
shì xiāo
  • trial sale;market test;trial marketing;memorandum sale
试销 [shì xiāo]
  • [trial sale] 为探测市场动向并征求用户意见,在某种新产品大量生产前先试制一部分销售,以免产品大量生产后滞销

  • 试销产品

试销[shì xiāo]
  1. 这种新产品将在本市先行试销。

    The new products will first be put on trial sale in this city .

  2. 模糊综合评判在新产品试销中的应用研究

    Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Judging in New Product Trial Sale

  3. 本试销优惠只为期三天。

    This introductory offer is for three days only .

  4. 美国宣布将释放战略石油储备(StrategicPetroleumReserve),进行1990年伊拉克入侵科威特以来首次石油试销,此举突显美国有能力应对乌克兰危机引发的任何能源市场动荡。

    The US has announced the first test sale of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 , in a move that underlines its ability to respond to any energy market turmoil as a result of the Ukrainian crisis .

  5. 去年12月份,这些服装在玛莎百货商店试销获得成功,而目前西蒙李正忙于和这家零售商进行谈判,以便向其供应更多greenpac公司生产的各类产品。

    The garments were successfully trialled in M & S stores last December and Mr Lee is busy negotiating with the retailer to supply them with more of these and other greenpac products .

  6. 他们很想买一批样货试销。

    They are rather keen on trying out a sample shipment .

  7. 初步的试销定于下个月开始。

    The preliminary market test is due to start next month .

  8. 占线试销产品的配送问题与竞争策略

    On-line Problem for Distribution System of Production Test-market and Its Competitive Algorithms

  9. 所有产品,我们可以按出厂价给您提供样版试销。

    All products will be given sample trial selling at factory price .

  10. 建议你们购少量试销一下。

    We recommend you buy a small quantity for trial .

  11. 刚刚收到您试销的订单,为此极为感谢。

    We are greatly obliged for your trial order , just receive .

  12. 我们必须进行三周的试销。

    We have to run the market test for3 weeks .

  13. 接着要做出样品,进行试销。

    We 're going to make a prototype and do some test marketing .

  14. 对这笔订单,我们要求有10%的试销折扣。

    We ask for a10 % trial sales discount for this trial order .

  15. 你知道这是订购货样试销而已。

    It 's a sample order , you know .

  16. 从去年开始,在哥伦布和另外两个城市试销这些含薄荷的烟草产品。

    Test-marketing of the mints began last year in Columbus and two other cities .

  17. 新产品进入市场和市场营销计划的试金石是市场试销。

    Trial sale is the touchstone of new product entry of market and marketing plan .

  18. 初步的市场试销本来应该在去年九月就开始,对吗?

    The preliminary market test was due to start last september , wasn 't it ?

  19. 新产品可以先在线试销,如果反响好再转入实体销售。

    New products can be tested online and stocked in store if they do well .

  20. 试销说明了什么?

    130What does the test marketing show ?

  21. 试销可以使买方确认他是否希望保留该货物。

    Approval may be to let the buyer ascertain if he wishes to keep the goods .

  22. 唐恩都乐首先在波士顿地区试销这款由甜甜圈和三明治组合而成的食品,随后推向了全国。

    Dunkin ' started testing the doughnut-sandwich combo in the Boston area before rolling it out nationally .

  23. 这次我们已经精心挑选适合尼日利亚国情的产品进行试销。

    We have taken special care to include in the consignment only items suited to conditions in Nigeria .

  24. 汤姆的试销证实了环球公司的市场调研结果有市场潜力。

    Tom 's test marketing bears out what global 's own market survey told them-the potential is there .

  25. 万宝路鼻烟此前试销的扩张是在今年年初,当时它进入了凤凰城。

    The Marlboro Snus test was previously expanded at the beginning of this year when it entered Phoenix .

  26. 这是今年最新的设计。在国内试销期间,销路相当的好。

    This is this year 's latest design , It 's sold remarkably fast during the domestic trial sale period .

  27. 瑞典一进口商要求我们按承兑交单方式运去一批试销商品。

    An importer in Sweden asks us to send him a trial delivery for sales on D / A terms .

  28. 史:如果你们的价格有竞争力,贸易条件优惠的话,我们想试销中国产的皮制品。

    Now , we 'd like to introduce Chinese-made leathercrafts , if your price is competitive and sales conditions are favourable .

  29. 我们正为这产品进行实验性试销,如果销路好的话就会全面生产。

    We 're doing a pilot survey on this product ; if it sells well , we 'll go into full production .

  30. 本文系作者在1987年从事微孔硅酸钙制品第一次出口试销美国的工作经验。

    This article describe working experiences , engaged by author , about trial sale of calcium silicate export products to the U.S A.