
  • 网络the lunar exploration program;lunar probe program
  1. 17年来,参与探月工程研制建设的全体人员大力弘扬追逐梦想、勇于探索、协同攻坚、合作共赢的探月精神,不断攀登新的科技高峰。

    Over the past 17 years , space scientists and engineers who have participated in China 's lunar exploration program have promoted the lunar exploration spirit of pursuing dreams , daring to explore , cooperating in tackling difficulties and win-win cooperation , and have achieved new heights in science and technology .

  2. 中国的探月工程&中国航天第三个里程碑

    China 's Lunar Exploration Program & The Third Milestone for China 's Space Industry

  3. X射线脉冲星自主导航是航天器深空探测导航的理想方式之一,在我国的探月工程等实际项目中都有广阔的应用前景。

    The autonomous navigation based on X-ray Pulsar is one of the perfect ways for spacecraft navigation in deep space exploration , such as the Lunar Exploration in China .

  4. 为了保证月球探测工程中光学成像探测系统及其采集处理系统的的质量,本文针对CCD立体相机的辐射定标和探月工程光学成像探测系统科学数据判读展开了讨论和研究。

    In order to insure the optics imaging system and the collecting system to work , the paper discusses and studys the radiometric calibration of the CCD camera and the interpretation of the scientific data .

  5. 地-月系统的平动点L1点及L2点的Halo轨道在探月工程中有重要的应用价值,可分别用于地月连续通信覆盖和月球背面的探测。

    The L_1 libration point and the halo orbit around the L_2 point in the Earth-Moon system play an important role in exploring the Moon . It can link the Earth with the nearside and farside of the Moon , respectively .

  6. 高级在轨系统AOS在我国载人航天等空间任务中得到了应用,并将继续在将来的载人航天、探月工程及我国的跟踪与数据中继卫星等航天计划中得到广泛应用。

    The Advanced Orbiting System ( AOS ) has been adopted and realized in many aero-space missions in our country such as manned spacecraft projects etc. , and it will be used more extensively in future aerospace plans like moon exploration projects , tracking and data relay satellites .

  7. 探月工程中推进系统的初步设想

    Preliminary Conception on Propulsion Systems for Chinese Lunar Exploration Project

  8. 在嫦娥一号探月工程中求定月球重力场

    On the determination of lunar gravity field in the Chinese first lunar prospector mission

  9. 宇宙飞行是一项高风险任务,特别是探月工程。

    Space flight is a high-risk undertaking , and lunar probing is particularly so .

  10. 取得投票权的妇女、探月工程的科学家。

    Women who reached for the ballot , and scientists who shot for the moon .

  11. 我国探月工程可采用的一种月球钻探取样方法的初步分析

    Elementary Analysis on One of the Possible Drilling and Sampling Techniques for China Lunar Exploration Project

  12. 月球车的研制与开发,对探月工程意义重大。

    The research and development of lunar rover have great significance on the project of moon exploitation .

  13. 进入新世纪,我们又在载人航天与探月工程领域取得了令世人瞩目的重大进展。

    In the new century , impressive achievements have been scored in manned spaceflight and lunar probe projects .

  14. 目前他正致力于推动探月工程四期、月球科研站等工程规划论证工作。

    He is now working on the planning and feasibility research for the proposed station and the lunar program 's fourth step .

  15. 载人航天、探月工程、超级计算机等前沿科技实现重大突破。

    Major breakthroughs were attained in cutting-edge science and technology such as the manned space mission , the lunar exploration program and supercomputers .

  16. 当前中国正在进行自己的探月工程,预计将会发射月球车登陆月球表面。

    The lunar exploration project of China is underway , and a lunar rover will be developed and launched onto the lunar surface in the next step .

  17. 顺便说一句,这就是中国探月工程名称的由来--嫦娥探月工程和玉兔月球车。

    By the way , this is how the name of China 's lunar exploration project came about , Chang'e Project and the Jade Rabbit Moon Rover .

  18. 于登云表示,我国当前开展的探月工程包括“绕、落、回”三个阶段,目前已成功完成前两个阶段的工作。

    China 's current lunar program involves three phases : Orbiting , landing , and return . The first two phases have been completed successfully , Yu said .

  19. 嫦娥二号的运行属于中国探月工程二期,它主要为未来的卫星登月收集资料。

    Operations of Chang'e-2 are in the second stage of the Chinese moon-landing project , which focuses on collecting information for future orbiters to land on the moon .

  20. 探月工程、卫星导航等航天技术的发展对卫星天线在轨运行精度和稳定性提出了越来越高的要求。

    The development of space technology , such as lunar exploration , satellite navigation , and etc. , are requiring increasingly higher accuracy and stability for in-orbit satellite antenna .

  21. 我国探月工程总设计师近日表示,我国计划在月球上建立一个科研站,已经启动前期研究。

    China plans to establish a scientific station on the moon and has started preparatory research , according to a key figure in the country 's lunar exploration program .

  22. 在结合我国航天测量技术的基础上对月面热环境测量所涉及的关键技术进行了分析,并初步勾勒出我国探月工程中月面热环境测量装置的指标、任务和实现方案。

    An analysis of critical techniques concerning lunar thermal measurement is conducted . The preliminary specifications , assignments and feasible design schemes for lunar thermal detection devices are proposed .

  23. 月球车的研制是探月工程的重要组成部分,而导航与控制又是月球车研制的核心技术之一。

    Navigation and control of Lunar Rover ( LR ) is one of the key technologies in the development of LR , which is an important part in lunar exploration project .

  24. 据中国探月工程三期总设计师胡浩介绍,嫦娥五号重达8.2吨,将由长征五号运载火箭发射。

    Hu Hao , the chief designer of the third phase of China 's lunar program , said Chang'e-5 weighs 8.2 tons and will be launched by the carrier rocket Long March 5 .

  25. 研究面向月球科学数据的分布式集成管理方案,探索其相关关键技术,对我国探月工程的开展以及未来行星探测任务的规划具有重要的现实意义和科研价值。

    Consequently , the study on integrated management for distributed lunar data and relation key technologies will bring great real meaning and scientific value for the nation lunar project and further planetary exploration mission planning .

  26. 随着航天科技的发展,人类对月球的探索正在日益深入,而我国的探月工程也正在有序而顺利的实施中。

    With the development of aerospace science and technology , the exploration to moon is carried frequently and in deep , and the lunar exploration program of our country has been implementing smoothly and orderly .

  27. 文章从工程角度确定了月面热环境测量的主要物理参数,分析了现阶段我国探月工程中实现月面热环境测量的技术条件和要求;

    In this article , the main physical parameters for the thermal environment on lunar surface are identified from engineering perspective , and the current technological conditions and the requirements related with lunar investigation are analyzed .

  28. 中国也制定了探月工程三步走的计划,其中第三步以及未来月球基地的建设过程中,必将涉及到月壤原位勘察测试取样。

    China has also developed a lunar exploration project , " three-step " plan , the third step and at the course of building the future lunar base involving testing samples of lunar soil in-situ investigation .

  29. 中国探月工程副总设计师于登云9月20日表示,我国探月工程下一项任务“嫦娥五号”将展现和检验我国的空间技术和工程能力。

    Chang'e 5 , the next mission in China 's lunar exploration program , will demonstrate and test the country 's technological and engineering capabilities in space , according to a key figure in the project .

  30. 随着神舟八号载人飞船即将发射以及探月工程陆续开展,我国航天器的数量将极具增加,这也对其长期在轨工作提出了严峻的挑战。

    With the imminent launch of the Shenzhou 8 spaceship , and gradually progress in lunar exploration , the number of spacecrafts will increase highly , which will be a severe challenge for long-term work in orbit .