
  • 网络Helium Balloon
  1. 他计画搭乘氦气球环绕世界一周。

    He plans to circumnavigate the world in a helium balloon .

  2. 你将一个氦气球系在头上,指望它能起魔法护罩的作用。

    You tie a helium balloon to your head and hope it acts like a mana shield .

  3. KentCouch是俄勒冈州一个加油站的老板。去年七月,他在躺椅上绑了105个氦气球然后起飞。

    Last July , Kent Couch , a gas station owner from Bend , Oregon tied 105 helium-filled balloons to a lawn chair and took off .

  4. 氦气球降落伞Q.如果我背着几罐氦气和一个巨大的未充气的气球从飞机上跳下来会怎么样?

    FALLING WITH HELIUM Q. What if I jumped out of an airplane with a couple of tanks of helium and one huge , un-inflated balloon ?

  5. 我买了氦气球。

    And I got balloons with the helium in them .

  6. 这名男子仅仅依靠氦气球飞跃了半个俄勒冈州。

    He flew halfway across Oregon using only helium balloons

  7. 用不了几个氦气球就能把人“抬”起来。

    It doesn 't take too many helium balloons to lift a person .

  8. 银幕中的卡尔·弗雷德里克森曾在他的空中冒险中使用大量的氦气球。

    in which Carl Fredricksen uses a multitude of helium balloons in his aerial adventure .

  9. 特拉普的目标是使用成百上千的氦气球穿越大西洋。

    Trappe 's goal is to cross the Atlantic , using hundreds of helium-filled balloons .

  10. 斯力克.斯密提参加了年度森林马拉松比赛,他把氦气球系在自己身上。

    Slick Smitty entered the annual forest marathon race with helium balloons tied to his body .

  11. 他还发明了高空吊运车,这是一种为飞机和大型的氦气球的空中救援系统。

    He also invented the Skyhook , an air rescue system that involved an airplane and a large helium balloon .

  12. 毕竟,尤斯塔斯需要一套配有维生系统的特制宇航服,还有特制降落伞和氦气球。

    After all , Eustace needed a specially-designed spacesuit with a life-support system as well as a special parachute and helium balloon .

  13. 他的目标是完成2500英里横跨大西洋的旅行,他的飞屋由一艘6英尺长的救生艇和365个巨大的氦气球组成。

    He aims to complete the 2,500 mile journey across the pond in a seven foot lifeboat carried by 365 huge helium balloons .

  14. 因为他们声称,周四下午自制氦气球升空时6岁的小男孩在内。

    This is for claiming that their six-year-old son was on board a homemade mylar balloon , when it floated away from their backyard Thursday afternoon .

  15. 一个相对较小的氦气球(当然比降落伞要小)能够使你的下落速度降到足够低,但它和派对上用的气球相比还是要大很多的。

    A relatively small helium balloon-certainly smaller than a parachute-will suffice to slow your fall , but it still has to be huge by party balloon standards .

  16. 一名声称自己儿子随一个氦气球漂浮在空中并因此引发公众警戒的美国男子被判刑90天监禁,他妻子获刑20天。

    US man who triggered a major alert by falsely claiming his son was adrift in a helium balloon has been sentenced to90 days in jail-and his wife to20 .

  17. 如果您之前压得足够紧,您会惊讶的发现您可以毫不费力的向上抬起手臂,仿佛有一只氦气球绑在您的手腕上。

    If you 've been pressing hard enough , you 'll be surprised to find your arms now drifting effortlessly upward , as though you had helium balloons tied to your wrists .

  18. 满山绿草的山丘周围漂浮着很多雕塑品,有抽象艺术品、超大的植物、动物、鱼类、历史人物、纪念文物等,这些基本上都是由氦气球形成的。

    Essentially helium filled balloons , these colorful objects are a combination of abstract pieces of art , oversized plants , animals or fish , and historic people , monuments or structures .

  19. 从极高的高度跳下来是非常危险的。一个气球也许能够保证你摔不死,但派对上常用的那种氦气球显然不管用。

    Falling from great heights is dangerous . [ citation needed ] A balloon could actually help save you , although a regular helium one from a party obviously won 't do the trick .

  20. 鲍姆加特纳从太空舱里走出时,控制中心爆发出一阵欢呼。这个太空舱由一个巨大氦气球经拉升至超过12万英尺(约3.9万米)太空边缘,比之前预计的要高。

    Mission control erupted in cheers as Baumgartner sprung from the capsule hoisted aloft by a giant helium-filled balloon to an altitude of 128097 feet ( 39044 meters ) , even higher than expected .

  21. 在美国,一个自制的氦气球意外升空,据报道,上面还有一个6岁的小男孩。随后,这个气球飞越科罗拉多的乡村之后在一个田野着陆。

    A homemade helium balloon that broke free of its moorings in the United States , reportedly with a6-year-old boy inside , has landed in a field after a flight across the Colorado countryside .

  22. 我今年37岁了,但当我坐在一张绑在一大丛氦气球下面的椅子上起飞时,我在孩子们和他们父母的眼中,看到了真真切切的惊奇和诧异。

    I 'm 37 now , but when I lift off in a chair attached to a towering cluster of helium-filled balloons , I see true amazement and wonder in the eyes of children and their parents .

  23. 在一个秘密地点,一个小型氦气球将飞离地面半英里多,抽运水分入大气,小组从而研究气雾粒子直接进入大气的影响。

    At a secret location a smaller balloon will float more than half a mile above the ground pumping water into the atmosphere , so the team can study the impact of spraying particles directly into the atmosphere .

  24. 最终决定建造一个和温布利体育场一样大的氦气球,由大软管拴在距地表14英里处,以控制化学需求总额。

    The eventual plan is for a helium balloon . It is anticipated that the helium balloon would have to be roughly the size of Wembley Stadium and tethered 14 miles above the earth by a giant hose to contain the amount of chemicals required .

  25. 由于既比空气轻又不可燃,氦用作充气球和飞艇。

    Being both lighter than air and nonflammable , helium is used to inflate balloons and airships .

  26. 氦有助于气球飘浮并能使人说话尖声,但现在有研究发现它也能帮助严重呼吸疾病患者呼吸更轻松。

    It makes for bobbing balloons and squeaky voices , but now helium is also helping people with severe respiratory problems breathe easier .