
  • 网络Helium nuclei;Helium atom nucleus;alpha particle
  1. 那么氦原子核的电荷量是多少呢?

    So what is the charge on a helium nucleus ?

  2. 正因为这样,氦4原子核的质量减少了。

    Because of this , the quality of helium-4 nucleus has been reduced .

  3. 太阳能是自然界赋予人类的巨大财富,太阳通过内部的氢聚变成氦的原子核反应不停地释放巨大的能量,并不断向宇宙空间辐射能量。

    The solar energy is the huge wealth that the nature gives humankind ; the sun keeps releasing huge energy through the fusion reaction that hydrogen becomes helium , and continuously radiates energy toward the astrospace .

  4. 由0.7毫克的放射性锔244驱动,apxs利用α粒子(氦原子的原子核)和x-射线撞击样品使之产生可以被测量的化学成分。

    Powered by 0.7 milligram of radioactive curium 244 , apxs irradiates samples with alpha particles ( nuclei of helium atoms ) and X-rays to make sensitive measurements of chemical makeup .

  5. 所以我们来对屏蔽举两个例子,如果我们在讨论氦,举例来说一个氦原子核或者氦原子。

    So let 's take two cases of shielding if we 're talking about , for example , the helium , a helium nucleus or a helium atom .