
  • 网络Shareware;Crippleware;Demoware;Trial Version
  1. 试用软件和不受版权限制的软件通常与商用软件一样好,虽然后者的价钱要贵很多。

    Shareware and public domain software is often just as good as commercial software costing much more .

  2. 在前面,已经看到试用软件的Web安装如何访问IBM的软件存储库。

    You 've seen how the Web install for the trial software goes to an IBM repository of software .

  3. 在参考资料部分中的IBM试用软件中,可以下载这些产品的试用版本。

    Refer to IBM trial software in the Resources section to download trial versions of these products .

  4. 获得可直接从developerWorks下载的IBM试用软件。

    Get IBM trial software , available for download directly from developerWorks .

  5. PC下载世界-因特网收集测试了,评估并且考察自由软件,共享软件,演示,和试用软件。

    PC Download World - the Internet collection of tested , rated and reviewed freeware , shareware , demos , and trial software .

  6. IBM试用软件:使用可以直接从developerWorks下载的软件构建您的下一个开发项目。

    IBM trial software : Build your next development project with software available for download directly from developerWorks .

  7. 在1.2中,提供了DataStudioDeveloper和pureQueryRuntime标准试用软件,从而避免将这个预览功能打包到免费下载中。

    In1.2 , the availability of standard trial software for Data Studio Developer and pureQuery Runtime alleviated the need to package this preview capability in the no-charge download .

  8. 此外,电脑桌面上的试用软件的标识,特别是游戏软件的标识,破坏了它的美观。

    The desktop is marred by icons for trial software , especially games .

  9. 这个系统作为一个需要注册码的试用软件发布。

    This system is released as key-enabled trial software .

  10. 产品追踪&有效地发送和追踪试用软件。

    Tracking products-Distribute and track trialware with confidence .

  11. 试用软件的有关事宜,你也可以发送电邮到以上的地址。

    You can also use this e-mail address for all correspondence regarding to our beta software .

  12. 这种方法往往比通过“受限制的演示”模式试用软件更好,因为演示模式要求用户在桌面计算机上安装他们可能不会购买的应用程序。

    This tends to be a preferred method of trying out software in " restricted demo " mode compared to having to install an application on your desktop that you may not end up buying .

  13. 许多商学院正尝试用软件帮助学生记笔记、录制讲课的视频版本;一些教授要求学生把手机带到课堂上,以便通过短信的方式,对课堂讨论的话题进行投票。

    Many are trying out software to help students take notes while recording audio versions of lectures ; some professors ask their students to bring cellphones to class to enable polling on classroom discussion topics via text message .

  14. 利用IBM产品评估试用版软件改革您的下一个开源开发项目。

    Innovate your next open source development project with IBM trial software .

  15. 试用IBM软件。

    Try out IBM software for free .

  16. 使用IBM试用版软件创新您的下一个开源开发项目,可以通过下载或DVD获得。

    Innovate your next open source development project with IBM trial software , available for download or on DVD .

  17. IBM试用版软件可以帮助您构建下一个Linux平台上的开发项目;这些试用版软件可以从developerWorks上直接下载。

    IBM trial software can help you build your next development project on Linux ; the trial software is available for download directly from developerWorks .

  18. 本文对软件限次试用和软件注册功能的实现进行了探讨,同时结合Web的应用,提出了一种简便易行、安全可靠的方案,并提供了用Delphi实现的代码。

    After analyzing how to restrict the times of a software tryout and how to register a software , with the application of the Web , the paper designs and implements a convenient , safe and reliable way with Delphi programming language .

  19. 共享软件-让你在购买之前试用的软件。

    Shareware - Try before you buy software downloaded from the net .

  20. 我给朋友以及同事们试用这个软件,他们评价也不赖。

    I showed it to friends and colleagues where I worked and they also thought it was useful .

  21. 我不希望激活试用版软件,但希望立即转换为完整版。

    I do not want to activate my copy of the trial . Instead , I want to convert to the full product now .

  22. 每次试用防毒软件。它都能适应,进行破坏,就像是进化成为电脑系统

    Every time we try an antivirus , it adapts and speeds up . It 's like it 's not a virus anymore . It 's become the system .

  23. 在线试用IBMRational软件&不需要安装或配置!

    Test-drive IBM Rational Software Online & No installation or configuration required !

  24. 通过在多个油田试用,该软件达到现场取心施工的要求,取心目的层深度误差小于4cm,实现20cm薄层的准确定位取心。

    Coring operations in several oilfield show that the software meets the in-situ coring requirement , and its error of coring depth in target zones is less than 4 cm , so reaching up the accurate location and coring in 20 cm thin beds .

  25. 需要有说服力?下载免费试用照片编辑软件,现在,看看吧。

    Download your free trial photo editing software now and see for yourself .

  26. 这个免费版本是试用版测试软件。

    This freeware version is BETA test software .

  27. 布兰奇菲尔德表示,目前有很多大型网站正在试用PageFair的软件,可以通过“低层次联网”技术帮助客户绕过拦截。为了能让自己在广告公司中保持领先,他拒绝透露这项技术的细节。

    PageFair 's software , which Mr. Blanchfield said is currently being tested with a number of large websites , circumvents ad blocking by using " low-level networking " technology that he declined to detail in order to stay ahead of ad companies .

  28. 不过如果你不愿意花钱,你可以在7天的免费试用期里学习软件。

    But if you 're not keen on spending the money , you can even test out the service with a seven-day free trial .

  29. 通过试用表明,该软件规范了机车验收室的人事管理及机车重要件的管理工作,方便、快捷,满足了当前机车验收工作的需要。

    Through tryout , it has been proved that the management system program for locomotive acceptance normalizes the management of locomotive spare parts and personal file is convenience and shortcut in use , and meets the need of current locomotive acceptance .

  30. 试用版到期日期是安装此试用版软件后60天。

    The trial expiration date is60 days after you installed the trial software .