
shì tí nán dù
  • item difficulty
  1. 在研究方法方面,采用了多元回归分析以及线性逻辑斯谛克潜在特质模型来了解项目的认知成分及其水平的不同结合对数字系列完成问题试题难度所造成的影响。

    In the study , we adopt multiple regression analysis and linear logistic latent trait model to understand how cognitive component and its different level influence the item difficulty of number series completion problem .

  2. 全国中学生物理竞赛试题难度影响因素的研究医学微生物学试题难度预估方法的探索

    The Influence Factors on Item Difficulty of Chinese Physics Olympiad Exploring methods of the difficulty estimate of medical microbiology examination questions

  3. 医学微生物学试题难度预估方法的探索

    Exploring methods of the difficulty estimate of medical microbiology examination questions

  4. 正态分布函数在试题难度分配算法中的研究

    Research of Normal Distribution Function in the Questions Difficult Allocation Algorithm

  5. 经典测试理论中试题难度分析及计算方法

    The Difficulty Analyzes and Calculate Method on Classical Test Theory

  6. 题库建设中试题难度的修订和校准

    The Amendment and Calibration of Test Difficulty Coefficient in Building Test Bank

  7. 试题难度系数确定数学模型的建立与实现

    Foundation and realization of mathematics model for difficulty coefficient of test questions

  8. 一种计算试卷中试题难度分布的有效方法

    Effective Methods to Calculate the Difficulty Distributions of Test Questions

  9. 物理试题难度的测量与分析

    Survey and analysis of degree of difficulty of physics test

  10. 数量化方法在试题难度预测中的应用

    Application of Quantification Method in Measuring the Difficulty Degree of Testing Questions

  11. 航海类专业无纸化考试中试题难度的确定

    Verification of Difficulty in the Non-paper Examination for Voyage Profession

  12. 评估试题难度的检验

    Test of estimating the difficulty indexes of exam items

  13. 结论试题难度适中、区分度和信度好。繁殖性能适中。考试的难度合适;

    Conclusion This test had moderate difficulty , and satisfactory discrimination and reliability .

  14. 结论试题难度较适中,编排较合理;

    Conclusion The difficulty of the questions is appropriate and the layout is rational .

  15. 模糊综合评价在确定试题难度值中的应用

    Application of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluating in confirming the difficulty value of test question

  16. 通过试题难度控制试卷难度方法的探讨

    Discussion about the Method of Through the Examination Questions Difficult to Control Examination Papers

  17. 试卷与试题难度分析试卷难度评估体系与控制模型i-值估计

    The Evaluation System and the Model of Controlling of Degree of Difficulty of the Test Paper

  18. 我国高考数学试题难度影响因素的实证研究

    A Practical Study on the Factors Affecting the Difficulty of Mathematics Test Question in China 's College Entrance Examination

  19. 结果表明此次试卷设计较合理,平均分数82.26,分数近似正态分布,试题难度和区分度属中等。

    The results showed that the scores was Gassion distribution , the average score was82.26 , and the difficulty and discrimination of the test paper were appropriate .

  20. 作者以潜在倾向理论为基础,结合区分度算法,提出了一种试题难度系数数学模型的建立和实现方法。

    According to the latent trait theory and dipartite degree , this paper presents the method of the foundation and realization of the mathematics model for difficulty coefficient .

  21. 文章分析了高等教育自学考试与普通高校课程考试测验体系的区别,根据试题难度的计算方法指出高等教育自学考试试题难度的确定必须借助于对考试结果的统计分析。

    This paper analyses the difference between higher education self-study exam and general course exam in universities , indicates that the difficulty of self-study exam should be made by means of exam statistic .

  22. 结果显示,试卷题型全面,试题难度适中,成绩分布较为合理,学生的考分能真实反映学生的学业水平。

    The results showed that the test papers were reliable because of comprehensive test items , moderate difficulty and reasonable score distribution , and the score could image the level of students in truth .

  23. 通过对试卷的有效性和可靠性的分析,以及对试题难度、区分度的分析,对职业技能鉴定质量的分析方法进行了探讨,阐述了质量分析在职业技能鉴定中的作用。

    Probed into the analysis method of professional skill certification through analyzing validity and reliability of the papers and difficulty and divide of the questions of the papers , illustrated the function of quality analysis in professional skill certification .

  24. 该考试系统具有网上报名、考场自动分配、自动阅卷、考试成绩分析、试题难度自学习、同步纠错等多种功能,并可适应多门课程的组合考试需要,具有很强的适用性和推广价值。

    This examination system has the functions of network registration , auto-organization of exam-places , auto-grade , anlysis of grades , difficulty self-study , synchronous error correction , and it has strong adaptability and large value too because it is suitable for the combination-test of some courses .

  25. 这里,AF表示试卷的平均分,表示试题的难度。

    Where , AF represents the average score of the test paper , represents the difficulty of the question .

  26. 根据所得结果,从试题的难度、区分度信度及效度方面进行了质量评价。

    Quality evaluation was conducted in degree of difficulty , distinguishability , reliability , validity .

  27. 结果显示,各试题事前难度值与其通过率之间存在极其显著的相关。

    Results shows that prior difficulty is most significantly correlated with pass rates of math test items .

  28. 信度、效度、试题的难度和区分度是评价一个测量是否优良的重要指标。

    The reliability , validity , difficulty degree and distinction degree are the important index to evaluate an examination .

  29. 随着古诗词鉴赏部分在高考中分值的增加,试题的难度也在相应地增大。

    As part of the college entrance examination in Chinese ancient poetry appreciation score increases , the difficulty of questions are also correspondingly increases .

  30. 该文阐述了自学考试试卷统计分析:考试成绩分布的统计估计、试题的难度及区分度分析、考试的信度与效度分析等。

    This paper discusses how to make a test analysis , including the score distribution , facility level , discrimination , reliability and validity , etc.