
shì cuò fǎ
  • trial-and-error method;trial-and-error procedure;cut-and-try method;trial and error
试错法[shì cuò fǎ]
  1. 用数值计算技术和试错法确定金属材料表面对激光的吸收率

    Determination of laser absorptivity of metal by numerical calculation technique and trial-and-error method

  2. 这是一种新的、较惯用的试错法,简单、直接,避免了采用平均参数。

    This is a simple and direct and more usual new trial-and-error method , avoided to adopt average parameters .

  3. 但我只是用试错法(trialanderror)才达到了“垃圾邮件”和“合法”三元模型所选定的数目。

    But I arrived at the chosen numbers of " spam " and " good " trigrams only by trial and error .

  4. 但是在产品的实际设计中仍存在以下两个问题:第一:采用试错法对LED进行二次配光。

    However , there are still two problems during the practical design . First of all , secondary optical design was conducted by traditional method .

  5. 文中具体研究了区域的纵向弥散度的识别问题,采用试错法(trialanderrormethod),得到了理想的结果。

    In this paper , the longitudinal dispersivity in the area is identified by FCM . Using the trial and error method in the course , the satisfied results are getted .

  6. 这幅景象有点让人难堪&但试错法(trialanderror)可能正开始获得作为一种商业技巧的公正地位,而不再是资本主义肮脏的小秘密。

    This is an awkward insight – but trial and error could be starting to take its rightful place as a business technique , rather than the dirty little secret of capitalism .

  7. 采用试错法,以及通过建立网络训练学习过程与网络特征参数之间的反馈机制,对BP神经网络隐含层单元数和特征参数进行优化选择。

    The hidden layers and characteristic parameters of back propagation ( BP ) neural networks are optimized by means of try and error method and the feedback mechanism between training and determination of characteristic parameters .

  8. 传统的博克思-詹金斯(Box-Jenkins)时间序列分析与预测方法对模型参数的确定使用试错法。

    The traditional Box-Jenkins Time-series Analysis and Forecast method confirms the parameters by trying errors .

  9. 试错法;二汽室内试车场40m跨度单层穹顶网壳屋盖稳定性研究

    The method of trial and error ; Stability Study on a 40m Diameter Lattice Dome Roof Structure for 2 Car Test Room

  10. 应用BIC确定独立成分个数,与后验的试错法相比,是先验的无需监督的方法。

    The adoption of BIC improves the determination of independent components from the posterior trial and error method to the priori unsupervised one .

  11. 卡尔·波普尔;卡尔·马克思;历史主义;试错法;

    Karl Popper ; Karl Marx ; Historicism ; trial and error ;

  12. 重建系统演化树的一种新方法&试错法

    A new method for reconstruction of phylogenetic tree : trial error method

  13. 对那个目标的追求,本质上是实用主义性质的,而且采取的是试错法。

    The pursuit of that goal is essentially pragmatic and based on trial and error .

  14. 这是一种试错法,不能确保成功,但应给你自己一个机会。

    It 's trial and error , no guarantees , but give yourself a chance .

  15. 试错法;

    The method of trial and error ;

  16. 以类似方式,地球上的所有物种也正在透过试错法而提升。

    In a similar manner , all species upon Earth are ascending through trial and error .

  17. 他的可错主义认识论和试错法构成了其独特的错误观。

    His errorablism and the method of trial and error form his unique views on error .

  18. 第三,试错法是不是科学探索的唯一方法;

    Is trial and error the only way to scientific exploration and other methods are undesirable ?

  19. 试错法是否有效很大程度上取决于选择哪个方格进行猜测。

    The efficiency of this trial and error approach greatly depends on which cell is chosen for guessing .

  20. 为了推广试错法,波普尔进一步把试错法与辩证法进行比较,对马克思主义辩证法进行了错误的批判。

    Popper also compares the method of trial and error with dialectics , and criticizes Marxist dialectics wrongly .

  21. 这些问题,我们目前正在靠试错法寻找解决方案。

    These are issues that we 're currently in the process of sorting out by trial and error .

  22. 传统的陶瓷刀具材料研发主要依靠试错法,费时、费力、效率低。

    Traditional method for developing ceramic cutting tools is " trial and error method " which is laborious and time-consuming .

  23. 在传统的线性二次型问题中,一般是通过试错法选择加权矩阵来获得良好的动态响应。

    In the classical linear quadratic problems , weighting matrices are usually choosed on trial and error to get good responses .

  24. 如果采用逻辑应用规则后未找到解决办法,那么求解器需要尝试使用试错法。

    When a solution is not found through logical application of rules , then the solver needs to resort to trial and error .

  25. 他的科学哲学中关于科学知识增长的模式,以及在此基础上所提出的试错法和证伪原则构成了其独特的错误观。

    His scientific knowledge about the scheme of scientific knowledge growth , the method of trial and error constitutes his unique views on error .

  26. 因此用数值模拟方法代替传统试错法的实验手段优化射料工艺可大大提高效率,节约成本。

    Therefore , adopting numerical simulation method rather than conventional repeated experiment to optimize the filling process can improve efficiency and reduce cost greatly .

  27. 然而,应用业务规则并没有找到解决方法,因此求解器会尝试使用试错法。

    However , the solution has not been reached with the application of the business rules , therefore the solver resorts to trial and error .

  28. 当我们开始理解为什么试错法是一个非常痛苦的过程时,或许就能够更加有建设性地使用这种方法。

    As we start to understand why trial and error is so painful a process , we may be able to use it more constructively .

  29. 介绍了根据按时间记录的电阻率测井响应,利用试错法对测井响应进行模拟计算,从而反推得到原状地层的真电阻率的方法.该方法为低电阻油气层的识别提供了可靠的依据。

    The trial-and-error method is used to simulate the resistivity record from logging data , and then the true formation resistivity is obtained by inversion .

  30. 我们还了解到,知识库中知识的数量与是否需要使用试错法呈反比关系。

    You also saw that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of knowledge in the knowledge base and the need for trial and error .