane imported from France ECL corp were analyzed and summarized in this paper .

  6. 通过比较同济启明星深基坑支挡结构分析计算软件(FRWS)与搅拌桩墙计算规范之间计算原理的共同点与不同点,让设计者使用能够准确分析结果。

    Compared the common and different aspects of FRWS with mixing pile walls calculate criterion on calculate principle , made the result more reliable and exact .

  7. 我将是你最黑暗时刻的启明星。

    I 'll be your guiding light in your darkest hour .

  8. 来日方长,太阳只是颗启明星。

    There 's still time , the sun just single phosphor .

  9. 除了启明星以外,其它的星星全部消失了。

    All but the morning star other stars have disappeared .

  10. 摘取属于自己的那颗梦想的启明星。

    To pick up the star that will take us to our dream .

  11. 他是球队的启明星,球队的领导者,球队格局的制裁者。

    He is the team 's star , its leader and its arbiter of style .

  12. 启明星1号装置中子通量能谱与中子平均能量计算

    Calculation of Neutron Flux Spectrum and Average Neutron Energy for Venus 1 ~ # Assembly

  13. 或者是黎明时那最耀眼的启明星,傍晚时那一抹金色的晚霞。

    Or is the dawn the most dazzling phosphor , evening that with a golden sunset .

  14. 这儿有个例子,长庚星和启明星在古代都是金星的别称。

    So here 's an example uh , Hesperus and Phosphorus are ancient names for Venus .

  15. 上海科技启明星基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Shanghai " Phosphor " Science Foundation , China ( Grant No. ) .

  16. 就像一颗启明星。

    Like a guiding star .

  17. 启明星,象征着迷茫中的希望,引领方向的的标志。

    Venus , a symbol of the confusion in the hope to lead the direction of the sign .

  18. 本文试图整理她的女性主义观念和理论,这些散见于书籍和文字中的思想碎片,是女权运动的启明星。

    Fragments of her ideas , the guiding star of feminist movement , scattered between the lines in her books .

  19. 在我所认为的重要事情上取得成功以及对而他的关注像一颗启明星一样,指引着我前行的道路。

    A passion to succeed at what l thought was important and children have always provided that lone star , that guiding light .

  20. 梦想无好坏大小高低贵贱之分,它只是人们心中的一颗启明星,指引前进的方向。

    Dreams haven 't different between distingue and nidering , it 's the phosphor in our heart which to direct our advance and direction .

  21. 冰天雪地里,我是时刻温暖着你的那一盆炭火,而在漫漫长夜,天际闪亮的启明星就是我!

    In the world of ice and snow , I am that basin of charcoal fire making you warm constantly , but endless long night , Venus with glittering horizon is me !

  22. 一次,他给自己算了一卦,卦底让他大吃一惊:后天凌晨启明星消失时将是他的死期!

    Once , he divined for himself , the result made him nearly jump out of his skin : the day after tomorrow , when the phosphor disappeared , he would die .

  23. 我可以怀疑其中的一个为启明星,却不能怀疑另一个是长庚星,同样的事物拥有不同属性那根本是不可能的。

    One of them I can doubt to be phosphorus the other one I can 't doubt to be Phosphorus and there 's no way that the same thing can have different properties .

  24. 他时刻警惕滥用职权和自己受爱戴的内阁的弱点,“共和国之栋梁,美国宪法星座中的启明星和长庚星。”

    He was constantly alert both to executive overreach and to weakness in his own beloved chamber , " the anchor of the Republic , the morning and evening star in the American constitutional constellation . "

  25. 除了“古往今来最伟大的作家”和“最为超凡的音乐天才”之外,他还坐拥“天授神传的光荣统帅”、“21世纪的启明星”与其他法定头衔200余个。

    Apart from being " the greatest writer who ever lived " and " greatest musical genius " , he was , by diktat , the glorious general from heaven , the guiding star of the 21st century , and more than 200 other things .

  26. 一颗启明星站起来,给她一个小鸡腿说:“你的七个哥哥,都住在玻璃山上。你要是没有这只小鸡腿,就打不开那玻璃山的大门。”

    But the morning star got up and gave her a little chicken 's leg and said : " If you don 't have this chicken 's leg , you won 't be able to unlock the glass mountain , and inside the glass mountain is where your brothers are . "