- 名heuristic
When faced with complex problems , people often resort to a heuristic : a pragmatic , simplified mental shortcut .
This heuristic appeals partly because it relies on words .
Simulated annealing , combined with heuristics , is applied to the optimal design of multipurpose chemical plants .
Theory of the Combination for instilling law and inspiration ;
The Effect of Attention Level of Information on Heuristic Social Decision Making in the Choice Task
so we revert to our own heuristics , our own biases about how many people we think own their own homes .
Vision about Information Society and Informatization in China ; The Effect of Attention Level of Information on Heuristic Social Decision Making in the Choice Task
It has internal compatibility with Step inspiration Method with classical analysis framework for policy analysis with the feature of the implementation by step and clear levels .
On the other hand , the heuristics based on ignorance may also make the right judgement and decision making when there is a severe shortage of information .
It 's a version of what is also known as the availability heuristic : the tendency to base your thinking disproportionately on whatever comes most easily to mind .
On the basis of the analysis framework of social engineering theory and step inspiration method , the author constructed a new policy analysis framework , analysis framework of social engineering chain .
The influence of attention level upon heuristic decision making may vary due to the existence of other factors , but , to a certain extent , it remains stable and will not fade away .
To the social beings , it is impractical to adopt an exhaustive strategy in decision making . Consequently , people often , under uncertain conditions , take heuristics as the rule of decision making .
This pattern tells people how to intensify their analyses and thoughts of the resources , heuristic methods , notion and motivation factors while design analysing , making a choice , making a decision , etc.
Generally speaking , biases are liable to exist in the heuristic decision of divided attention level , while biases resulted from the heuristic decision making of focused and non - attention level decrease in varying degrees .
Preliminary Attempt in Programmed Enlightened Teaching
These ways can generalize to eight aspects : Explicit fixed position method , inspire to introspect the method , Target management method , independence study method , a teaching method of case , scene imitate method , practice to experience personally the method , and comprehensive evaluation method .
More recently , the work of people like Mr. Krieger has inspired law schools to develop programs that might head off such problems .
Based on the teaching method of enlightening & investigating , this thesis designs the situation for questions and also designs the virtual learning environment for the section of plants ' seeds in the primary scientific course by using VR-Platform software .
The application of the heuristic methods in medical biology teaching is studied by four aspects , optimizing the teaching materials and matters , creating the question environments , seizing occasion to discuss and the varieties of the discussion in terms of the characteristics of medical biology .